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May 2007

Monthly Update for
May 2007

Sami sees EJ in the bathroom stall, screams and races out into Lucas' arms. Lucas and Maggie find no trace of EJ. Sami faints and is taken to the hospital. Kate finds EJ's business card in the stall and goes to the hospital to confront Sami. Lucas rushes in and kicks Kate out. Meanwhile, EJ meets with Celeste and we learn that he's been forcing her to do his bidding all along. Even the fire was his idea! Kate overhears that EJ and Celeste are in cahoots.

EJ shows up at Sami's hospital room and blasts her for trying to kill him. He injects her IV with a syringe and tells her she has two minutes left. Sami screams for help and Lucas rushes in, but she doesn't die. Lucas wants to know why EJ would want to kill Sami. Before she can confess, EJ arrives with flowers, acting as if he hadn't been there before.

Lucas dis-invites EJ to the wedding and tries to get him to leave the room. When EJ refuses to go, Lucas runs out to get security. Sami tells EJ to kill her now if that's his plan. EJ promises Sami that her wedding will be a day to remember. Meanwhile, Kate pays a visit to Abe and snoops around his house. She finds the photo of Sami and EJ in Lexie's car. Celeste arrives and catches her with the photo, but Kate snatches it back, determined to out Sami.

Kate arrives at the hospital with the photo, but EJ stops her from entering Sami's room. He says she can't ruin what he's been planning for Sami and Lucas' wedding. She hands over the photo. Sami and Lucas think Kate and EJ are scheming and he sprays a fire extinguisher on them.

Philip shows up in Tinda Lau and tries to take Claire. The sheriff shows up and says there is no extradition treaty between Tinda Lau and the US; there's nothing he can do. Philip decides to take a room at the hotel, befriending Duck as a fellow vet.

Belle convinces Gabby to give her the key to Philip's room. She steals his Blackberry and discovers messages between him and EJ. Belle calls Marlena with the news. Philip waits outside their door, but passes out from the sleeping pill Gabby slipped him. Shawn and Belle slip past him. Duck sees them and threatens them with a revolver. Philip enters and says Shawn and Belle can go as long as they leave Claire. Belle slowly moves out with Claire but as Shawn turns to leave, Duck shoots him!

Billie tells EJ her contract for the security system is over and reveals Philip has left the country. EJ is shocked that Philip left without telling him and presses Kate for details. She gives in but makes EJ swear he won't hurt Shawn.

Hope visits Willow in jail and suggests she and Bo raise the baby while Willow finishes her sentence. Willow refuses and twists Hope's words so Hope leaves feeling like she's trying to steal a baby from its mother. Willow calls Nick to convince him to help her and tells him that Hope wants custody of the baby after it's born. She persuades Nick to help her and kisses the glass partition, leaving Nick affected. Nick bails Willow out of jail then gives her money for a cab and a room at a boarding house.

Stephanie balks when Kayla asks her to be supportive of Steve and lectures her on loving unconditionally. Stephanie volunteers to help break Steve out, but Kayla and Roman forbid it. Kayla gets an idea and calls Steve's sister, Adrienne. After a tearful reunion with Kayla, Adrienne agrees to help Steve. Adrienne arrives at the hospital looking drugged while Kayla and Bo listen to her over a wire. Adrienne finds Steve and eventually gets him to remember her. Foley arrives and tells him to get away or she'll be confined to her room. Alone, Adrienne tells Steve she's wearing a wire. She hands him the earpiece and Kayla tells Steve to do as Adrienne asks. EJ enters with Granger and EJ busts Adrienne for wearing the wire. EJ is about to take Steve out when the other patients turn on them, giving Adrienne and Steve a chance to escape.

Chelsea joins Abby at Chez Rouge and learns of Stephanie's return. Abby is shocked to learn Chelsea broke up with Nick. Chelsea is ashamed of her treatment of Nick and thinks he deserves better than her. Stephanie arrives and convinces Abby and Chelsea to join her for a wild girls night out.

