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Yaqut (Yaqut ibn ‘Abdallah al-Hamawi al-Rumi, Shihab al-Din Abu ‘Abdallah) c.1179[-]1229

Travel Writing

Jacut’s geographisches Wörterbuch: aus den Handschriften zu Berlin, St.Petersburg, Paris, London und Oxford, edited by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld, 6 vols, 1866[-]73 (reprints 1924 and 1965); as Kitab Mu’jam al-Buldan, edited by A.A. al-Shinqiti, 8 vols, 1906; as Mu’jam al-buldan, 2nd edition, 7 vols, 1995[-]96

Jacut’s Moschtarik, das ist, Lexicon geographischer Homonyme [Mushtarik wad’an wa-al-muftariq suq’an], edited by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld, 1846; reprinted, 1963

Kitab Irshad al-arib ila ma’rifat al-adib: al-ma’ruf bi-Mu’jam al-udaba’ aw Tabaqat al-udaba’, 7 vols, edited by D.S. Margoliouth, 1907[-]27; 2nd edition, 1923[-]31; as Mu’jam al-udaba’, 20 vols, edited by Ahmad Farid Rifa’i, 1936[-]38 (and later Middle Eastern reprints and editions).

Lexicon geographicum, cui titulus est, Marâsid al ittilâ’ ‘ala asmâ’ al-amkina wa-l-biqâ’, 6 vols, edited by T.G. Juynboll, 1852[-]64; as Marasid al-ittila’ ‘ala asma’ al-amkina wa-al-biqa’: wa-huwa mukhtasar mu’jam al-buldan li-Yaqut, 3 vols, edited by ‘Ali Muhammad al-Bajjawi, 1992

Further Reading

Abdullah, Muhammad A.H., “Yaqut al-Hamawi, the Man and His Work Mu’jam al-buldan” (MA thesis), Ypsilanti: Eastern Michigan University, 1983

‘Abd al-Karim, Gamal, La España musulmana en la obra de Yaqut (s. XII[-]XIII): repertório enciclopédico de ciudades, castillos y lugares de al-Andalus: extraído del Mu’yam al-buldan (diccionario de los países), Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1974

‘Abd al-Karim, Gamal, Terminología geográfico-administrativa e historia político-cultural de al-Andalus en el Mu’yam al-buldan de Yaqut, 3rd edition, Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, 1977

*Blachère, Régis, “Yaqut al-Rumi” in The Encyclopaedia of Islam, vol. 4: 1153[-]54, 1st edition edited by M.T. Houtsma et al., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1913[-]36

Barbier de Meynard, Charles, Dictionnaire géographique, historique et littéraire de la Perse et des contrées adjacentes, extrait du Modjem el-Bouldan de Yaqout, et complété à l’aide de documents arabes et persans pour la plupart inédits, Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1861

Bloch, Ernst, Harawîs Schrift über die muhammedanischen Wallfahrtsorte, eine der Quellen des Jâqût, Bonn: Verein Studentenwohl, 1929

Dib, al-Sayyid Muhammad, Yaqut al-Hamawi: ‘adiban wa-naqidan, Cairo: Dar al-Tiba’ah al-Muhammadiyah, 1988

Elahie, R.M.N.E., The Life and Works of Yaqut ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Lahore: Panjab University Press, 1965

Heer, F. Justus, Die historischen und geographischen Quellen in Jaqut’s geographischem Wörterbuch, Strassburg: K.J. Trubner, 1898

Jwaideh, Wadie (translator), The Introductory Chapters of Yaqut’s Mu’jam al-Buldan, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1959; reprinted, 1987

Krachkovskii, I.J., Izbrannye sochineniia, vol. 4: Arabskaia geograficheskaia literatura, Moscow: Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 1957

Maqbul Ahmad, Seyyed, “Yaqut al-Hamawi al-Rumi” in Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Charles Coulston Gillispe, 16 vols, vol. 14: 546[-]48, New York: Scribner, 1970[-]80

Marun, Jurj Khalil, Shu’ara’ al-amkinah wa-ash’aruhum fi Mu’jam al-buldan, 2 vols, Beirut: al-Maktabah al-’Asriyah, 1997

Rescher, Oskar, Sachindex zu Wüstenfeld’s Ausgabe von Jâqût’s “Mu’gam el-buldân” (nebst einem alfabetischen Verzeichnis der darin angeführten Werke), Stuttgart: Harrassowitz, 1928

Sa’di, ‘Abbas Fadil, Yaqut al-Hamawi: dirasah fi al-turath al-jughrafi al-’arabi ma’a al-tarkiz ‘ala al-’Iraq fi Mu’jam al-buldan, Beirut: Dar al-Tali’ah lil-Tiba’ah wa-al-Nashr, 1992

Sellheim, Rudolf, “Neue Materialien zur Biographie des Yaqut” in Forschungen und Fortschritte der Katalogisierung der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, edited by Wolfgang Voigt, Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1966, tables xvi[-]xxxiv

Shami, ‘Abd al-Al ‘Abd al-Mu’nim, Mudun Misr wa-quraha ‘inda Yaqut al-Hamawi, Kuwait: al-Jam’iyah al-Jughrafiyah al-Kuwaytiyah, 1981

Shamsuddin, Ahmad, Faharis mu’jam al-udaba’, aw, Irshad al-arib ila ma’rifat al-adib, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-’Ilmiyah, 1993

Tawanisi, Abu al-Futuh Muhammad, Yaqut al-Hamawi: al-jughrafi al-rahhalah al-adib, Cairo: al-Hay’ah al-Misriyah al-’Ammah lil-Ta’lif wa-al-Nashr, 1971

‘Umari, Muhammad Abu ‘Abd Allah, Ithaf al-khillan bi-ma’arif Mu’jam al-buldan, 2 vols, Riyadh: Dar al-Sumay’i, 1994


Travel Writing

Arnaud, Th.J., “Relation d’un Voyage à Mareb (Saba) dans l’Arabie Méridionale, entrepris en 1843”, Journal Asiatique, 4th series, 5 (1845): 211[-]45, 309[-]45; 6 (1845): 169[-]237

Arnaud, Th.J., Une Mission dans le Yémen [A Mission in the Yemen], 1885

Bent, Theodore and Mrs Theodore Bent, Southern Arabia, 1900

A missionary couple who travelled openly as Christian tourists to the Hadhramaut in 1892.

