Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources
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    Mount Vernon, June 28, 1788.

    Dear Sir: I had the pleasure to receive, a day or two ago, your obliging letter of the 24th of last month, in which you advise me of the ratification of the foederal Constitution by South Carolina. By a more rapid water conveyance, that good news had some few days before arrived at Baltimore, so as to have been very opportunely communicated to the Convention of this State, in session at Richmond. It is with great satisfaction I have it now in my power to inform you that, on the 25th instant, the Delegates of Virginia adopted the Constitution, in toro, by a division of eighty nine in favour of it to seventy nine against it; and that, notwithstanding the majority is so small, yet, in consequence of some conciliatory conduct and recommendatory amendments, a happy acquiescence it is said is likely to terminate the business here in as favorable a manner as could possibly have been expected.

    No sooner had the Citizens of Alexandria (who are foederal to a man) received the intelligence by the Mail last night, than they determined to devote this day to festivity. But their exhilaration was greatly increased, and a much keener zest given to their enjoyment, by the arrival of an Express (two hours before day) with the news that the Convention of New Hampshire shire had, on the 21st instant, acceded to the new Confederacy by a majority of eleven voices, that is to say, fifty seven to forty six.

    Thus the Citizens of Alexandria, when convened, constituted the first public company in America, which had the pleasure of pouring [a] libation to the prosperity of the ten States that had actually adopted the general government. The day itself is memorable for more reasons than one. It was recollected that this day is the Anniversary of the battles of Sullivan's Island and Monmouth. I have just returned from assisting at the entertainment, and mention these details, unimportant as they are in themselves, the rather because I think we may rationally indulge the pleasing hope that the Union will now be established upon a durable basis, and that Providence seems still disposed to favour the members of it, with unequalled opportunities for political happiness.

    >From the local situation as well as the other circumstances of North Carolina, I should be truly astonished if that State should withdraw itself from the Union. On the contrary, I flatter myself with a confident expectation that more salutary counsels will certainly prevail. At present there is more doubt how the question will be immediately disposed of in New York; for it seems to be understood that there is a majority in the Convention opposed to the adoption of the New foederal System. Yet it is hardly to be supposed (or rather in my judgment it is irrational to suppose) they will reject a government, which, from an unorganized embryo ready to be stifled with a breath, has now in the maturity of its birth assumed a confirmed bodily existence. Or, to drop the metaphor, the point in debate has, at least, shifted its ground from policy to expediency. The decision of ten States cannot be without its operation. Perhaps the wisest way, in this crisis will be, not to attempt to accept or reject, but to adjourn until the people in some parts of the State can consider the magnitude of the question and of the consequences involved in it, more coolly and deliberately. After New York shall have acted, then only one little State will remain; suffice it to say, it is universally believed, that the scales are ready to drop from the eyes and the infatuation to be removed from the heart, of Rhode Island . May this be the case, before that inconsiderate People shall have filled up the measure of iniquity before it shall be too late!

    Mrs. Washington and all with us desire their best Compliments may be presented to Mrs. Pinckney and yourself: wishing that mine may also be made acceptable to you both, I am, &c. 12

[Note:From the "Letter Book" copy in the Washington Papers .

   On June 28 Washington wrote to the Reverend Mr. West, inclosing a letter of introduction to Wakelin Welch for Wests's son, who was going to England to study painting. The letter to Welch, dated June 28 also, speaks of Wests's father as an Episcopalian clergyman of Maryland. Copies of both of these letters are in the "Letter Book" in the Washington Papers . ]