Sami prepares for her wedding. Celeste arrives with news that Kate stole the photo of Sami and EJ in Lexie's car. Celeste advises Sami to tell Lucas the truth while she still has the chance. Sami tries, but Lucas avoids discussion. He says he loves her no matter what. Sami continues to fret about marrying Lucas with this secret hanging over her head. Marlena convinces her to unburden herself to Lucas but when she tries, he stops her. The wedding begins, and when the priest asks if anyone objects, Sami spots Kate and EJ at the back of the church.

EJ doesn't stop the wedding. Sami and Lucas are pronounced man and wife! Later, Kate confronts EJ about not stopping the wedding and he says he's left that up to Kate – at the reception. Everyone heads to Chez Rouge, where Marlena presents a video of Sami and Lucas over the years. Stuck right in the middle is the photo of Sami and EJ. Kate outs Sami, who sinks to the ground, swearing her family does not know the whole story. Kate demands Lucas leave now that he knows Sami's a liar but he surprises everyone by asking Sami if she still wants to be his wife. She says yes, he sweeps her up and carries her to the door where EJ is waiting. Sami gets down and punches EJ. Later, EJ reveals to Kate that Sami's baby could be his.

Lucas takes Sami home and reveals that he's known all along that EJ helped Sami save his life in the cabin and he doesn't care. Sami admits that she had sex with EJ that night and the baby could be his. EJ would only help her if she had sex with him. Lucas is on Sami's side and can't understand why she withheld the truth from him. Sami gives Lucas the option of leaving her if the baby is EJ's but he refuses.

EJ pays off two thugs to do an unspoken deed for him. Meanwhile, Steve and Kayla reconnect in a hotel room after his deprogramming session. Before they can make love, EJ's thugs break down the door! Steve is knocked out and dragged off. Kayla is determined to take matters into her own hands. She steals a cordless drill and heads off to EJ's. Meanwhile, EJ tells Steve about his next assignment: go to Tinda Lau and stop Shawn from signing the papers, then kill Bo.

Roman confronts EJ about Steve's abduction but he denies involvement. Meanwhile, Kayla breaks into EJ's apartment and finds an atlas with Tinda Lau circled. Roman and Hope arrive and Kayla shows them the map. Hope calls to alert Bo that Steve might be coming. EJ arrives and wants Roman to arrest Kayla. Roman refuses and vows that EJ's the one he'll arrest.

Billie confronts Nick about the hairbrush but he dodges the truth. Stephanie and Chelsea decide to cheer him up so they go driving. Stephanie is hanging out the sun roof. When the cops pull them over, Chelsea slams on the brakes and Stephanie flies out of the car and onto the street! She has a concussion. She tells Nick to tell Chelsea how he feels. Meanwhile, Chelsea gets two tickets and a lecture from the cop. After a visit to Stephanie, she finds Nick in the church and they agree they need to talk. Kayla shows up at Stephanie's hospital room and says that if she's just going to cause more problems, she should go back to Dayton.

As Willow eavesdrops, Nick promises to be a better man for Chelsea and professes his love for her. Scheming Willow calls Nick and begs him to meet her outside. Willow says she has nowhere to stay and guilts him into letter her sleep at his place. Nick goes back inside and Chelsea admits she loves him, too.

Belle freaks when she sees that Duck shot Shawn. She tells Philip he'll take Claire over her dead body, but he is unfazed and leaves anyway. Belle rushes after him leaving Shawn to be tended to by a doctor. When he is patched up, Gabby offers to go with him to help find Philip. Shawn contacts Bo and tells him that Philip took Claire. After a tender goodbye to Hope, Bo leaves for Tinda Lau. Shawn and Gabby are exhausted after their failed search for Belle and Claire. Bo walks in, organizes the search and gets Gabby to find a dog who can track Claire's scent.