Botta, Paul-Émile, “Mélanges sur l’Yémen Heureuse”, Archives du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, 2 (1841): 63[-]88

Botta, Paul-Émile, Relation d’un Voyage dans l’Yémen [Account of a Journey into the Yemen], 1841

A botanical journey in 1837 which had to be abandoned due to Yemeni hostility.

Burchardt, Hermann, “Reiseskizzen aus dem Yemen”, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin (1902): 593[-]610

Burchardt, Hermann, “Die Juden in Jemen”, Ost und West, 2 (1902): 337[-]42

Burchardt visited Yemen in 1902, 1906[-]07 and 1909.

Bury, G. Wyman, Reports on Journeys to Ansab and Beihan Northeast of Aden in the Western Hadhramaut, 1901

Bury, G. Wyman, Arabia Infelix, or The Turks in Yamen, 1915

Bury, who joined the 1898 Austrian expedition, remained in Aden until after the First World War under the name Abdulla Mansur and was a famous personality there.

Buxton, L., “A Journey to Sanaa”, Blackwood’s Magazine, 179 (1906): 597[-]617

Cruttenden, Ch. J., “Journal of an Excursion to Sanaa, the Capital of Yemen”, Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society, 1 (1836[-]38): 39[-]55

Cruttenden, Ch. J., “Narrative of a Journey from Mokha to Sanaa by the Tarik-esh-Sham or Northern Routes, in July and August 1836”, Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 8 (1838): 267[-]89

Deflers, Albert, Voyage au Yémen: Journal d’une excursion botanique faite en 1887 dans les montagnes de l’Arabie Heureuse [Journey to Yemen: Journal of a Botanical Excursion in the Mountains of Arabia Felix in 1887], 1889

Fakhry, Ahmed, An Archaeological Journey to Yemen, March[-]May 1947, 3 vols, 1951[-]52

Fayein, Claudie, Une Française Médecin au Yemen, 1955; as A French Doctor in the Yemen, translated by Douglas McKee, 1957

Forsskål, Peter, Resa till lycklige Arabien [Journey to Arabia Felix], 1950

Forsskål’s journal of the 1761[-]63 expedition on which he met his death was only discovered at the University of Kiel after the First World War.

Glaser, Eduard, “Meine Reise durch Arhab und Haschid”, Petermanns Mitteilungen, 30 (1884): 170[-]83, 204[-]13

Glaser, Eduard, “Von Hodeida nach Sanaa vom 24. April bis 1. Mai 1885”, Petermanns Mitteilungen, 32 (1886): 1[-]10, 33[-]48

Glaser, Eduard, Ethnographica Jeminica: Auszüge aus den Tagebüchern Eduard Glasers, edited by Walter Dostal, 1993

Glaser, the leading 19th-century researcher in south Arabia, was the doyen of Sabaean studies and pre-Islamic history and visited Yemen four times in the period 1882[-]94, disguised as a Muslim.

Grohmann, Adolf and Emmanuel Anati, Expédition Philby-Ryckmans-Lippens en Arabie 1951[-]1952 [The Philby-Ryckmanns-Lippens Expedition in Arabia 1951[-]1952], 1962[-]74 [incomplete; published in parts]

Habshush, Hayyim, Travels in Yemen: An Account of Joseph Halévy’s Journey to Najran in the Year 1870, edited with a detailed summary in English by S.D. Goitein, 1941

Haig, F.T., “A Journey through Yemen”, Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, new series, 9 (1887): 479[-]90

Haig, F.T., “A Journey through the Yemen”, Missionary Review of the World, 18/10, (1895): 730[-]37

Halévy, Joseph, “Rapport sur une mission archéologique dans le Yémen”, Journal Asiatique, 6th series, 19 (1872): 1[-]98

Halévy, Joseph, “Voyage au Nedjran”, Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Paris, 6 (1873): 5[-]31, 249[-]73, 581[-]606; 13 (1877): 466[-]79

Hamilton, R.A.B., “Six Weeks in Shabwa”, The Geographical Journal, 100 (1942): 102[-]24

Harris, Walter B., A Journey through the Yemen, 1893

Helfritz, Hans, Geheimnis um Schóbua: Unter südarabischen Beduinen ins Land der Sabäer [Secret of Shabwa. Among South Arabian Bedouins into the Land of the Sabaeans], Berlin: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1935

Helfritz, Hans, Vergessenes Südarabien. Wadis, Hochhäuser und Beduinen [Forgotten South Arabia. Wadis, Towers and Bedouins], 1936

Helfritz, Hans, Im Lande der Königin von Saba [In the Land of the Queen of Sheba], 1952

Helfritz, Hans, Glückliches Arabien [Arabia Felix], 1956; as The Yemen: A Secret Journey, translated by M. Heron, 1958

