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Hunting the Whales

harpooned.jpgLast week, the International Whaling Commission (IWC), an intergovernmental organization founded in 1946 to regulate the commercial and scientific hunting of whales, held its 59th annual meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Among its notable decisions was a resolution to uphold an indefinite moratorium on commercial whaling by IWC members that had been in effect since 1986.

Although the vote was symbolically important, it will have no practical effect on the whale hunting now conducted by Japan, Norway, Iceland, and certain other countries. Since the moratorium was approved, Japan has continued to kill large numbers of whales each year under a provision of the IWC’s founding treaty, the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW), that allows member countries to issue permits to their nationals to kill whales for “scientific research.” Norway, meanwhile, has been legally entitled to continue commercial whale hunting because its objection on the grounds of national interest rendered it exempt from the ban. Iceland conducted its own ostensibly scientific killing of whales from 1986 to 1989 and again from 2003; in the interim it withdrew from (1992) and then rejoined (2001) the IWC. In the face of intense international criticism–largely but not exclusively from other IWC members–Japan, Norway, and Iceland intend to kill a total of some 2,500 great whales in 2007.


The IWC was originally established “to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.” It did so by setting annual killing quotas by species for both commercial and “aboriginal” hunts (i.e., hunts by indigenous communities for subsistence purposes) and by declaring certain seasons or geographic regions closed to hunting. Since the IWC had no enforcement authority, however, its decisions were often evaded or ignored, and by the 1960s the populations of several whale species had been greatly reduced. By this time, however, the whaling industry itself had begun to decline, reflecting both a dwindling worldwide demand for whale products and new public interest in issues related to conservation and the environment. Gradually these changes made themselves felt in the IWC, which slowly expanded its agenda to include conservation and protection, rather than merely efficient exploitation, of at least some whale species.

In 1958 the first United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea adopted a resolution calling on member states “to prescribe, by all means available to them, those methods for the capture and killing of marine life, especially of whales and seals, which will spare them suffering to the greatest extent possible.” In response, the IWC established a working committee on “humane and expeditious” killing, which concluded that the only significant factor in determining whether a method of killing was humane or not was the “time taken to inflict death.” In 1972 the United Nations Conference on the Environment, held in Stockholm, Sweden, called for an immediate 10-year moratorium on whale hunting. After 10 years of internal debate, the IWC agreed in 1982 to a trial five-year ban on commercial whaling, to last from 1986 to 1990; in 1994 the moratorium was declared an indefinite “pause” in commercial whaling. Norway objected to the ban in 1986 and was thereby exempt under IWC rules; Japan and Iceland, in contrast, quickly developed an intense scientific interest in the whale species they had previously hunted commercially.

“Scientific” whale hunting

Under the auspices of the Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR), established in 1987, one year after the commencement of the moratorium, Japan undertook the Japan Research Programme in the Antarctic (JARPA), in the course of which it killed approximately 440 Antarctic minke whales annually from 1987 to 2003. (JARPA continued after 1994 despite the IWC’s designation that year of the region south of 40 degrees S latitude as a Southern Ocean Sanctuary in which all commercial whale hunting would be prohibited.) JARPA II, proposed in 2005, called for the “sampling” of approximately 850 minke whales annually, as well as 50 humpback and 50 fin whales (the latter two species are endangered). Despite a request from the Scientific Committee of the IWC in 2005 that Japan either withdraw JARPA II or revise it so that more of its objectives could be met through “nonlethal” means, Japan issued permits to the ICR for the first two years of the program, through the Antarctic summer of 2006-07. (Under IWC rules, members must submit proposals for scientific hunting to the Scientific Committee but do not require the approval of the committee to conduct a scientific hunt.) Meanwhile, under JARPN, the Japan Research Programme in the North Pacific, Japan killed approximately 100 minke whales annually in the western North Pacific from 1994 to 1999. JARPN II, which Japan described as “a long-term research programme of undetermined duration,” entailed the annual killing of 150 minke whales as well as 50 Bryde’s whales, 50 sei whales, and 10 sperm whales (the latter two species are endangered). All the meat and blubber from the Japanese hunts is sold commercially, though Japan claims that this practice is in compliance with the ICRW rule that whales killed in scientific hunts not be wasted.