Belle and Claire are in a cave with Philip. While Belle tries to convince him to talk to Shawn, Philip gets a call that the boat is ready. Belle can come but they are not stopping to talk to Shawn. Belle packs and finds Gabby's GPS system. Shawn arrives and he and Philip struggle. Philip gets the best of wounded Shawn. Belle leaves for the boat with Philip and Claire but yells to Shawn, "God Punishes Sinners." Gabby figures out her message – GPS – and they are able to track Philip's course. They realize they need access to a seaplane to catch Philip, Just then, they hear a plane land. Gabby goes to check it out and comes back saying the pilot is looking for Bo.

Adrienne brings Kayla a handgun. Kayla explains that Steve is not the man she loved, and she's going to Tinda Lau to ensure that he doesn't hurt Bo and Shawn – even if it means killing him.

Steve arrives on the island, insisting that he is mentally stable now and offering to help Bo and Shawn track down Philip. Bo calls Hope and tells her to find Kayla. Hope finds Adrienne who relates what Kayla said. Hope calls Bo and tells him Steve is in Tinda Lau to kill him and Shawn.

Shawn resists Bo's accusations that Steve is out to get them, but then Gabby shows up with a gun she found in Steve's room. Bo gets Shawn to sign the statement that EJ and Patrick were working together. Steve returns from gassing up the plane and Bo informs him that he and Shawn have decided to take a boat instead. Bo is forced to admit he can't trust Steve. Meanwhile, Philip stargazes and hopes for a future with Belle and Claire. Belle insists that he can start by telling the truth and Philip reveals they are going to Sydney. Belle balks – she wants to return to Salem and be with Shawn. Hurt, Philip says Belle can leave but Claire stays with him and that's final!

Bo tells Steve he believes EJ sent him to Tinda Lau to kill him and Shawn. Steve pulls the gun on Bo but turns it over to him and again offers to take Shawn to Philip's boat. Gabby comes out and says the tracking device is gone. Shawn will give Bo an hour to find Philip another way, then he's going with Steve. Philip has found the tracking device and confronts Belle. He breaks down and he and Belle decide to put this all behind them – when they get word they're headed for a level four typhoon! Belle sneaks onto the radio and tells Shawn they are in trouble.

Philip catches Belle on the radio just as she's revealing their destination. He smashes the radio. After Belle's contact via the radio, Shawn insists he go with Steve. Bo doesn't trust Steve but decides to go, as well. We see that Steve has a second gun. Steve drops Shawn in the ocean with a raft. He then asks Bo if he got Shawn to go on record about EJ. Bo admits he wants to nail EJ. Steve says he's sorry, but he can't let Bo do that. Shawn makes it to Philip's boat and hoists himself aboard.

Sami and Lucas are getting ready to leave for their honeymoon when EJ shows up. Sami informs EJ she confessed everything to Lucas. But Lucas is taken aback when EJ recounts how Sami drugged him and tried to kill EJ. Later, Lucas confronts Sami but admits he wishes she killed EJ. Kate forces EJ to admit he loves Sami. EJ leaves for Louisiana.

Sami and Lucas work to rebuild an old mansion in New Orleans. They discover a metal box in the wall, filled with letters written in Italian. Sami recognizes the signature – Dimera! Sami and Lucas question the foreman who reveals they are in Maison Blanche. EJ shows up claiming his father asked him to keep an eye on the place. He privately tells Sami he wants to patch things up and insists he'll stay out of her life if she gets an amnio and the baby is Lucas'. Lucas thinks it might be a good idea. Later, Celeste finds EJ and gives him a message from Tony: Stefano's condition is deteriorating and they need the stem cells immediately. Later, EJ tells Celeste he wants her to use voodoo to find out who's the baby's daddy.