Helfritz, Hans, Entdeckungsreisen in Süd-Arabien: auf unbekannten Wegen durch Hadramaut und Jemen (1933 und 1935) [Journeys of Discovery in South Arabia: on Unknown Routes through the Hadhramaut and Yemen], with text documentation by Harry St John Bridger Philby et al., 1977

Hirsch, Leo, Reisen in Süd-Arabien, Mahra-Land und Hadram­ūt [Travels in South Arabia, Mahra and the Hadhramaut], 1897; reprinted, 1995

Ingrams, Harold, “The Hadhramaut Present and Future”, The Geographical Journal, 92 (1938): 289[-]312

Ingrams, Harold, Arabia and the Isles, 1942; 3rd edition, 1966; reprinted, 1997

Ingrams, Harold, “From Cana (Husn Ghurab) to Sabbatha (Shabwa): The South Arabian Incense Road”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1945): 169[-]85

Ingrams, Harold, The Yemen: Imams, Rulers and Revolutions, 1963

Jamme, Albert, “Une Expédition Archéologique Américaine en Sud Arabie”, Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Académie Royale de Belgique, 5th series, 36 (1950): 276[-]80

Landberg, Carlo, Critica Arabica, 5 vols, 1886[-]98

Landberg lived for 26 years in the Orient, passing himself off as a Muslim.

Maltzan, Heinrich von (editor), Adolph von Wrede’s Reise in Hadhramaut [Aldolph von Wrede’s Journey in the Hadhramaut], 1870; reprinted, 1995

Topographical and geographical descriptions of the Hadhramaut, its vegetation, its aromatic plants, the political situation between the tribes and the way of life of the bedouin.

Maltzan, Heinrich von, Reise nach Südarabien, 1873

Manzoni, Renzo, El Yèmen: tre anni nell’Arabia Felice: Escursioni fatte dal Settembre 1877 al Marzo 1880 [The Yemen: Three Years in Arabia Felix: Excursions from September 1877 to March 1880], 1884

Meulen, Daniël van der, Onbekend Arabië [Unknown Arabia], 1951

Meulen, Daniël van der, and Wissmann, Hermann von, Hadramaut: Some of its Mysteries Unveiled, 1932 (with map by Wissmann)

Müller, David Heinrich (editor), S. Langers Reiseberichte aus Syrien und Arabien [Travel Reports of S. Langer from Syria and Arabia], 1883

Müller, David Heinrich, Die südarabische Expedition der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien und die Demission des Grafen Carlo Landberg, 1899

Müller, David Heinrich and N. Rhodokanakis (editors), Eduard Glasers Reise nach Mârib, 1913

Müller, W.W., “Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen: Ergebnisse der deutschen Jemen-Expedition 1970”, Archiv für Orientforschung, 24 (1973): 150[-]61

Niebuhr, Carsten, Beschreibung von Arabien aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammelten Nachrichten, 1772; as Description of Arabia, Made from Personal Observations and Information Collected on the Spot, translated by C.W.H. Sealy, 1889

Niebuhr, Carsten, Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern, 3 vols, 1774[-]1837; vol. 1, as Travels through Arabia and Other Countries in the East, vol. 1, translated by Robert Heron, 1792; reprinted, 1994

Niebuhr’s publications contain much practical information for travellers, as well as making the Orient seem real, vivid and within reach. The Reisebeschreibung was very popular and translated into several languages.

Philby, H.St.J.B., “Jauf and the North Arabian Desert”, The Geographical Journal, 62 (1923): 242[-]78

Philby, H.St.J.B., The Empty Quarter: Being a Description of the Great South Desert of Arabia known as Rub ´al Khali, 1933

Philby, H.St.J.B., Sheba’s Daughters, Being a Record of Travel in Southern Arabia, with an Appendix on the Rock Inscriptions by A.F.L. Beeston, 1939

Philby, H.St.J.B., “Motor Tracks and Sabaean Inscriptions in Najd”, The Geographical Journal, 116 (1950): 211[-]15

Philby, H.St.J.B., Arabian Highlands, 1952

Philby, H.St.J.B., Forty Years in the Wilderness, 1957

Phillips, Wendell, Qataban & Sheba: Exploring Ancient Kingdoms on the Biblical Spice Routes of Arabia, 1955

Pirenne, Jacqueline, À la Découverte de l’Arabie: cinq siècles de science et d’aventure  [In Search of Arabia: Five Centuries of Science and Adventure], 1958

Playfair, R.L., A History of Arabia Felix or Yemen, 1859; reprinted, 1970

Rathjens, Carl, “Exploration au Yémen”, Journal Asiatique, 215 (1929): 141[-]55

Rathjens, Carl, Sabaeica: Bericht über die archäologischen Ergebnisse seiner zweiten, dritten und vierten Reise nach Südarabien [Sabaeica: Report on the Archaeological Findings of his Second, Third and Fourth Journey to South Arabia], 2 parts, Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg, vol. 24, 1953[-]55

Rathjens, Carl and Hermann von Wissmann, “Sanaa”, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft zur Erdkunde zu Berlin (1929): 329[-]53

Rathjens, Carl and Hermann von Wissmann, Vorislamische Altertümer, 1932 (Rathjens[-]von Wissmann’sche Südarabien-Reise, vol. 2)

Rathjens, Carl and Wissmann, Hermann von, Landeskundliche Ergebnisse, 1934(Rathjens[-]von Wissmann’sche Südarabien-Reise, vol. 3)

Rihani, Ameen, Arabian Peak and Desert: Travel in al-Yaman, 1930

Saphir, Jacob, Even Saphir [Saphir’s Stone], 2 vols, 1866[-]74

His account of Yemen was published separately as Sefer masa’ Teyman [Travel to Yemen], edited by Avraham Ya’ari, 1945.

