Heartburn / GERD

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Heartburn / GERD Blog

By Sharon Gillson, About.com Guide to Heartburn / GERD since 2003

Do Fried Foods Cause Heartburn?

Monday January 5, 2009
For quite some time there has been a debate raging among both professionals and heartburn sufferers as to whether specific foods can trigger heartburn in individuals. The studies that have been conducted or re-examined seem to support the belief that any type of dietary restriction has no bearings on whether a person will suffer from heartburn or not. Those who support this say that it isn't the food that causes heartburn, but when a person eats it, whether they are overweight, and if they sleep with their head and shoulders elevated or not.

Many of those who actually suffer from heartburn will emphatically state that certain foods will trigger heartburn, even though they maintain a healthy weight, don't overeat, allow at least two or three hours after eating before going to bed, and sleeping with their heads elevated.

Also up for debate is whether fried foods will trigger heartburn. Some individuals, both professionals and patients, state that eating fried foods is okay, that it's only the more acidic foods that will cause the heartburn.

There are certain foods that are heartburn triggers for me. On that list is fried foods, and those especially potent for me are such foods as fast food french fries and deep fried chicken strips. It doesn't matter when I eat them, or how little of them I eat.

What about you? Do fried foods trigger your heartburn? Please take the poll above and let us know. You can also share your comments on the effects of fried foods, and any other heartburn triggers you have, by clicking on the "Comments" link below this blog post.


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