Chelsea has a talk with Hope and realizes she loves Nick and is ready to lose her virginity to him. She rushes off to tell him. Meanwhile, Nick has offered to let Willow sleep in his room and now he's trying to get her to leave but she insists on taking a shower first. Chelsea arrives and kisses Nick but, worried that Willow is watching, he breaks it off. Chelsea leaves in tears and Nick follows. He explains he was uncomfortable kissing her in Aunt Maggie's house. Chelsea wonders if he's involved with another woman but Nick denies it. Chelsea convinces him to move out of Maggie's and rent a place of his own. Meanwhile, Maggie finds Willow's panties and makeup in Nick's room and leaves a note for him saying they need to talk.

Back in Salem, Lucas tells Sami he's called the S.E.C. and reported EJ. Kate arrives furious, especially when she learns Lucas made the call himself. Lucas reminds Kate of the chances he gave her that she threw away. She's not welcome around his family until she changes her ways. Meanwhile, Will comes home and Sami apologizes to him, but he thinks his mom is a hero.

Celeste performs a voodoo ritual to determine the paternity of the baby. While they wait for the results, Celeste tries to convince EJ that Stefano will destroy his baby in order to live and, as a father, EJ is obligated to protect his child. When the ritual is finished, Celeste informs EJ the baby is his.

Back in Salem, EJ arrives at a warehouse and is stopped by his half-brother Tony. He demands EJ bring him Sami. If anything happens to Stefano, EJ will pay for it with his life. Later, EJ leaves a manila envelope outside Sami's door. Inside is a copy of The Knot and a note from Carley Roney, requesting an interview. Sami gets in her car to head to the interview and EJ pops up from the back seat and chloroforms her. He brings Sami to Tony, but when he learns that Tony plans to take not just stem cells but the fetus, he puts a stop to the surgery. He won't let Tony touch Sami or her baby.

In the plane, Steve pulls his gun on Bo and demands that he hand over Shawn's statement. He reveals that he still blames Bo for taking his eye when they fought over Britta. Bo manages to get the gun away but then Steve forces the plane into a nosedive, vowing to kill them both unless Bo complies. Bo agrees to give Steve the statement and they return to the Bikini Hotel. Once there, however, Bo refuses and Steve pulls a knife on him. Kayla arrives just in time and warns Steve he'll have to kill her to get to Bo. Steve rushes at Kayla but stops short and breaks down.

Shawn tries to take control of Philip's boat but collapses from his wound. Belle tends to him while Philip focuses on outrunning the typhoon. He pushes the engine too hard despite Shawn's warnings and it dies, leaving them dead in the water. They all realize that Claire will die as a result of their fighting so they make amends and agree to put her needs first if they survive. The boat breaks up in the typhoon and Shawn, Belle and Philip are rescued and return to the Bikini Hotel, but Claire was nowhere to be found. Belle breaks down. A message comes over the radio that the rescue team has called off the search for Claire.

Back in Salem, in the hospital, Belle dreams of John, who tells her Claire is still alive! She wakes up and tells Marlena, who thinks it's possible, but Shawn is skeptical. Belle tells Shawn that if he continues to insist Claire is dead, there will be no future for them together. Later, Belle shows up in John's room and begs him for a sign. Marlena tells her to let go, but Belle can't. John is holding on to her hand! The doctor checks his vitals and determines he's responding to Belle's voice. Marlena takes over and John opens his eyes. Belle asks is he remembers coming to her in a dream and telling her Claire is alive. He says yes. He can't speak but at the end of the day, he writes on a pad of paper that he wants a toothbrush so he can kiss his wife.

John walks slowly with Marlena's help. He doesn't remember what happened at the boathouse. During an exam, John speaks! Hope talks to John about the time they were on the island together and he says "John Thomas," remembering Zack. Bo sees John for the first time and is blown away when he speaks.

Kayla and Steve are holed up in one of the Bikini Hotel rooms. Kayla attempts to reprogram Steve by tacking up photos of all his family and friends. She injects him with a sedative. After a few rounds, Steve blows up and yells that none of this means anything to him, but Kayla convinces him to keep trying.