Scott, Hugh, “A Journey to the Yemen”, The Geographical Journal, 93 (1939): 97[-]125

Scott, Hugh, In the High Yemen, 1942

Shapira, M.W., “Arabia Felix”, The Athenaeum, 2733 (1879): 346[-]47

Stark, Freya, The Southern Gates of Arabia: A Journey in the Hadhramaut, 1936

Stark, Freya, Seen in the Hadhramaut, 1939

Stark, Freya, “Moving Pictures in Arabia”, Cornhill Magazine, 161 (1944[-]45): 263[-]74

Stark, Freya, The Coast of Incense: Autobiography, 1933[-]1939, 1953

Stern, Henry A., Journal of a Missionary Journey into Arabia Felix undertaken in 1856, 1858

Tamisier, Maurice, Voyage en Arabie [Journey in Arabia], 1840; reprinted, 1976

Tamisier travelled with the Egyptian troops who briefly occupied the coastal region of Yemen in 1837 and was the first to describe the Asir region.

Thesiger, Wilfred, Arabian Sands, 1959

Thomas, Bertram, Arabia Felix: Across the “Empty Quarter” of Arabia, with foreword by T.E. Lawrence, and appendix by Arthur Keith, 1932

Wallin, G.A., Travels in Arabia (1845[-]1848), introduction by W.R. Mead and M. Trautz, 1979

Wissmann, Hermann von, Zur Archäologie und antiken Geographie von Südarabien: Hadramaut, Qataban und das ‘Aden-Gebiet in der Antike [On the Archaeology and Ancient Geography of South Arabia: Hadhramaut, Qataban and the Aden Area in Ancient Times], 1968

Wissmann, Hermann von, entries on “Ophir und Hawila” and “Dedan und Hegra” in Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft [Pauly’s Encyclopaedia of Classical Archaeology], supplement, vol. 12, 1970

Wolff, Joseph, Missionary Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, Missionary to the Jews, vol. 3, 1829

Wolff, Joseph, Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans and other Sects, 1835

Wolff, Joseph, Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff … in a Series of Letters to Sir Thomas Baring, 1839

Wolff, Joseph, Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, vol. 1, 1860

Further Reading

Altheim, Franz and Ruth Stiehl, Christentum am Roten Meer [Christianity on the Red Sea], vol. 2, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973

Ansaldi, Cesare, Il Yemen nella storia e nella leggenda [The Yemen in History and Legend], Rome: Arti Grafiche, 1933

Baumhauer, Otto (editor), Arabien [Arabia], with introduction by Hermann von Wissmann, Stuttgart: Goverts, 1965

Bidwell, Robin, “Western Accounts of Sanaa 1510[-]1962” in San’ā’: An Arabic Islamic City, edited by R.B. Serjeant and Ronald Lewcock, London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983

Daum, Werner (editor), Jemen: 3000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur des Glücklichen Arabien [Yemen: 3000 Years of the Art and Culture of Arabia Felix], Innsbruck: Pinguin, and Frankfurt: Umschau, 1987

Dostal, Walter, Eduard Glaser -- Forschungen im Yemen: eine quellenkritische Untersuchung in ethnologischer Sicht, Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990

Dunlop, D.M., “The Strange Case of Dr Joseph Wolff”, Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 34/3[-]4 (1947): 320[-]23

Fazy, Robert, “L’Expédition d’Aelius Gallus en Arabie Méridionale”, Bulletin de la Société Suisse des Amis de l’extrême-orient, 5 (1943): 3[-]31

Forster, William, England’s Quest of Eastern Trade, London: A. and C. Black, 1933; reprinted, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1967

Gavin, R.J., Aden under British Rule, 1839[-]1967, London: Hurst, and New York: Barnes and Noble, 1975

Gidney, W.T., Joseph Wolff, London: London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1903

Gidney, W.T., The History of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, from 1809 to 1908, London: London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1908

Goren, H., “Kiepert u-Maslulo shel Shapira be-Teiman” [Kiepert and Shapira’s Travel-Route in Yemen], Hoveret ha-120 shel Ari’el, edited by Gabriel Barkai and Eli Shiller, Jerusalem: Ari’el, 1997: 119[-]20, 229[-]34 (map on p.231)

Hamdani, al-Hasan ibn Ahmad, Sifat Gazirat al-’Arab / Geographie der arabischen Halbinsel [Geography of the Arabian Peninsula], edited by David Heinrich Müller, 2 vols, Leiden: Brill, 1884[-]91; reprinted, Frankfurt: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, 1993

Hansen, Thorkild, Arabia Felix: The Danish Expedition of 1761[-]1767, translated by James McFarlane and Kathleen McFarlane, London: Collins, and New York: Harper and Row, 1964

Herzl, Theodor, Briefe und Tagebücher, vol. 2: Zionistisches Tagebuch 1895[-]1899 [Letters and Journals, vol. 2: Zionist Journal 1895[-]1899], edited by Johannes Wachtel and Chaya Harel, Frankfurt: Propyläen, 1983

Isaacs, Albert Augustus, Biography of the Rev. Henry Aaron Stern, D.D., for More than Forty Years a Missionary amongst the Jews, Containing an Account of His Labours and Travels, London: Nisbet, 1886

Janata, Alfred, “Österreicher in Jemen: Personen und Aktionen” in his Jemen: Im Land der Königin von Saba, Vienna: Bundesminsterium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1989

Kammerer, Albert, La Mer Rouge, l’Abyssinie et l’Arabie depuis l’antiquité, vol. 1, Cairo: Société Royale de Géographie d’Égypte, 1929

