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The Book of Dojo, 1.0

This is the official reference for the Dojo Toolkit, versions 0.9 and up. This online book will help new users get started as well as act as a reference guide for more experienced users. Live examples are included.

SitePen's Dojo QuickStart Guide

A concise, easy-to-follow, quick start to using Dojo.

Dojo API Reference

A web-based, searchable reference for the Dojo API.

Demos and Tutorials

A collection of community demos and resources to get you started quickly.

Dojo Porting Guides

Dojo 1.0 and 0.9 are not backward compatible with all previous Dojo releases. These guides can save you some serious headaches.

SitePen's Dojo Toolbox

An Dojo app that runs inside AIR that includes and offline API Viewer and simplified Builder tool

Other Dojo Books