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Preterist Charts

  • Archeology/Jerusalem: J. King - Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem (1884 PDF)

  • Archeology: The Other Messiah "Bar Kokhba's letters show him warning his followers not to trust the "Galileans" -- a common name for the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. The Galileans, who already were being called Christians, were in the ascendancy. While the Romans were fighting the Jews, the Christians were gaining power and influence and converts in the heart of the Roman Empire.  This was not their war with the Romans, for the Christian messiah was the Prince of Peace, and they would win in the end, with history-changing results. And without the support of the Galileans, Simon bar Kokhba's revolt was doomed. "


Revelations of the Ancient World
(Click to be directed to Pretblog: Revelations)


Masada in the Wars of the Jews | Stone Piles that Memorialize Jerusalem's Destruction


A Roman Triumphal Arch on the Temple Mount In Jerusalem? | "Peter Tomb" in Jerusalem | Evidence of the Red Sea Crossing


66-70 Official Judean Mint | 71 Judea Capta | "History of Mankind" | Coinage of Constantine


Dead Sea Scrolls | "7Q5 = Mark 6:52-53" | 1Q71-72 | 1QpHab | 4Q169 | 4QH | 4Q397-399 | P.Oxy. LVI 4499

The study of archeology, papyrology, epigrahpy, and numerous other scientific disciplines will be the main focus of this archive. One purpose is to display the early roots of the "Christian Preterist" view of bible prophecy -- which sees the "Apocalypse of the Book of Revelation" as being applied to first century events.  There are a number of exciting recent discoveries that have lent a great deal of support to this increasingly popular view of the Bible.

1. Looking at the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other early papyrus finds, it is clear that the Pret view of the "Roman-Judean" apocalypse held currency in Palestine since at least 63 B.C., when the Romans first came upon the scene in Jerusalem.  (The historical Christian flight from Jerusalem also plays a part in this area of study.)

2. At Oxyrhynchus in Egypt, a papyrus scrap pile has yielded the earliest known fragment of the book of Revelation. The text is Revelation 13:18, which holds the infamous "Mark of the Beast" passage. Instead of the traditionally held number of "666", this fragment makes the number "616". This is significant for the reason that it seems to confirm the identification of the Beast as Nero.

3. Heraculaneaum's "Villa of the Papyri" is an ancient Roman library that was preserved intact by the Volcanic blow of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79. Among other important new discoveries there, it is possible that an early copy of Josephus' "Wars of the Jews" is contained in this cache. The book was very fashionable to own when it came out, being personally endorsed by Emperor Titus himself. If found, it would be the earliest known version of the work to exist, and would serve to answer many questions about redactions and additions to the text which portrays the fall of Jerusalem in A.D.70 as the end of the age. There were also numerous other works on this war which have not as of yet been discovered and may be found there.

These are just three examples of exciting discoveries which shed light on early Jewish and Christian views of Bible eschatology. Information will be added as time allows, and as breaking news develops. Thanks for reading!

Todd Dennis, Curator of


  • Ancient Syrian Manuscripts Found In Egyptian Monastery - "Although the library was probably established soon after the monastery’s foundation in the 6th century, it was enlarged after a visit by abbot Moses of Nisibis to Baghdad in 927, when he returned with hundreds of early Syriac manuscripts. "

  • Unearthing history in the heart of Rome "Next, to the joy of Carandini’s little army of helpers, there surfaced bits of the original boundary wall around the sanctuary of Vesta itself, a perimeter enclosing the living quarters of Rome’s first kings. Thus, announced Carandini with some satisfaction, he had brought to a conclusion a painstaking, 20-year-long dig in the forums aimed at finding where and how and in what shape Rome had begun. The finds concluded with the September discovery of the very origin of Rome, which turned out to be a sacred defended enclave of some 10,000 sqm, the initial heart of the city."

  • The Once and Future City - "The first major archeological digs in Jerusalem since the 1980s have uncovered some of the most significant - and the most highly controversial - finds ever discovered in the area known by most, and revered by many, as Ir David - "The City of David."

