Why join tribe.net?

Tribe is for connecting with other people in your community about what to do, where to go, jobs, places to live, and services. Get the most out of where you live!

As a member, you'll be able to:

  • Ask the community for recommendations
  • Recommend your favorite restaurant, doctor, etc.
  • Connect with people who share your interests
  • Target your events and listings to thousands of people
  • Track all your tribe.net activity in one place
It's free!

How our members benefit

Chris, in San Francisco, tapped his social network to find a part-time handyman job so he could finish school.

Jodi, in Los Angeles, responded to a tribe.net listing and landed a consulting job for an LA-based script writer.

Jackie, in Portland, moved to San Francisco and used tribe.net to find a job, an apartment, a roommate, new friends, and storage space.

Michael, in Indiana, started the "Short Stories" tribe, whose members include both writers looking for feedback and publishers looking for talent.

More tribe.net success stories

What the press says:

PC magazine logoEditor Rating:  ****o
"Tribe.net's well-thought-out approach to controlling access to members and its thriving forums make it a compelling experience..." more

NBC11 logo
"A local Web site may be the reason that the Green Party's Matt Gonzalez came so close to winning... Supporters credit Tribe.net, a social networking Web site based in San Francisco..." more

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