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North America: Mining
 - Overview

^ Overview

North America is the home two of the world’s largest mining countries, the USA and Canada. The USA dominates with the value of raw mineral production valued at US$ 125 billion in 1998. A third of the USA’s production is sourced from non-crude petroleum and gas minerals. Canadian mining (excluding crude petroleum and gas) accounted for 3.7% of Canada’s GDP. Mexico’s mining sector had a tough year in 1999 with the industry knocked by the metals’ price slump and the Asian economic crises.

Of major significance was the opening of North America’s first diamond mine, the Ekati Mine in North Western Territories in Canada. The mine, at full production will produce 3million carats/year, approx. 10% of world production. Final feasibility studies for another diamond producer in Canada are nearly complete and awaiting the necessary environmental permissions.

Greenland has recently seen increased exploration activities, in particular diamond exploration. However, there are no major producing mines.

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Information Source: MBendi - Modified: 12.Jul.2000
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