Iceland conducted scientific whale hunting from 1986 to 1989 and again from 2003. Its current research program calls for killing up to 250 minke, fin, and sei whales annually through 2007. In 2006 the country resumed commercial hunting, despite the IWC moratorium, announcing plans to kill 30 minke and 9 fin whales annually. After a five-year pause, Norway resumed commercial hunting in 1993. It has killed an average of 600 minke whales annually since then, though the Norwegian government increased the minke quota to more than 1,000 in 2006.

Since the late 1980s, numerous resolutions issued by the Scientific Committee of the IWC have found deficiencies in the scientific validity of JARPA and JARPN and have questioned their compliance with Article VIII of the ICRW, which sets forth the specific conditions under which scientific exceptions to whale hunting are permitted. According to regular majorities of the committee and many independent scientific observers, JARPA and JARPN fail to address critically important research needs as required by Article VIII, rely to an unacceptable degree on unsupported assumptions or untestable hypotheses, do not provide data relevant to the “management” of whale stocks under any future commercial whaling program, fail to consider nonlethal methods (such as biopsies) of obtaining various data, and fail to produce meaningful scientific results in the form of published, peer-reviewed papers. On the basis of these criticisms, anti-whale hunting members of the IWC and many environmental nongovernmental organizations have accused Japan of dishonestly exploiting Article VIII of the ICRW to continue commercial whaling in a scientific guise. Needless to say, Japan vigorously disputes these charges.

Killing methods

In modern commercial and “scientific” whale hunts the primary killing method is the penthrite (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) grenade harpoon, which is fired from a cannon mounted on the prow of the hunting vessel. The harpoon, which is aimed by hand, creates an initial hole in the whale’s body that is about 8 inches (20 cm) wide and 12 inches (30 cm) deep; the grenade in the harpoon then explodes, causing massive injury or death to the whale through laceration or trauma, including neurotrauma (trauma to the brain) produced by shock waves. Spring-loaded claws in the point of the harpoon extend to anchor the harpoon in the whale’s flesh, thereby also widening the hole in its body to about 24 inches. The whale can then be towed by the line attached to the harpoon. Often, however, the primary killing method fails to dispatch the whale; in that case, secondary killing methods, usually consisting of another penthrite grenade harpoon or several rifle shots, are used. If the first harpoon remains in the whale, the attached line serves to slow the animal or hold it in place while secondary killing methods are applied. Unfortunately, little data are available regarding the effectiveness of secondary killing methods, except as used in aboriginal subsistence whaling (see below).

In 1982 the IWC banned the use of the “cold,” or nonexploding, harpoon (also propelled by cannon) as inhumane, because the time it took to kill a whale by means of it was deemed excessive. Nevertheless, Japan continues to use the cold harpoon as a secondary killing method in its JARPN hunts. Until 1997 Japan also used a weapon called an electric lance, designed to kill whales by electrocution.

Objections to whale hunting

The chief objections to whale hunting are that it is inherently inhumane, causing an unacceptable amount of pain and suffering in the animals killed, and that, as practiced on a commercial scale, it threatens to drive (or already has driven) many species to the brink of extinction. Opponents also have argued that it is no longer necessary as a means of collecting scientific data on whale population, migration, physiology, or ethology. Defenders of whale hunting, particularly the Japanese government, have claimed that it is no more inhumane than various kinds of game hunting practiced and accepted in some anti-whale hunting countries (e.g., kangaroo hunting in Australia and, until recently, fox hunting in the United Kingdom); that, even on a commercial scale, it would be no threat to any species if properly managed by the IWC (notwithstanding the organization’s historical failure to manage commercial hunts); and that it is an important part of the economies of whale hunting countries. Japan also has asserted a cultural right to continue whale hunting, since whale meat is a traditional part of the Japanese diet.

