Rights and Reprint Sales

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A Reprint is a high-quality replication (in printed or electronic form) of an individual Newsweek or Budget Travel cover or article.  Reprints are an excellent way to increase awareness of your product, company or organization.  Here are a few of the most popular and effective variations:

Great for press kits, meetings, conferences and informational handouts, Reprints can be customized in many ways to meet your educational, marketing or promotional needs.  Depending on the page size of the custom reprint, the minimum order quantity ranges from 250-500.

Newsweek or Budget Travel articles are available in a customized digital format known as an E-print. An E-print is a custom PDF image of the article reprint - the PDF is hosted on a dedicated server and you are provided with link access to the image for licenses in 12 month renewable increments.  The link can be posted on your website or integrated into e-mail blasts, e-newsletters and e-mail promotion. The E-print is printable for personal reading purposes only (not for distribution). For copyright reasons, all E-prints contain an embedded copyright watermark that will appear on all printed copies.

Was your product reviewed in the Newsweek Tipsheet?  Is your school one of Newsweek/Kaplan's Hottest Colleges?  Was your inn or café featured in a Budget Travel item?  Postcards are a great way to get the word out.

Posters and Plaques of Newsweek or Budget Travel material can be created for use in your corporate office, trade show, annual meeting or other event. 

To submit your request for information on pricing, customization and turnaround time, please visit http://www.magreprints.com/QuickQuote.aspx?ID=Newsweek

If you require less than 250 copies of your article, you have the option of obtaining a Photocopy Permissions license. These licenses allow you to photocopy and distribute up to 249 copies of Newsweek or Budget Travel articles. Photocopy licenses extend only to the text of articles.  All photos, illustrations and other graphics must be blocked out on the copy. This is different than a Reprint (described above) and is priced as follows:

Commercial pricing is a minimum of $250 for 1 - 50 copies and $3/copy for each additional copy beyond 50.

Educational and non-profit pricing is a minimum $150 for 1 - 50 copies and $3/copy for each additional copy beyond 50.

We do not provide the material for photocopying.  If you wish to purchase a back issue in order to make copies, you must contact Back Issues at 1-800-631-1040.

To submit your request for a photocopy licenses, please visit: http://www.magreprints.com/permission.asp

A Permission is a license to re-use copyrighted Newsweek or Budget Travel material in another medium, such as a textbook, newsletter, intranet, or annual report.  All material appearing in the magazines is copyrighted.  In some cases, Newsweek may not own the copyright and we may direct you to the copyright holder for permission. We may be able to provide the material you wish to license for a fee above the fee charged by the copyright holder. License fees are determined by many factors, including article length, graphic size and circulation of the licensed use.  Non-profit or educational organizations may be eligible for reduced rates. 

To submit your request, please visit: http://www.magreprints.com/permission.asp

Most Newsweek cover images are available for a variety of uses, from slide presentations to use in a film or on a DVD.  In some cases additional permission must be obtained from the source or photographer that owns the image used on the cover.  Please note that even in cases where another source owns the cover photo, you will still need a license from Newsweek to use its cover image.  To submit your request, please visit: http://www.magreprints.com/permission.asp

If you are filming a motion picture or television show and would like to create a Mock Cover of Newsweek to use as a prop or set dressing, please visit http://www.magreprints.com/permission.asp to submit your request.

Please include a synopsis of your project and a description of how the cover will appear in the scene.

If you are an Educational Institution located in the United States and would like to copy material for use in a classroom, online course, or course pack, please contact:
Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
Ph: (978)750-8400
Fx: (978) 750-4470


Newsweek generally does not retain the rights to photos appearing within the magazine.  For permission to use a photograph, please contact the source credited near the image.

If you would like to reprint a recent (less than 60 days old from publication cover date) Newsweek article in your magazine or newspaper, please contact our Syndication partner The Washington Post Writers Group at wpwgsales@washpost.com. If you wish to republish an article more than 60 days old, please submit your request at http://www.magreprints.com/permission.asp.

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The Peek

Hot Wheels are hot again. Parent company Mattel is now worth more than GM. Got an old Beach Bomb VW model in the attic? You're rich!

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