Kiepert , Heinrich, “Schapira’s Reise in Jemen”, Globus, 38 (1880): 183[-]86

Kiernan, R.H., The Unveiling of Arabia: The Story of Arabian Travel and Discovery, London: Harrap, 1937; reprinted, New York: AMS Press, 1975

Klein-Franke, Aviva, “Ha-Mishlahat ha-Mada’it ha-Rishona li-Drom ‘Arav ke-Maqor le-Toldoth Yehudei Teiman” [The First Scientific Mission to Southern Arabia as a Source for the History of the Jews in Yemen], Pe’amim, 18 (1984): 80[-]101

Klein-Franke, Aviva, “J. Wolff and H. Stern: Missionaries in the Yemen” in Interpreting the Orient: Travellers in Egypt and the Near East, edited by Paul Starkey and Janet Starkey, Reading: Ithaca Press, 2001

Mittwoch, Eugen (editor), Aus dem Jemen: Hermann Burchardts letzte Reise durch Südarabien [From the Yemen: Hermann Burchardt’s Last Journey through South Arabia], Leipzig: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft and Brockhaus, 1926

Moberg, Axel (editor and translator), The Book of the Himyarites, Lund: Gleerup, 1924

Nebes, Norbert, “Orientalistik im Aufbruch: Die Wissenschaft vom Vorderen Orient in Jena zur Goethezeit” [The Emergence of Oriental Studies: The Study of the Near East in Jena in the Time of Goethe], in Goethes Morgenlandfahrten: West-östliche Begegnungen [Goethe’s Oriental Journeys: West-East Encounters], edited by Jochen Golz, Frankfurt and Leipzig: Insel, 1999

Palmer, H.P., Joseph Wolff, His Romantic Life and Travels, London: Heath, Cranton, 1935

Parry, John William, The Story of Spices, New York: Chemical Publishing, 1953

Philby, H. St J.B., “Joseph Halévy in the Yemen”, Geographical Journal, 102 (1943): 116[-]24

Ratzaby, Yehuda, “Shadarim Bilti Noda’im le-Teiman” [Unknown Emissaries to the Yemen], Sinai, 65 (1969): 111[-]49, 333[-]34

Ratzaby, Yehuda, “Shadarim le-Teiman be-Shnoth Tarmag, Tarmat” [Emissaries to the Yemen in the Years 1883 and 1889], Hashalem, 1 (1974): 427[-]53

Sacy, Silvestre de, “Antoine Isaac: La Foudre du Yémen au Conquête du Yémen par les Ottomans”, Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et autres bibliothèques, 4 (1799): 412[-]504

Serjeant, R.B., The Portuguese off the South Arabian Coast. Hadrami Chronicles, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963

Stein, Heidi, “Ulrich Jasper Seetzen im Jemen” in Ulrich Jasper Seetzen 1767[-]1811, Leben und Werk: die arabischen Länder und die Nahostforschung im napoleonischen Zeitalter, Gotha: Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, 1995 (see also biography of Seetzen by Norbert Nebes, pp. 39[-]52)

Wissmann, Hermann von, Zur Geschichte und Landeskunde von Alt-Südarabien [On the History and Geography of Ancient South Arabia], Vienna: Böhlau, 1964

Ya’ari, Avraham, “Shlihim me-Eretz Yisrael le-Teiman” [Emissaries from Palestine to Yemen], Sinai, 4 (1939): 392[-]430

Ya’ari, Avraham, “Shlihim me-Eretz Yisrael la-’Asereth ha-Shevatim” [Emissaries from Palestine to the Ten Tribes], Sinai, 6 (1940): 163[-]78

Yavnieli, Shemuel, Masa’ le-Teyman [Travel to Yemen], Tel Aviv: Miflagat Po’ale Erez Yisrael, 1952

Zemach, Y., Une Mission de l’Alliance au Yémen [A Mission to Yemen by the Alliance], Paris: Alliance Israélite Universelle, 1911

Yermak Timofeyevich
d. 1584/85

Travel Writing

Opisanie Sibirskago tsarstva... [Description of the Kingdom of Siberia...], 1750

Permskaia starina: Sbornik istoricheskikh statei i materialov preimushchestvenno o permkom krae, vol. 4: Stroganovy i Yermak [Permian Antiquity: Collected Historical Articles and Sources Chiefly on the Perm Region, vol. 4: The Stroganovs and Yermak], 1892

Sibirskie letopisi [The Siberian Chronicles], edited by L.N. and V.V. Maikov, 1907

Istoriia Sibiri, [History of Siberia], vol. 1, edited by A.I. Andreev et al., 1937

“Cherepanovskaia letopis’” [The Cherepanov Chronicle], Istoricheskie zapiski, 13 (1942): 308[-]23

“Arkheografichekii obzor spiskov povestei o pokhode Yermaka” [Archaeographic Summary of Versions of the Accounts of Yermak’s Campaign], Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, 13 (1957): 467[-]82

Yermak’s Campaign in Siberia: A Selection of Documents, translated by Tatiana Minorsky and David Wileman, edited by Terence Armstrong, 1975

Further Reading

Almazov, Boris, Ataman Yermak so tovarishchami [Ataman Yermak with Comrades], St Petersburg: Terra, 1997

Andreev, A.I., Ocherki po istochnikovedeniiu Sibiri, vol. 1: XVII vek [Outline of Source Studies of Siberia ], 2nd edition, Moscow-Leningrad: Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 1960

Dvoretskaia, N.A., “Ofitsial’naia i fol’klornaia otsenka pokhoda Yermaka v XVII v” [Official and Folklore Evaluations of Yermak’s Campaign in the 17th Century], Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, 14 (1958): 330[-]34