  • Boys find Second Temple burial cave near Beit Shemesh  "In a scene out of the Hollywood Indiana Jones, three Israeli children stumbled upon an ancient Second Temple cave in the Beit Shemesh area filled with skeletons and ossuaries, Israel's Antiquities Authority announced Monday.  The boys, ages 11-13, who discovered the heretofore unknown cave during a scout's cave-hunt, were awarded a certificate of recognition for reporting their finds to the Antiquities Authority."

  • Church of Apostles found on Mt. Zion

  • A Lost Scrap of Tobit from the Schoyen Collection - From Tobit 14  "Indeed, everything that was spoken by the prophets of Israel, whom God sent, will occur. None of all their words will fail, but all will come true at their appointed times. So it will be safer in Media than in Assyria and Babylon. For I know and believe that whatever God has said will be fulfilled and will come true; not a single word of the prophecies will fail. All of our kindred, inhabitants of the land of Israel, will be scattered and taken as captives from the good land; and the whole land of Israel will be desolate" (3-4)

  • 11/10/5: Move the prison, save the church, archeologists say - "The Israeli Prison System said the experience of helping to excavate the site had gone a long way toward rehabilitating some of the prisoners. More than 60 prisoners (none of them Palestinian security prisoners) worked on the excavations and a few of them were so happy with the work, they have asked for jobs with the Israel Antiquities Authority, when they complete their prison sentence, said IPS spokeswoman Stelser. "If this is not rehabilitation, you tell me what is," Stelser said.

  • 11/7/5: Independent - Early Christian Church Found in Jail Compound | IsraCast - "Biblical Armageddon - where St John the Divine (Revelation 16:16) prophesied the war to end all wars, is now the high-security prison of Megiddo, where the Israelis send the hardest Palestinian cases.   A mosaic floor, inscribed with an ornate Greek dedication to "the God Jesus Christ," was discovered during ground-clearing for a new wing. "  They found three other inscriptions and a medallion decorated with a pair of fish. One inscription was dedicated to Gaianus, a Roman officer who paid for the mosaics out of his own pocket. A second commemorated four women, Primilia, Kiraka, Dorothea and Crista; while a third praised "God-loving" Akeftos, who donated the table as a memorial to Jesus."

  • 11/6/5: Archaeologists Discover Ancient Church (Yahoo) - The dig took place over the past 18 months at the Megiddo prison in northern Israel, with the most significant discoveries taking place in the past two weeks, Tepper said. Scholars believe Megiddo to be the New Testament's Armageddon, the site of a final war between good and evil."Normally we have from this period in our region historical evidence from literature, not archaeological evidence," he said. "There is no structure you can compare it to, it is a very unique find."  Channel Two said there is speculation that Israel may move the prison and open a tourist attraction in its place. "If it's between a prison and a church, I would like a church," Zias said. "You can put a prison anywhere." | Noah's Ark?
  • 10/24/5: After 100 Years, Acient Papyrus Returns to UC Berkeley - "The papyri, which come primarily from mummy wrappings in the Egyptian city of Tebtunis, span a period of nearly 600 years when the Egyptian empire was ruled by the Greeks and later the Romans, Faulhaber said. "
  • 10/19/5: Cremona Dig Confirms Tacitus - "Excavations in Cremona have confirmed a legendary description of the city's destruction in December 69 AD by the Latin historian Tacitus . "Such was the end of Cremona, 286 years after its foundation," he concluded . The sack of Cremona occurred in the "Year of the Four Emperors", the period of civil war that followed Nero's forced suicide in 68 AD."

  • 8/19/5: Biblical Pool of Siloam Discovered - "This pool was destroyed in 586 BC by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, but rebuilt in the 1st century BC before being destroyed again in 70 AD by Titus, the man who would become the Roman emperor. When the workmen crafted the steps centuries ago, they buried four coins in the plaster, all of which date from 103 to 76 BC. In addition, in the soil in one corner of the pool, the archaeologists found a dozen coins that date from 66 to 70 AD, indicating that the pool was being filled in at that time."

  • 1/28/4: Revelations Philip St. Vincent Brennan: Sancta Sindone: Shroud of Turin - Holiest of Relics or Hoariest of Hoaxes


Megiddo Christian Church | Megiddo Inscriptions
Find could be one of the earliest churches in the region.

