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Welcome Americans and you! This fun place that easy read. We are use little teeny word so you can see them on you're own computer! Can make read your collection of words and stuff any time its want - gets magically changed by we just for you!!!!! Shy not do not be - it yes certainly is without no many contents!!!

Sophia has makes us work on 23,415 articles for just to you!!!.

Because you is so smart, and because this is on you're computer, you can edit even if you have pudding cups. Don't floccinaucinihilipilificate the catching of Pneumoneultramicroscopicsilicavolcaniconiosis, you pseudo-antidisestablishmentarianists, you! (Sorry if i gave you a brain hemo- hema- hhemmorrr- bleedy-thing. Makes mores words smerts! Definately!, no wait, dafanataly, no wait... diffinittely! You don't need help, but if your bored, read all about lerrning...i mean lorning to spill and dealing with the gnomes in you're computer.

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[edit] Today's show my men (THEY ARE UGLY DONT LOOK!!!!)

[edit] Today's featured article

You can watch Uncyclopedia, but you aren't allowed to shag the sheep.
You can watch Uncyclopedia, but you aren't allowed to shag the sheep.

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Sockpuppeteering, and excessive throwing of hissy fits - sentenced to one week to become sane again, JeffArch. If that's possible. (more...)

[edit] Yesterday's featured article

When one intends to rob a bank, the best plan is to have a plan. It's like those alliterating bastards always say, proper planning prevents piss poor productivity. As such, plan on having a plan. Make sure this plan you plan is planned well, unless you plan on planning some jail time, too. The best plan of them all, however, is not for the faint of heart. It is as illegal as it is dangerous, and would lower your societal position to new depths. You'd be lower than an adulterer. Lower than a murderer.