Fedorov, E.A., Yermak, Moscow: Novaia, 1995

Fischer, J.E., Sibirskaia istoriia s samogo otkrytiia Sibiri do Zavoevaniia sei zemli rossiiskim oruzhiem... [Siberian History from the Discovery of Siberia to Its Conquest by Russian Arms ...], St Petersburg: Akademiia, 1774

Gorelov, A.A., “Trilogiia o Yermake iz Sbornika Kirshi Danilova: polemicheskie zametki” [The Yermak Trilogy from Kirsha Danilov’s Book: Polemical Notes], Russkii fol’klor. Materialy i issledovaniia, 6 (1961): 344[-]76

Ilovaiskii, D.I., “Yermak i pokoreniie Sibiri” [Yermak and the Subjugation of Siberia], Russkii vestnik, 9 (1889): 3[-]39

Katanaev, G.I., “Eshche ob Yermake i ego sibirskom pokhode” [More on Yermak and His Siberian Campaign], Zapiski Zapadno-Sibirskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 15/2 (1893): 1[-]36

Krasnov, P.N., Yermak the Conqueror, translated by Zinaida and Arthur Ruhl, New York: Duffield, 1930

Lantzeff, George V. and Richard A. Pierce, Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier, to 1750, Montreal: McGill[-]Queen’s University Press, 1973

Longworth, Philip, The Cossacks, London: Constable, 1969; New York: Holt Rinehart, 1970

Mel’nikov, N.M., Ermak Timofeevich, kniaz sibirskii ego spodvizhniki i prodolzhateli [Yermak Timofeyevich, Prince of Siberia, His Companions and Successors], Asnières: Rodimogo Kraia, 1961

Nebol’sin, Pavel, Pokorenie Sibiri [The Subjugation of Siberia], St Petersburg: Glazunova, 1849

Preobrazhenskii, A.A., Ural i Zapadnaia Sibir’ v kontse XVI[-]nachale XVIII veka [The Urals and Western Siberia in the Late Sixteenth to Early Eighteenth Century], Moscow: Nauka, 1972

Sergeev, V.I., “K voprosu o pokhode v Sibir’ druzhiny Yermaka” [On the Siberian Campaign of Yermak’s Band], Voprosy istorii, 1 (1959): 117[-]29

Slovtsov, P.A., Pis’ma o Sibiri [Letters about Siberia], St Petersburg, 1826; Tiumen: Mandriki, 1999

Svin’in, P.P., Shemiakin Sud; Yermak, ili Pokorenie Sibiri [Shemiaka’s Tribunal; Yermak or Siberia’s subjugation], Moscow: Kronos, 1994

Ustrialov, N.G., Imenitye liudi Stroganovy [The Distinguished Stroganovs], St Petersburg, 1842

Arthur Young 1741[-]1820

Travel Writing

A Six Weeks Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales, 1768

A Six Months Tour through the North of England, 4 vols, 1770

A Tour in Ireland, with General Observations on the Present State of that Kingdom, 2 vols, 1780; edited by A.W. Hutton, 2 vols, 1892; reprinted with introduction by J.B. Ruane, 1970

Travels during the Years 1787, 1788 and 1789, 1792; as Travels in France, edited by M. Betham-Edwards, 1889; edited by Constantia Maxwell, 1929

The Autobiography of Arthur Young, edited by M. Betham-Edwards, 1898

Further Reading

Allen, Robert C. and Cormac Ó Gráda, On the Road Again with Arthur Young, Dublin: University College Dublin, 1986

Amery, G.D., “The Writings of Arthur Young”, Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 85 (1924)

Defries, Amelia, Sheep and Turnips: Being the Life and Times of Arthur Young, F.R.S., London: Methuen, 1938

Gazley, John G., “Arthur Young, Agriculturist and Traveller”, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 37/2 (March 1955): 393[-]428

Gazley, John G., The Life of Arthur Young, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1973

Mingay, G.E. (editor), Arthur Young and his Times, London: Macmillan, 1975

Gavin Young 1928[-]2001

Travel Writing

Return to the Marshes: Life with the Marsh Arabs of Iraq, 1977

Iraq: Land of Two Rivers, 1980

Slow Boats to China, 1981; as Halfway around the World: An Improbable Journey, 1981

Slow Boats Home, 1985

World’s Apart: Travels in War and Peace, 1987

In Search of Conrad, 1991

From Sea to Shining Sea: A Present Day Journey through America’s Past, 1995

A Wavering Grace: A Vietnamese Family in War and Peace, 1997

Eye on the World, 1998

Further Reading

Maxwell, Gavin, People of the Reeds, New York: Harper, 1957

A book on the Marsh Arabs by one of only two Europeans other than Young to spend much time with them.

Sherry, Norman, Conrad’s Eastern World, London: Cambridge University Press, 1966

A book on the scenes and historical characters of the Far East featured in Conrad’s fiction, much praised and often cited by Young in In Search of Conrad.

Theroux, Paul, The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train through Asia, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, and London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975

A famous travel book that suggested to Young the idea for Slow Boats to China and Slow Boats Home.

Thesiger, Wilfred, The Marsh Arabs, New York: Dutton, and London: Longman, 1964

Another account of the Marsh Arabs, by the legendary explorer who first encouraged Young to visit them.

