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Arjan Bajwa opposite Priyanka in Fashion

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Sudipto Shome Posted: Jul 28, 2008 at 1325 hrs IST
Actor Arjan Bajwa couldn’t have asked for more. After breathing life into the suave Arzaan Contractor in Mani Ratnam’s Guru, he is enjoying his lead role as a model in Madhur Bhandarkar’s movie Fashion.

Bajwa might not be a huge name in Bollywood, but it is a different story down South. In Andhra Pradesh, the 29-year-old from Delhi goes by the name Deepak and has five hit Telugu films to his credit. “Not many north Indian actors have gone there and played lead roles,” says Bajwa. Currently he’s shooting his sixth film, slated for release in October. “In the beginning of my career, I got to work with Mani Ratnam and now with Madhur Bhandarkar. I’m thrilled,” says Bajwa, whose first Hindi film Woh Tera Naam Tha in 2004, however, didn’t cause a tinkle in the box office. “Fashion is a big film on models and their life. I play a model who aspires to be bigger,” he says. He romances Priyanka Chopra and wears costumes designed by Narendra Kumar Ahmed.

A qualified architect who moved to Mumbai in 2000 to pursue his passion for cinema, Bajwa had his brush with modelling as well. “I did commercials with Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif and Preity Zinta,” he says. Was it of any help to him while shooting Fashion? “I wasn’t a fashion model as such, but being in the modelling industry gave me a fair idea of the scene,” he says.

So what’s next? “I’ve been signed on by a big director. The project starts in September” is all he’s willing to say.

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