Daily Kos

ND-Pres: Another poll shows Obama lead

Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 12:20:09 PM PDT

DFM Research for the North Dakota United Transportation Union. 10/13-14. Adults. MoE 4.4% (No trend lines)

McCain (R) 41
Obama (D) 44

Two quick points -- there's no need for a voter registration screen in North Dakota because the state does not have any voter registration. Anyone over the age of 18 can vote as long as they've lived in their precinct for 30 days. So a poll of "adults" is equivalent to a poll of "registered voters". But that's all it is, there were no "likely voter" screens applied.

We've got a poll in the field right now, so hopefully we can be the third poll in a row showing a neck-and-neck (or better) race in the state.

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Tags: president, 2008, John McCain, Barack Obama, North Dakota (all tags) :: Previous Tag Versions

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