Francis Younghusband

Travel Writing

 The Heart of a Continent: A Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884[-]1894, 1896

India and Tibet, 1910

Further Reading

Fleming, Peter, Bayonets to Lhasa: The First Full Account of the British Invasion of Tibet in 1904, London: Hart-Davis, and New York: Harper, 1961

Landon, Perceval, Lhasa: An Account of the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903[-]04, 2 vols, London: Hurst and Blackett, 1905; as The Opening of Tibet, New York; Doubleday, 1905

Mehra, Parshotam, The Younghusband Expedition: An Interpretation, London: Asia Publishing House, 1968

Mason, Kenneth, entry on Francis Younghusband in Dictionary of National Biography, 1941[-]1950, edited by L.G. Wickham Legg and E.T. Williams, London: Oxford University Press, 1959

Seaver, George, Francis Younghusband: Explorer and Mystic, London: John Murray, 1952

Yukon River

Travel Writing

Alaska Commercial Co., Alaska Commercial Co.’s Steamship Lines to St Michael and the Yukon River, 1898?

Information on Alaska steamboat lines.

Bulletin, The, San Francisco, 16 and 21 July 1897

Calder-Marshall, Arthur (editor), The Bodley Head Jack London, 1963

Contains “The Gold Hunters of the North”.

Campbell, Robert, The Discovery and Exploration of the Youcon (Pelly) River by the Discoverer, Robert Campbell, 1885

Early account of discovery and exploration on the Yukon River.

Carmack, George, Washington, My Experiences in the Yukon, 1933

Account of Klondike gold discoveries by one of the party who discovered gold in Rabbit Creek (renamed Bonanza Creek) in 1896, triggering the Klondike goldrush.

Dall, William H., Alaska and Its Resources, 1870

One of the first assessments of the natural wealth and commercial value of Alaska.

Dall, William H., Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska, During the Years, 1865[-]1874 by the Parties Under the Charge of W.H. Dall, 1876

Dall, William H., Pacific Coast Pilot: The Coast and Islands of Alaska, 1879

For many years a standard aid to navigation in Alaskan waters.

Dall, William H., Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, in Response to the Resolution of the [US] House of Representatives of December 11, 1884, 1885

Dall, William H., The Yukon Territory; The Narrative of W.H. Dall, Leader of the Expedition to Alaska in 1866[-]1868; The Narrative of an Exploration Made in 1887 in the Yukon District, 1898

DeGraf, Anna, Pioneering on the Yukon, 1892[-]1917, edited by Roger S. Brown, 1992

Diary of a mother who travelled to the Klondike when almost 60 years old to look for her lost son.

Franklin, John, Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Seas, in the Years 1825,1826, and 1827, 1828

Account of Franklin’s expedition to the Arctic regions of Northwest Canada and Alaska.

Haskell, William B., Two Years in the Klondike and Alaskan Gold-fields, 1896[-]1898: A Thrilling Narrative of Life in the Gold Mines and Camps, 1998

Entertaining and literate account of gold prospecting before and after the Klondike goldrush. Includes a preface by Terrence Cole.

Labor, Earle, Robert C. Leitz III and I. Milo Shepard (editors), The Complete Short Stories of Jack London, 1993

A collection of the author’s short stories now considered definitive by many London scholars.

Lugrin, Charles, H., Yukon Gold Fields Map Showing Routes from Victoria, B.C. to the Various Mining Camps on the Yukon River and its Branches, Mining Regulations of the Dominion Government and Forms of Application: Together with a Table of Distances, Extracts from Mr Ogilvie’s Reports, and other Information, 1897

A contemporary guide to the gold rush including information on routes, prospecting equipment and supplies.

Merriam, C. Hart, Results of a Biological Reconnaissance of the Yukon River Region, 1900

The natural history of the Northwest. Includes descriptions of North American fauna, and Alaskan mammals.

Ogilvie, William, Report of the Wm Ogilvie Exploration Survey of the Yukon River District, 1887

Ogilvie, William, Early Days on the Yukon and the Story of its Gold Finds, 1913

An account of discovery and exploration in Alaska and the Yukon Territory.

Pike, Warburton, Through the Subarctic Forest: A Record of a Canoe Journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelley lakes and Down to the Yukon River to the Behring Sea, 1896

Includes descriptions of travel in the Northwest Territories and Alaska.

Raymond, Charles, W., Report of a Reconnaissance of the Yukon River, Alaska Territory, July to September, 1869, 1871

Russell, Israel C., A Journey up the Yukon River, 1889

Includes descriptions of travel on the Yukon River and in the Yukon Territory.

Russell, Israel C., An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska, 1891

Scidmore, Eliza, Ruhamah, Appletons’ Guide-Book to Alaska and the Northwest Coast Including the Shores of Washington, British Columbia, Southeastern Alaska, the Aleutian and the Seal Islands, the Bering and the Arctic Coasts, the Yukon River and Klondike District, 1893

Interesting early guidebook with a panoptic geographical sweep. Includes an account of the Klondike gold fields.

Schwatka, Frederick, Along Alaska’s Great River: A Popular Account of the Travels of the Alaska Exploring Expedition of 1883, Along the Great Yukon River, from its Source to its Mouth, in the British North-West Territory, and in the Territory of Alaska, 1885

Schwatka, Frederick, A Summer in Alaska. A Popular Account of the Travels of an Alaska Exploring Expedition Along the Great Yukon River, from its Source to its Mouth, in the British Northwest Territory, and in the Territory of Alaska, 1891

Descriptions of travel in Alaska and the Yukon Territory including Yukon River navigation.

Schwatka, Frederick, Report of a Military Reconnaissance Made in Alaska in 1883, 1885

Includes descriptions of native Americans and travel in Alaska.

Schwatka, Frederick, Schwatka’s Last Search: The New York Ledger Expedition through Unknown Alaska and British America, Including the Journal of Charles Willard Hayes, 1891, edited by Arland S. Harris, 1996

Schwatka’s narrative of his 1891 exploration in Alaska published in the New York Ledger magazine as a series of installments in 1892. Introduced and annotated by Arland S. Harris.

