LibDev Archived

LibDev launched in June 2005 with the following invitation:

LibDev is a site for those interested in libraries and networked information. Want to find a way to apply tags or social bookmarking to library content? Interested in how Wikipedia can serve libraries? Want to find a better way to do patron loads or talk about what identity management means to libraries? Looking for single sign-on solutions so patrons can move seamlessly from the campus portal to your OPAC without re-authenticating? Do you know your library is sitting on a goldmine of valuable data that you can’t use because there are too many systems and vendors who can’t or won’t talk to eachother?

Ryan Eby, David Walker and I posted 32 stories in the year or so it was going, and if you look around you’ll find a few that are still relevant and valuable now. Rather than lose that content to web vandals and spammers who whose efforts at defacing the old site were growing as our own interest in maintaining it was waning, I’ve moved it here.

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