By Scott Wilson


Monday, November 7, 2005

MEGIDDO, Israel -- Israeli state archaeologists have discovered mosaics, pottery and other remains of a Roman-era Christian building on the grounds of a high-security prison and say the site could be the oldest public place of Christian worship ever uncovered in Israel and perhaps one of the earliest such sites in the world.

The mosaic floor of the structure was discovered last week by an Israeli prisoner working on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

The agency has been excavating the Megiddo compound for more than a year to ensure that nothing of historic value is lost during an ongoing renovation.

At a news conference Sunday, Yardena Alexandre, a spokeswoman for the authority, called the discovery "one of the most important finds for the history of early Christianity."

State archaeologists said that judging by the age of broken pottery discovered on the floor, the distinctive mosaic style, inscriptions citing Jesus and the apparent pre-Byzantine design of the building, the structure was most likely a public place of Christian worship that dates to the mid-third or early fourth century.

If that's true, the find would join the early third-century Christian gathering place at Dura Europus in Syria as one of the oldest of its kind.

At that time, near the end of the Roman Empire, Christianity was an outlawed religion practiced in the Holy Land in the clandestine chapels of private homes.

Archaeologists involved in the excavation were reluctant to describe the remains as a church because the term was not used during that period. But they said its inscribed dedications to community figures, mosaics of fish and specific mention of "the God Jesus Christ" were proof that it was a public building used in Christian worship, the sort of structure archaeologists had read about in historical texts but had never uncovered.

"The most important thing about this is that it is the oldest Christian building we have found in archaeological form," said Yotam Tepper, the archaeologist in charge of the excavation. "The problem is that we didn't have churches at that time."

Some archaeologists not involved in the project said the conclusions, though tantalizing, might be premature given that only 10 percent of the site has been excavated. Workers have yet to turn up a dated inscription or other evidence that firmly establishes the year the structure was built.

Zeev Weiss, an archaeology professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem who runs the largest excavation project in the Galilee region, said: "There is no question that what they have found is connected to Christianity. The only questions concern the design of the structure, the use of the structure and the date. To my mind, they don't really know what they have."

The Israeli army built the Megiddo prison in 1982, and the compound now holds 1,200 high-security Palestinian inmates. Earlier this year, the army turned over the collection of tent encampments to the national prison authority, which has been replacing the tents with hardened cellblocks.

Archaeologists were well aware of the rich history of Megiddo, also known as Armageddon, the place where the Bible says the ultimate battle of good and evil will be waged. Because of that history, archaeological excavation has preceded each phase of the prison's expansion.

Israeli prisoners, the only inmates allowed to work inside the grounds, began about six weeks ago surveying the area where the mosaic floor was found. It was scheduled to be cleared for construction two days after the discovery was made.

Covered by scaffolding and a black tarp, the site is roughly the size of a tennis court, with fragile mosaics covering approximately half of it.

Tepper said the building does not follow the basilica plan, characterized by colonnades along a central nave leading to a rounded apse. He said the simple design suggests that it predates Christianity's legalization.

The oldest definitively dated church in Israel is in Ramle, where, inscriptions say, the structure was built in 376.

Some archaeologists believe that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which tradition says marks the spot where Jesus was crucified and entombed, was built in 330 by Constantine's mother. This site would predate those by decades.

The base of a column is visible along the low ruins of one wall. Archaeologists say it arched over the floor to support a stone roof, indicating that the building was probably among the grandest in the area.

The intricacy of the mosaic floors also suggests that it was more than a private home, archaeologists say, although some of the region's wealthy residents might have had such design flourishes in their houses.

In the coming weeks, Israeli officials will determine what to do with the site. The options include digging up the area and moving it or separating it from the rest of the prison and making it the centerpiece of a small museum.


What do YOU think ?

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Date: 07 Sep 2007
Time: 05:13:05


Mt. Vesuvius in post 70 A.D? What would the Vesuvious eruption look like from Patmos Greece? Could the darkened skies, the earthquakes and the the rumblings refer to Vesuvious?

Revelations 9:1-2
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. It was given the key for the passage to the abyss.
It opened the passage to the abyss, and smoke came up out of the passage like smoke from a huge furnace. The sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the passage.

Date: 27 Oct 2007
Time: 12:53:47


On the Jerusalem escape tunnel, see historian Norman Golb's article in the Forward, at
It appears this was only one of many such tunnels; others were found during the 19th century.


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