The humanitarian objection to whale hunting is not new. In an address to University College, London, in 1947, the British physician Henry Lillie, who had spent a season aboard a whale hunting vessel in the Antarctic, declared:

“If we can imagine a horse having two or three explosive spears stuck into its stomach and being made to pull a butcher’s truck through the streets of London while it pours blood in the gutter, we shall have an idea of the present method of killing. The gunners themselves admit that if whales could scream the industry would stop, for nobody would be able to stand it.”

Contemporary legal formulations of the humanitarian objection are typically framed in terms of statistical measures called “time to death” (TTD) and “instantaneous death rate” (IDR). In addition, the objection pays special attention to various facts of whale physiology and to the limitations imposed by the physical circumstances of the hunt.

Thus, according to incomplete data submitted to the IWC by Japan and Norway for the years 1998 to 2002, the average TTD for whales killed in “scientific” and commercial hunts was more than two minutes; some whales took 90 minutes to die. For the JARPA hunt during this period, the average IDR—the percentage of whales killed within 10 seconds of the impact of the harpoon—was 40 percent; for the Norwegian hunts, it was about 80 percent. About three-fifths of the whales killed by Japan and about one-fifth of those killed by Norway, therefore, did not die “instantaneously.” (Japan failed to disclose maximum TTD data for JARPA and provided no TTD or IDR data of any kind for JARPN.)

The cruelty of this kind of hunting, which entails a protracted and immensely painful death for a significant proportion of the targeted whales, is evident. It is noteworthy, moreover, that the TTD and IDR rates remain strikingly poor (especially in the Japanese case) despite the fact that both countries employ the most technologically sophisticated hunting and tracking equipment available. One likely cause of this situation is that, of necessity, whales are hunted in physical circumstances that make hitting them with a harpoon in appropriate parts of their bodies (the head or thorax) extremely difficult: the whale is usually at a considerable distance from the gunner; both the whale and the gunner are in constant motion; and weather conditions can significantly reduce visibility and in other ways impair the accuracy of the gunner’s aim.

Opponents of whale hunting point out another element of typical whale hunts whose cruelty tends to be overlooked: the pursuit itself. In Japanese hunts of minke whales, for example, pursuits frequently last 30 minutes and sometimes as long as 90 minutes; hunters deliberately raise the targeted whale’s respiratory rate in order to force it to surface more often. Such pursuits impose severe physical (and, arguably, psychological) strains that can later cause debilitating injury, paralysis, or death in whales who manage to escape the hunting vessel.

Opponents of whale hunting also note that data such as these would be considered unacceptable if whales were required to be treated in the same way as agricultural animals slaughtered for human food. Legislation in many countries and international regulations of the European Union, for example, require that food animals be instantaneously stunned, or rendered unconscious, before they are killed and that they be unconscious or anesthetized at the time of death. Needless to say, these standards also would forbid any method of slaughter that involved chasing an animal with an axe until it fell down exhausted. Although whales are not covered by legislation governing the treatment of agricultural animals, some opponents of whale hunting argue that they should be, since all hunted whales, whether they are killed for commercial or “scientific” purposes, wind up as human food.

The humanitarian objection to whale hunting is further supported by considerations of whale physiology. Since 1980 the IWC has recommended three basic criteria for determining when a whale is actually dead: relaxation of the mandible, cessation of flipper movement, and sinking without any active swimming. The criteria may be applied exclusively, meaning that the presence of just one is sufficient. However, because whales are capable of holding their breath and significantly decreasing their heart rates for long periods, because it can be quite difficult to distinguish active from passive flipper movement amid the motion of the waves, and because whales sometimes sink without swimming in normal circumstances, it is doubtful that any one of these criteria is a valid indicator of death (as opposed to mere injury) by itself. Indeed, according to a study published by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 2003 (reporting the results of an international workshop of scientists and veterinarians in 2001), the IWC’s criteria are scientifically inadequate.

