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Wahnes's Parotia - BirdLife Species Factsheet

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VU Wahnes's Parotia  Parotia wahnesi

2008 IUCN Red List Category (as evaluated by BirdLife International - the official Red List Authority for birds for IUCN): Vulnerable

Justification This species is categorised as Vulnerable on the basis of an estimated small population suspected to be declining through habitat loss. However, it is very poorly known and more data on its population, trends, subpopulation structure and fragmentation are needed.

Family/Sub-family Paradisaeidae

Species name author Rothschild, 1906

Taxonomic source(s) Sibley and Monroe (1990, 1993)

Identification 43 cm. Long-tailed parotia. Male, glossy black with metallic breast shield, golden nasal tufts, six long, racket-tipped, crown plumes and blue-and-white eyes. Female has black head with pale supercilium, rufous upperparts and finely barred underparts. Similar spp. Other Parotia spp. are extralimital. Huon Astrapia Astrapia rothschildi has longer, blunt-tipped tail. Superb Bird-of-paradise Lophorina superba is smaller with short, square tail. Voice Harsh, double cockatoo-like roar khh kaakkk and nasal twitterings. Hints Can be seen around Satop Village with permission and help of villagers.

Population estimate

Population trend

Range estimate (breeding/resident)

Country endemic?



4,300 km2


Range & population Parotia wahnesi is known from the mountains of the Huon Peninsula and the Adelbert Mountains in Papua New Guinea. Its abundance varies from locally common in the Cromwell range1,3 to rare in the Adelberts4,6. Most recent records are from Satop where three birds were seen in three days in 1994 (compared to 16 A. rothschildi)4.

Ecology: It is found in mid-montane forest between 1,100-1,700 m on the Huon and between 1,300-1,600 m in the Adelberts. It forages actively and noisily in the subcanopy, probing ephiphytes and moss for arthropods, and also feeds on fruit. One or more adult males display on a cleared arena on the forest floor.

Threats These mid-montane altitudes are favoured by local people for settlement and agriculture. Whilst this region does not have a high population density, the human population is expanding rapidly and clearing increasing areas of forest in this species's narrow altitudinal belt1,2. It is known to forage near active gardens and appears to be tolerant of human activities1, as is the better-known Lawes's Parotia P. lawesii. However, these observations may just represent feeding excursions from nearby undisturbed forest. There is no evidence that it is hunted for plumes or food1,5.

Conservation measures underway CITES Appendix II. It is protected by law in Papua New Guinea. The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Project is working in and proposing a large conservation area in northern Huon1.

Conservation measures proposed Survey other mountain ranges on the Huon peninsula which have not been visited recently. Estimate population densities and sizes at known sites. Investigate tolerance of secondary habitats for both foraging and breeding. Assess forest clearance rates between 1,100-1,700 m. Investigate population trends through interviews with local villagers. Discuss creation of locally-managed forest reserves. Run awareness and education programmes for landowners.

References 1. W. Betz in litt. (1999). 2. I. Burrows in litt. (1994). 3. Coates (1990). 4. Eastwood and Gregory (1995). 5. Frith and Beehler (1998). 6. Pratt (1982).

Text account compilers M. J. Dubourg-Savage, Guy Dutson (Birds Australia), Guy Dutson (BirdLife International), Simon Mahood (BirdLife International), Andrew O'Brien (BirdLife International), Alison Stattersfield (BirdLife International)

Contributors W. Betz, Ian Burrows

IUCN Red List evaluators Stuart Butchart (BirdLife International), Simon Mahood (BirdLife International)

Recommended citation BirdLife International (2008) Species factsheet: Parotia wahnesi. Downloaded from on 3/1/2009

This information is based upon, and updates, the information published in BirdLife International (2000) Threatened birds of the world. Barcelona and Cambridge, UK: Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International, and BirdLife International (2004) Threatened birds of the world 2004 CD-ROM. These sources provide the information for species accounts for the birds on the IUCN Red List.

To provide new information to update this factsheet or to correct any errors, please email BirdLife

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