
*************Short Shorts for Stephanie 3.0 Petite*************


The top is the free Stephanie Dress from Poser World with

parts made invisible. The Steph face morphs were provided

by Laura http://www.bluemoonnews.com

*************Longer Shorts for Stephanie 3.0 Petite*************


This texture was created by Laura http://www.bluemoonnews.com

****Extra textures for my Longer Shorts for Stephanie 3.0 Petite****

All 4 textures an bump maps in one zip file


Textures created by Laura http://www.bluemoonnews.com

and the bump maps created from

those textures by BadCo.

**********Morphing Shoes for Stephanie 3.0 Petite**********


These Shoes morph out at the heel to give you several

shoe types to choose from.


Home.jpg (2189 bytes)