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History: bibliography

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Augustinian novices
Here is a brief bibliography for this section of Augnet.
Rano, Balbino O.S.A.: Augustinian Origins, Charism and Spirituality. (John Rotelle O.S.A., ed.) Augustinian Press, PO. Box 476, Villanova, Pa. 19085 United States of America. 531 pages. ISBN 0-941491-76-5 (paper) Library of Congress # BX2906.2.R36
Roth, Francis O.S.A.: The English Austin Friars 1249-1538. Augustinian Historical Institute, New York, 1966. 673 pages.
Roth, Francis O.S.A. (this book in Italian is on the Internet): I Frati Agostiniani d'Inghilterra 1249-1538. vol. I. Storia, vol. II. Documenti. Da: Francis Roth O.S.A. Traduzione a cura di Liliana Belmonte. (In the Italian language on the Internet.) The English Austin Friars 1249-1538. Vol. I. History, Vol. II. Sources. Published in New York, 1966.
Gwynn, Aubrey S.J.: The English Austin Friars in the time of Wyclif. Oxford University Press, London, 1940. 295 pages.
Rotelle, John O.S.A. (ed): Augustinian Spirituality and the Charism of the Augustinians, Augustinian Press, PO. Box 476, Villanova, Pa. 19085 United States of America. 1995 209 pages (still available).
History of the Order of Saint Augustine
Volume 1 Part 1: Gutierrez, David O.S.A., The Augustinians in the Middle Ages 1256-1356. Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova, Pa 19085. 1984 235 pages. (A translation by Arthur Ennis O.S.A. of Gutierrez's original volume in Spanish, Los Agustinos en la edad media 1256-1356, which was published in 1980 by the Instuitutum Historicum Ordinis Fratrum S. Augustini, Rome.)
Volume 1 Part 2: Gutierrez, David O.S.A., The Augustinians in the Middle Ages 1357-1517. Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova, Pa 19085. 1983 235 pages. (A translation by Thomas Martin O.S.A. of Gutierrez's original volume in Spanish, Los Agustinos en la edad media 1357-1517, which was published in 1977 by the Instuitutum Historicum Ordinis Fratrum S. Augustini, Rome.)
Volume 2: Gutierrez, David O.S.A., The Augustinians from the Protestant Reformation to the Peace of Westphalia 1518 - 1648. Augustinian Historical Institute, Villanova, Pa 19085. 1983 300 pages. (A translation by John Kelly O.S.A. of Gutierrez's original volume in Spanish, Los Agustinos desde el protestantismo hasta la restauracion catolica 1518-1648, which was published in 1971 by the Instuitutum Historicum Ordinis Fratrum S. Augustini, Rome.)
Volume 3: Regrettably, this volume has not appeared.
Volume 4: Gavigan, John O.S.A. The Augustinians from the French Revolution to Modern Times. Augustinian Press, PO. Box 476, Villanova, Pa. 19085, United States of America, 1989. 374 pages.

Augustinian Press. 

The Augustinian Press publishes and distributes the works of Saint Augustine and other related writings on Augustine, as well as materials on the Augustinian spiritual and historical tradition. It is located at 214 Ashwood Road, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 19085, United States of America. More details are available on their Web page.

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