Échanger pour s'entendre - Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d'accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles

The CCPARDC has completed its activities

The Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences (CCPARDC) has concluded its investigation and its office will close on June 18, 2008. To obtain by mail a copy of the abridged version of the final report, please contact Les Publications du Québec at 1-800-463-2100 (Québec City area: 418-643-5150).

You can also order a copy by e-mail (publicationsduquebec@cspq.gouv.qc.ca) or by fax at 1-800-561-3479 (Québec City area: 418-643-6177).

The Commission's Website will remain online in the coming months. You can also download from the Website the different versions of the final report.

To consult the final report

To consult the final report of the Commission, you may:

Please note that the English version of the full report will be available shortly. The release date will be announced on the Commission’s Website.


Notice to the hearing-impaired

Hearing-impaired individuals who wish to submit a request for the reimbursement of interpreter’s fees incurred during hearings or citizens’ forums may do so by contacting the Commission >>>

Final report of the Commission

Final report – Abridged report (pdf,  99 pages, 350 kb)


Research reports

See the 13 research reports commissioned











Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles
Case postale 220, Succursale B, Montréal (Québec) H3B 3J7