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NE-02: Terry Leads by 9 in New Poll

by: James L.

Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 4:20 PM EDT

The phantom poll of Nebraska's Omaha-based 2nd CD is now unmasked. SSP has obtained a copy of the poll's internals, and we'll share the top lines with you below.

Anzalone Liszt (7/27-8/2, likely voters):

Jim Esch (D): 38
Lee Terry (R-inc): 47
(MoE: ±4.0%)

In 2006, Jim Esch held Lee Terry, a five-term but largely unaccomplished congressman, to a surprisingly close 55-45 margin, despite running an underfunded campaign in an R+9 district. Judging by these numbers, if Esch can assemble more resources than the $400K he raised in 2006, he might be able to run an even closer race. Indeed, with only 48% name recognition (to Terry's 93%), he clearly has room to grow.

On the generic congressional ballot, Democrats only trail Republicans by five points (42-37), which, all things considered, seems to be a dramatic turnaround from the 22 and 18-point drubbings that Bush delivered to Kerry and Gore here in 2004 and 2000, respectively. If Dems are ever going to make a breakthrough in Nebraska, you would figure that Omaha would be ground zero for their resurgence.

Here's another key number from the poll:

Barack Obama (D): 42
John McCain (R): 46

Obama's within striking distance of McCain, and if he can manage to win here, he'll pick off a solid red electoral vote. I wouldn't bet the bank on it, but the numbers clearly show you why Terry keeps on mouthing off about the surge of "Obama-Terry voters" in the district.

SSP currently rates this race as Likely Republican.

James L. :: NE-02: Terry Leads by 9 in New Poll
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Be nice to steal an EV in Nebraska
And I think you folks can do it!

Win Kerry and Gore states plus Nevada
And that EV would give Obama exactly 270!

[ Parent ]
considering we haven't done that since Lyndon Johnson's landslide in '64

This is encouraging
Anzalone has a very good track record for an internal pollster.  

Hagel needs to pull a reverse Lieberman
It would be funny if Hagel pulled a reverse Lieberman and endorsed Obama.  

"Paybacks are a bitch, McCain!"

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