Thus, alarming as the TTD and IDR statistics are in themselves, they may in fact significantly understate the extent of the suffering the hunted whales endure, since many whales may be alive much longer than these statistics show or may even be alive when they are hoisted onto the floor of the factory ship for butchering.

Aboriginal subsistence whaling

Despite its present focus on protection and conservation, the IWC recognizes the legitimacy of what it calls aboriginal subsistence whaling, though it regulates this form of hunting by issuing five-year killing quotas scaled to the needs of indigenous communities and by requiring that all the meat and blubber be consumed locally. Currently the IWC allows subsistence hunting in Greenland, Russia, the United States, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The humanitarian objection to whale hunting arguably applies with greater force to aboriginal subsistence whaling than to commercial and scientific whaling, since the hunting technology employed in the former case is usually less efficient. Weapons used include cannon-propelled exploding or cold harpoons, spears, and rifles. Naturally, TTDs are much higher and IDRs much lower: recent data show an average TTD of nearly one hour and IDRs of no more than 17 percent. Some whales have taken 3 to 5 hours to die after being shot with up to 600 bullets.

Although the IWC has made some recommendations to lessen the cruelty involved in aboriginal subsistence whaling, its efforts have been complicated by its desire to respect indigenous cultures and by a lack of uniform data regarding aboriginal hunting practices in various parts of the world.

Image: Harpooning a minke whale, © Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert—Corbis

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Books We Like

Whales, Whaling, and Ocean EcosystemsWhales, Whaling, and Ocean Ecosystems
James A. Estes, et al., ed. (2007)
This sophisticated and superbly informative book surveys the current state of scientific knowledge of the crucial role of whales in ocean ecosystems and documents the impact that the disappearance of these creatures has had on the health of the world’s oceans. Whereas many previous studies of the effects of industrial whaling in the 20th century focused on the threat of extinction of hunted species and related conservation issues, Whales, Whaling, and Ocean Ecosystems is nearly unique in considering the disruptions caused to the marine environments in which whales once lived in abundance. According to Estes, who is an adjunct professor of biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz, “the whales were and are important just because they are so big and so abundant. … How different are the oceans when you remove these animals? That’s what we wanted to explore.” The book brings together contributions from experts in a wide variety of scientific fields as well as economics, law, and other disciplines.

24 Responses to “Hunting the Whales”

  1. Alfred Brown Says:

    Who wrote this article? it is very impressive.

  2. Sidney Says:

    I really want to learn more about whale hunting and for me this tought me nothing.

  3. Brian Duignan Says:

    The article was written by an editor at Encyclopædia Britannica. We’re glad you like it.

    –Advocacy For Animals editorial staff

  4. A. Viirlaid Says:

    Lament of the Whale

    I cry for our shared grace
    I cry for your human family
    I cry for your whaler’s family
    I cry for my family
    I cry for me

    With your warm hand you could stroke my skin like so many of your family have chosen to do
    You would feel my warmth and gratitude

    Why do you touch me only with your cold harpoon as you thrust it into my flesh?
    I thought after so much killing that we would both crave harmony

    That we had learned that we both feel and love
    That we both treasure life
    That we revere our comrades
    That we embrace our children

    That we share the same blood of our ancestors
    That our hearts both beat the rhyme of life

    How my child will cling to me as you haul my dying carcass out of the sea
    How she will cry
    Until you kill her too

  5. renaud neubauer Says:

    I feel deeply moved by the plight of whales and animals in general and revolted by the insensible voracity of mankind.
    As a buddhist, and vegetarian since childhood, I cannot help but wonder how long greed and ignorance will keep on multiplying unnecessary suffering on this planet of ours.
    This article is very informative and moving; warmest thanks and felicitations

  6. Samantha Says:

    What is wrong with these people hunting endagered species like that.

