The ClickZ Network is the world's largest online resource of interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference. From search to e-mail, technology to trends, our experts provide exclusive and in-depth coverage.

As an extension of our online offerings, the ClickZ Network hosts a series of forums each year that also help interactive marketers do their jobs more effectively. Whether you're involved in e-mail marketing campaigns or analyzing Web site traffic, ClickZ Events will help you better navigate today's online landscape. Learn more about our upcoming events below.

OMS San Diego
ClickZ presents: Online Marketing Summit San Diego

San Diego, CA | February 4-7, 2009
The premier educational event for marketing professionals.

Online Marketing Summit hosted by ClickZ
Date Conference Venue
Feb 4-7 ClickZ presents: OMS San Diego San Diego, CA

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"I enjoyed the singular focus on e-mail. Too many events try and cover the whole landscape of interactive/online marketing, resulting in presos that barely scratch the surface of topics. This event made e-mail the one and only focus and it worked."
Greg Martz - The Motley Fool

"I found many of the sessions at the ClickZ Web Metrics event to be very informative and either support the paths that we have taken at our agency or spark new ideas for us to look into."
Jennifer Zola - Mediaedge:cia

"I appreciate the overall presentation & effort you folks put into this event. I learned a great deal from it and look forward to future events."
Joe Tedd -