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FAO Species Identification and Data Programme (SIDP)
  Western Central Atlantic
Carpenter, K.E. (ed.), 2002.

Western Central Atlantic
This 3 volume field guide covers the species of interest to fisheries of the major marine resourcegroups exploited in the Western Central Atlantic. The area of coverage includes FAO Fishing Area 31. The marine resource groups included are the bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, stomatopods, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes, chimaeras, bony fishes, sea turtles, and marine mammals. The introductory chapter outlines the environmental, ecological, and biogeographical factors influencing the marine biota, and the basic components of the fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic.
Vol. I Introduction, molluscs, crustaceans, hagfishes,sharks, batoid fishes and chimaeras    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. II Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae)    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. III Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae),sea turtles and marine mammals    ReadDownloadPurchase
  Western Central Pacific
Carpenter, K.E. and V.H. Niem (eds), 1998 - 2001.

Regional Guides
This multivolume field guide covers the species of interest to fisheries of the major marine resource groups exploited in the Western Central Pacific. The area of coverage includes FAO Fishing Area 71 and the southwestern portion of Fishing Area 77 corresponding to the South Pacific Commission mandate area. The marine resource groups included are seaweeds, corals, bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, stomatopods, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, holothurians, sharks, batoid fishes, chimaeras, bony fishes, estuarine crocodiles, sea turtles, sea snakes, and marine mammals.   
Vol. 1. Seaweeds, corals, bivalves and gastropods    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. 2. Cephalopods, crustaceans, holothurians and sharks    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae)    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae)    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae)    ReadDownloadPurchase
Vol. 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles, sea turtles, sea snakes and marine mammals    ReadDownloadPurchase
  Pacifico Centro-Oriental
Fischer, W., F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. Carpenter y V.H. Niem, 1995.

Regional Guides
La presente publicación describe les especies de interés para la pesca de los grupos mayores de recursos marinos y de aguas salobres explotados en el Pacífico centro-oriental. Esta área se extiende desde bahía Magdalena, en la península de Baja California, hasta el borde meridional de Colombia, abarcando la parte suroriental del área de pesca No. 77 y el extremo nororiental del área No. 87. Los grupos mayores de recursos tratados son: algas marinas, corales, gasterópodos, bivalvos, quitones, cefalopódos, camarones, langostas, cangrejos, estomatópodos, equinodermos, tiburones, peces batoídeos, quimeras, peces óseos, tortugas marinas, serpientes marines, y mamíferos marinos.
Vol. 1 Plantas e Invertebrados    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 2 Vertebrados Parte 1    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 3 Vertebrados Parte 2    DownloadPurchase
  Méditerranée et Mer Noire
Fischer, W., M.-L. Bauchot and M. Schneider, 1987.

Méditerranée et Mer Noire
Cette publication remplace la première édition des Fiches FAO d'identification pour la Méditerranée et la mer Noire, parue en 1972. Comme pour les publications précédentes de la série, chacun des grands groupes (Algues et autres végétaux marins, Eponges, Cnidaires, Cirripèdes, Stomatopodes, Crevettes, Homards, Langoustines, Langoustes, Cigales, Crabes, Bivalves, Gastéropodes, Céphalopodes, Oursins et Holothuries, Ascidies, Lamproies, Requins, Raies et autres Batoèdes, Chimères, Poissons osseux, Tortues et Mammifères) représente une section.
Vol. I Vegetaux et Invertébrés    ReadDownload
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Vol. II Vertébrés    ReadDownload
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  Southern Ocean
Fischer, W. and J.C. Hureau (eds), 1985.

Southern Ocean
This publication exists in three languages, English, French and Spanish. It presents the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean considered to be of interest to fisheries or of major importance for the conservation of the Antarctic environment. The major groups included are seaweeds, euphausiids, king crabs/stone crabs, bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, hagfishes/lampreys, sharks, batoid fishes, bony fishes and marine mammals.
Vol. 1 [En] Seaweeds, Euphasiids, King crabs and Stone Crabs, Bivalves, Gastropods,Cephalopods, Hagfishes, Lampreys, Sharks and Batoid Fishes    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 2 [En] Bony Fishes, Marine Mammals, Index of Scientific and Vernacular Family and Species Names    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 1 [Fr] Algues, Euphasiacés, Crabes royaux, Bivalves, Gastéropodes, Céphalopodes, Myxines, Lamproies, Requins and Raies    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 2 [Fr] Poisson osseux, Mammifères marins, Index des noms scientifiques et vernaculaires des familles et espéces    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 1 [Es] Algas, Eufásidos, Litódidos, Bivalvos, Gastrópodos, Cefalópodos, Lampreas, Tiburones, Peces batoideos (Rayas)    DownloadPurchase
Vol. 2 [Es] Peces óseos, Mamiferos marinos, Indice de nombres cientificos y vernáculos de las familias y especies    DownloadPurchase
  Western Indian Ocean
Fischer, W., G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds), 1984.

Western Indian Ocean
This set of Identification Sheets, primarily covering the area of concern to the Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, is an inventory of species of interest to fisheries covering the Western Indian Ocean in its entirety.
Volumes I to VI    ReadDownload
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  Eastern Central Atlantic
Fischer, W., G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds), 1981.

Eastern Central Atlantic
This set of Identification Sheets is an inventory of species of interest to fisheries covering the Eastern Central Atlantic region in its entirety, comprising the Fishing Area 34 as well as the northern part of Fishing Area 47.

A revision of this regional guide is in preparation.
Vol. 1 Bonyfish Acanthuridae - Centrolophidae    Download
Vol. 2 Bonyfish Cepolidae - Macrouridae    Download
Vol. 3 Bonyfish Malacanthidae - Scombridae    Download
Vol. 4 Bonyfish Scophthalmidae - Zeidae, Cimaeras, Sharks Alopiidae    Download
Vol. 5 Sharks Carcharhinidae - Triakidae, Batoid fishes, Lobsters    Download
Vol. 6 Shrimp & Prawns, Crabs, Stomatopods, Bivalves, Gastropods, Cephalopods, Sea Turtles    Download
Index    Download
  Eastern Indian Ocean & Western Central Pacific
Fischer, W. and P.J.P. Whitehead (eds), 1974.

Eastern Indian Ocean & Western Central Pacific
This publication (4 volumes, bony fishes only), covers the immensely large and faunistically riche Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific, reaching southward to southern Australia (Fishing Areas 57 and 71). Included is the Indo-Australian archipelago, a region with the richest marine fauna of any part of the world.
Area 71 is now revised and expanded in the new  Western Central Pacific guide.
Volumes 1 to 4    ReadDownload
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