  7. Hunting the Whalers - Advocacy For Animals Says:

    […] Hunting the Whales May 2007 […]

  8. Bailey Says:

    This is so cruel! =( I saw a whaling video and I almost cried myself to death. How can people be so barbaric, ignorant, and idiotic?!

  9. Jeniffer Betts Says:

    You stupid, ignorant, tree hugging, vegetarian environmentalist Pansy’s.
    Just for one minute ask yourself, in what way has a whale ever made a difference to your life in any way apart from when one was in the film free willy?
    The answer, probably nothing what so ever.
    And who really gives a toss if some Japanese dudes want to go and fish them from the sea to have a look at their insides. most people (meaning everyone but Greenpeace) have better things to worry about like what they might be having for dinner or what they might be having for dinner the day after that.
    So why are people so amazed with whales anyway, i mean there so stupid they beach themselves on errrr… beaches and don’t think to roll back into the sea, they can’t even breathe under water for Christ sake or write poems of their own. so don’t write ones for whales. (person with 4th comment).

  10. Emily Chapman Says:

    Oh my god! Jeniffer do you not have any consideration for these creatures? I ain’t no tree hugger but you are so selfish! I am 14 and i HATE people who take animals for granted! And does it really matter if whales have done anything for us? But some GOOD and NICE people unlike yourself help the safty of the enviroment and creatures of the world. Animals DO have feelings. WE are animals. WE have feelings. WHY shouldnt they? And they cant just ‘ROLL’ back into the sea because they are too heavy and are proberly exhausted from swimming and if they did try with their fins they would just snap off!
    Those stupid Japanese people are cruel! Dont you think after fishing for the same whales all these years they would have enough research?!
    They obviously cant breathe under water because they are mammals and they can hold their breath for an amazing amount of time. I bet you couldnt even hold yours for about 5 senconds! Animals have rights too. If you dont like animals, take a look at yourself. Youd proberly rather look at YOUR insides!
    Most of the people leaving comments have sense! Not you!

  11. rebee Says:

    I am ashamed that there are humans that have so much disregard to life in all its forms. I am especially appalled that entire nations have no regard for the balance of nature. Whales and other animals alike. Humans can be so cruel. We were meant to be the custodians of the earth and we are doing a very poor job.

  12. Marcia Says:

    After reading several articles on the hunting of the whales by the Japanese, I am disgusted that in this day and age the Japanese are claiming they hunt and kill for research. We research all animals in the wild and in captivity and we do not kill them to learn about how they feed and breed. I cannot for the life of me understand how this barbaric form of research can be allowed and I wish all people who care about the welfare of these majestic mammals stop buying products made in China, Japan and any other country that still hunts in this cruel manner, maybe if these countries start loosing income from us they will relate money with whale hunting. I cannot believe there are no advocates for the whales and other animals that are being slaughtered for no purpose other than money. I wish and hope someday we will boycot these countries, I will never buy a product made in China or Japan or Norway or any other country ever again that promotes senseless killing of animals. I hope the rest of world joins me in my personal decision.
    Thank you.

  13. Anna Says:

    One of the best ways that we can stop this is to educate our children. Take them whale watching and read books to them that show the beauty and gentle power of these animals.

    While I understand that there are those who enjoy eating whale meat, the toxins in the whale meat are so high. For instance, the organochlorines are known to damage development of children and affect reproduction. Why would we put that into our bodies, not to mention the high levels of mercury and other heavy metals? Eating whale meat may have been a means of survival for many people years ago, but it’s no longer necessary today and can be downright dangerous!

    As for what whales do for us, well they are an important asset to our ecosystem.

    Whaling is simply not a good thing. Certainly not for the whale and in the end may cause more damage to us humans than we bargained for.