Willow manipulates Nick into renting her a place to live and he agrees to give her money and sign a lease for her. Meanwhile, Maggie shows the panties she found in Nick's room to Hope, thinking they belong to Chelsea. Hope brings it up with Chelsea, who thinks Nick is two-timing her. She later confronts Nick about the panties and he covers, saying he loves her.

Chelsea finds an apartment ad Willow circled and believes Nick is looking for a place for them. When Willow shows up, Chelsea realizes the truth. Nick later explains that Willow is blackmailing him. Chelsea tells Nick he has to choose between helping Willow or being with her. Meanwhile, Willow shows up at the hospital and tells Shawn he doesn't have to worry about her or the baby anymore. She's found someone else to take care of her.

When Tony says he intends to take Sami's fetus, EJ defies him and leads Sami out. Tony threatens him, but EJ knows it's a false threat. Sami later suggests a truce between the two families and challenges EJ to propose this to Stefano: if he guarantees peace between the Bradys and the Dimeras, she'll let him have take a sample of her baby's stem cells. Tony tells EJ that Stefano will not end the vendetta in exchange for the stem cells. What's more, EJ is no longer under Stefano's protection since he defied his orders.

Sami tells her family about her attempt to cut a deal with the DiMeras. Bo convinces Sami to set EJ up and she calls him to the pub, where Bo tells him he's taking him down to the station. In private, EJ informs Sami that there is no deal, and now they are both in danger.

Bo takes EJ to the police station and he is stunned when John walks in. EJ tries to bargain with Bo, saying Sami's life will be in danger unless he can persuade Stefano to stop Tony. Lucas tries calling Sami to warn her of the danger, but can't reach her; at that moment, EJ bolts out the door. Meanwhile, Sami, Marlena and Hope wonder why the vendetta began. Sami brings out the letter she and Lucas found and Hope attempts to translate it. She realizes it's from Santo DiMera. Sami leaves to take the letter to Salem U but is waylaid by Tony's henchman Bart, who drugs her and locks her inside her car as a hose pumps in gas fumes!

EJ arrives just in time to save Sami. Lucas shows up as EJ is giving her mouth-to-mouth and takes over. Lucas accuses EJ of being in love with Sami and putting her in danger just so he could play the hero.

Willow confronts Shawn with proof that he's the father of her baby. She doesn't want him to be a part of the baby's life; she just needs the Bradys to keep her out of jail. Hope later warns Shawn that a custody battle will be ugly and uncertain. Whatever he does, he needs to tell Belle.

Bo reveals Claire's life vest and notices that the tracking device was removed and the vest was cut off! Shawn, Belle and Philip realize Claire was taken.

Willow is moving into her new place when Philip drops by to ask her to play fair with Shawn about the baby. Shawn needs it now that he's lost Claire. Willow agrees. Shawn, meanwhile, tells Belle about Willow's baby. Philip arrives and tells Belle he is starting a search effort for Claire and he wants her and Shawn to stay with him until they find her. Shawn balks at the idea of moving in with Philip, saying he doesn't want to be emotionally in debt to him. In private, Shawn admits to Belle that he doesn't trust Philip. Belle convinces him to move into the Kiriakis Mansion until he can find a job.

Stephanie has a job idea for her and Chelsea – they'll become flight attendants. Her boyfriend is starting a shuttle business between Salem and Las Vegas. Meanwhile, Nick tries to refuse to pay for Willow's apartment but she realizes he was helping her only because he felt guilty about hiding the hairbrush. Caught, he signs the lease. He later tells Chelsea. In private, Chelsea tells Stephanie she'll take the job.

Stephanie introduces Chelsea to her boyfriend Jeremy Horton and his friend Jett Carver. Jeremy and Jett inform the girls that their investor dropped out, but Stephanie saves the day and calls Max, who agrees to borrow $25K against his garage. Stephanie can't wait to tell everyone about the new venture, but Jeremy warns her to keep quiet. She jokes that he's hiding something – he laughs it off but we see a dark look in his eye, spelling trouble for Stephanie and Chelsea. ;-)