Stuck, Hudson, Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled. A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska, 1914

Whymper, Frederick, Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, Formerly Russian America Now Ceded to the United States and in Various Other Parts of the North Pacific, 1868

Very readable and informative account of The Western Union Telegraph Company Expedition. Describes Russian America before its transfer to the USA. Beautifully illustrated by the author.

Further Reading

Anderson, Barry C., Lifeline to the Yukon: A History of Yukon River Navigation, Seattle: Superior, 1983

Backhouse, Frances, Women of the Klondike, Vancouver, BC: Whitecap, 1995

Part of a body of revisionist history that examines the role of women in the Klondike.

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, History of Alaska, 1730[-]1885, San Francisco: Bancroft, 1886; reprinted, New York: Antiquarian Press, 1959

Bryce, George, Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell, Chief Factor of the Hon. Hudson’s Bay Company, Winnipeg: Manitoba Free Press, 1898

Information on Robert Campbell, Hudson’s Bay Company and exploration of The Yukon River.

Cantwell, Margaret, North to Share: The Sisters of St Ann in Alaska and the Yukon Territory, Victoria, British Columbia: Sisters of St Ann, 1992

Cohen, Stan, Yukon River Steamboats: A Pictorial History, Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories, 1982

Contains many fine images of Yukon sternwheelers.

Davis, Richard C. (editor), Sir John Franklin’s Journals and Correspondence: The Second Arctic Land Expedition, 1825[-]1827, Toronto: Champlain Society, 1998

Includes an introduction by Richard C. Davis, biographical material on Franklin and Franklin’s search for the Northwest Passage.

Driscoll, Cynthia Brackett, One Woman’s Gold Rush: Snapshots from Mollie Brackett’s Lost Photo Album, 1898[-]1899, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Oak Woods, 1996

Higginson, Ian N., “Poetry and Alaska: William Henry Seward’s Alaskan Purchase and Bret Harte’s ‘An Arctic Vision’”, Arctic, 50/4 (1997): 334[-]48

Article on the purchase of Alaska, attitudes to the purchase, and the poetry that it produced.

Higginson, Ian N., “Jack London’s Klondike Speculation: Capitalist Critique and the Sled as Heterotopia in The Call of the Wild”, Polar Record, 34/191 (1998): 317[-]32

An analysis of The Call of the Wild as a socio-economic critique of American society.

Knutson, Arthur, E., Sternwheels on the Yukon, Kirkland, Washington: Knutson, 1979

McGuire, Thomas, 99 Days on the Yukon: An Account of What was Seen and Heard in the Company of Charles A. Wolf, Gentleman Canoeist, Anchorage: Alaska Northwest, 1977

Moessner, Victoria Joan and Joanne E. Gates (editors), The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins, 1900, Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1999

Includes an introduction by the editors. Keenly observed, sharply focused account offering insights into the events and people of the period.

Porsild, Charlene, Gamblers and Dreamers: Women, Men, and Community in the Klondike, Vancouver, British Columbia: UBC Press, 1998

Preyde, James and Susan  Preyde, Yukon Gold: High Hopes and Dashed Dreams, Surrey, British Columbia: Hancock House, 1995

Information on Yukon and Klondike river valleys and gold discoveries.

Satterfield, Archie. Exploring the Yukon River, Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1979

Van Deusen, Glyndon G., William Henry Seward, New York: Oxford University Press, 1967

Biography of Seward, the individual responsible for the purchase of Alaska by the USA.

Webb, Melody, The Last Frontier, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1985

Subjects include frontier and pioneer life, the Yukon River Valley, and Alaska.

Yarborough, Linda Finn (editor and translator), Recollections of the Youkon: Memoires from the Years 1868[-]1885 by François Xavier Mercier, Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Historical Society, 1986

Yardley, Joyce, Yukon Riverboat Days, Surrey, BC: Hancock House, 1996

Insight into Yukon River life. Including the region (Yukon and Alaska) its history, riverboats, frontier and pioneer life, social life and, customs.

Henry Yule 1820[-]1889

Travel Writing

“Notes on the Kasia Hills and People”, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 13 (1844): 612[-]631; a few other articles on the antiquities of India and South-East Asia in the same journal

A Narrative of the Mission sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, 1858, new edition published together with the journal of Arthur Phayre, 1968

Translated and Edited Works

Mirabilia Descripta: The Wonders of the East, translated by Henry Yule, 1863

Cathay and the Way Thither: Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, with a Preliminary Essay on the Intercourse between China and the Western Nations previous to the Discovery of the Cape Route, 2 vols, 1866; 2nd edition, revised by Henri Cordier, 4 vols, 1913[-]16

The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, 1871, enlarged 2nd edition, 2 vols, 1875; much revised 3rd edition by Henri Cordier, 2 vols, 1903[-]20

The Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges), during his Agency in Bengal; as well as on his Voyage Out and Return Overland (1681[-]1687), transcribed by R. Barlow, and illustrated by by Henry Yule, 3 vols, 1887[-]89

Other Works

Introduction of 90 pages to John Wood, A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, 1872 with A. Burnell: Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive, 1886

Further Reading

Cordier, Henri, obituary of Henry Yule in Journal Asiatique, 8/15 (1890): 243[-]64

C[outts] T[rotter], entry on Henry Yule in Dictionary of National Biography, 63 (1900): pages

M[aclagan], R., obituary of Henry Yule in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 22 (1890): 220[-]27

Yule, Amy Frances, “Memoir of Sir Henry Yule” and his Bibliography, published in the 3rd edition of The Book of Ser Marco Polo, London: John Murray, 1903


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