  14. Jake Says:

    this is so gross i am a 15 year old and i know better than these people. woww. go die.

  15. Raul Says:


    you need to go and deal with your problems and stop being such a negative person, nobody likes it. You are just wasting you time here.

  16. David G. Signer Says:

    Scientific?! At MOST, 2-3 whales would do. Personally I do not believe that even this is ethical. There is no justification for such disgusting behavior.
    Jenniffer, have you ever heard of beauty? The world is full of natural beauty. Why care about our kids - have they ever done anything for us? The measly SNAIL is an example of beauty, if you think about it. Most certainly whales, who are athletic creatures of the sea, are beautiful. Remember, if we do not kill animals, we are not “sparing” them. We are simply letting them have their natural right to live.

  17. Carrie Says:

    Wow Jennifer Betts or whatever the hell your name is. What is wrong with you? Who cares if the whales have done anything for us… weather they have or haven’t they don’t deserve this whatsoever. Whales never did anything to us “humans” so why are people Whaling? Yes, “humans” because “humans” and animals have hearts and people who do this whaling crap, the seal hunt crap don’t have hearts and should not be called a “human”. What matters is the these animals feel pain, panic, love and hate just like us. How the hell would you feel if I shoot a harpoon in your body and let your ass die? […] every SINGLE perosn whom have killed or harmed any kind of animal [should be made to understand that suffering]. They can not speak for themsevles so we have to speak for them. Jennifer Betts you are so sick in that head of yours. You can feel someone stabbing you, so can the animals, (can’t say you do but if you do) you love your mom, the animals love their mothers too. Like I said they feel and hurt just as us “humans” do. If you can’t care for animals as you do for yourself, then people like you don’t deserve such thing as life. I apologize for the rudeness but when it comes to animals I don’t give two ****s… […]I hope to God one day you will have a change a heart[…].

    With Love,

  18. Jose Fuentes Says:

    If you really want to stop this practice, Try this.




  19. Admin Says:

    Jose, what do Korea and China have to do with whale hunting?

  20. MICHAEL Says:

    Save a Whale, Boycott Sony.
    Now that the news spotlight has moved away from the barbarity of the whale hunts, this appalling activity will continue unchecked. Part of the problem is that the anti-whaling argument has very little purchase in Japan. Calls for blanket boycotts of Japanese produce are not focused and unlikely to produce any effect. If however one major Japanese firm such as Sony was targeted it is easier to keep the pressure on. Alternatives are available for all Sony products. If they notice people switching to LG, Phillips or other (non-Japanese) manufacturers they will start to pressure the Japanese govt to abandon this inhumane, expensive and utterly pointless destruction of these priceless creatures. Save a Whale, Boycott Sony. Email this to your friends.

  21. David G. Signer Says:

    There is no justification for killing whales. Whales are the epitome of marine life. They are, as our mammalian relatives, our link between the land and sea. Whales captivate us at every turn.

    Jeniffer Betts, your argument is wholly absurd. The very fact, as you so brilliantly say, that they cannot absorb oxygen from water is what connects them to us. They are mammals, members of the class Mammalia, and SO ARE WE. They are intelligent animals, studies have shown, and apparently, we aren’t acting so intelligent. They don’t write poems?! What the heck?! Have you ever heard the male humpback whale? It is an eerie tune that would rival Mozart. All in all, whales are creatures worth saving.

  22. joe bloggs Says:

    if you suport whale hunting ur all a bunch of wankers.

  23. katie Says:

    im sorry but why do people support whale hunting? anyway even though it doesnt really affect us doesnt mean we shouldnt worry about it right? whale hunting is wrong, its very very wrong.

  24. filaminabobalina Says:

    im replying to number nine. You cant breath under water either so does that mean i can kill you to? and dont be jelous because you cant write poems.

    Come back when you learn to sing like whales can…

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