Dahlia Lithwick

From Clarence Thomas to Palin

Palin and Thomas are both casualties of an effort to create a country that measures diversity only in terms of appearance.

Member Comments
  • Posted By: HarleyisHere @ 10/06/2008 2:29:05 PM

    Comment: Dow Down 620 points, Obama remains statistically ahead for tenth straight day, 100 points ahead in teh electoral college, and McCaplin talks about a college professor who 30+ years ago was a part of the weather underground one of hundreds of radical groups that formed in the face of the US government BECUASE of Viet Nam ya know that war that HISTORY says we LOST and McCain say he won???...huh? Cause he "knows how to win wars".If that's true why did'nt he "WIN" in Afghanistan before bailing out on our troops there and going to Iraq (for OIL, mccain 05/03/08).

    MAN UP MCPALIN! get to the issues at hand, try to have some dignity, if yopu can't handle it...well how about some "straight talk", that's what you BRAGabout but seldom deliver, give it a try, America might actually develope some respect for you, you COWARD! How long are you going to try to ride the POWexcuse, we've heard that in PRISON you did not have a kitchen, ora table, guess what else you did NOT have in PRISON, an economic plan, or an economy, POW has been you excuse for ALL the things you do not know or did pourly or NOT AT ALL, so just one more time, as some Americans give you room to wiggle when you drop the POW EXCUSE, try it now, maybe you'll see a budge in the polls, yeah you'll hear the same grown you hear every time POW comes up now, but maybe that mole docotrs removed and placed in a jar for you won't be the only face you save....Just a thought, man up and admit you're completely lost right now.

  • Posted By: test10022 @ 10/04/2008 9:58:55 PM

    Comment: On Thomas--you only criticize him as an affirmative action baby, because he opposes the policy. If he supported it, like Obama, you would have nothing but praise. But if the old white liberal who supports affirmative action--thereby making it impossible for his kids (with the same scores) to attend the same schools--has a valid opinion; then Thomas has a valid opinion as well. In fact, opinions that go CONTRARY to one's self interest deserve special consideration--for most certainly, personal ambition not the driving force behind the point of view.

    On Palin--she's not an affirmative action pick. You don't hire George Will to sell African Americans basketball shoes. And you don't hire Arnold Schwarzenegger to convert women to the republican party. It's not "affirmative action" when the job is public facing and a minority is chosen for marketing reasons. In that case (and ONLY that case) selecting diversity means choosing the best qualified person for the job.

  • Posted By: Krohn @ 10/03/2008 9:17:05 PM

    Comment: Day 5 of stealing Ohio's election!:

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