Observational MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) Cancer Study to Observe Its Effects 

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MMS Cancer Patient Study Results - December 2008

Puna Wai Ora have conducted an "Observational MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) Cancer Patient Study" to observe the effects of MMS on those with cancer.

This study has been undertaken as to date there has been no study undertaken to determine the effects of MMS on those with cancer.

Objective of MMS Cancer Patient Study

The object of this study was to observe any patient improvement in cancer prognosis of those participating cancer patients ingesting high doses of Miracle Mineral Supplement® (MMS) over a three (3) week or six (6) week period.  At the end of this initial three or six-week period, patients then began a maintenance dosage of MMS and observations noted a further six (6) weeks later.  Patients were encouraged at the end of this final six-week period to seek a medical check-up with their oncologist to determine the level of cancer still in their body. 


All data, indicating a positive, negative or no change result, has been included in this cancer patient study.  The effects of MMS – including any side effects that hindered compliance – have also been included in this study so that those considering MMS as part of their own alternative cancer treatment plan may have a better understanding of what to expect when undertaking this treatment.

Study participants were asked to follow the below MMS dosage:

 Day 1  1 drop of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 2  2 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 3  3 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 4  4 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 5  5 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 6  6 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 7  7 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 8 - 21  7 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours
 Day 22 - 63  10 drops of MMS every hour for 7 hours

Drawbacks of MMS Cancer Patient Study

This was an observational study (only) of participants volunteering to use MMS as part of their alternative cancer treatment plan.  Study participants were asked to build up slowly to ingesting 7 drops of MMS [Miracle Mineral Supplement] six times per day, on an hourly basis initially for either 3 or 6 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 10 drops twice per day for a further 6 weeks.  Study participants were asked to submit their results via email after having used MMS for 3 months and after having been observed by their oncologist. 


Close-monitoring or confinement of study participants was not undertaken throughout the study.  Study participants were not required to submit any personal details of their disease to be eligible for study inclusion.  Study participants were solely responsible for adherence to MMS study protocols and emailing results after oncology examination back to us.  Study participants were not required to cease any mainstream or alternative cancer treatment during the MMS study [with the exception of Vitamin C not to be consumed 2 hours either side of MMS], meaning that a true estimation of the effectiveness of MMS as a treatment for cancer could never be established on this study.

MMS Cancer Patient Study - Overview of Statistics

 Number of Cancer Patient Study Participants:  24
 Number of Study Participants reporting feedback upon completion of study:  9 (37.5%)
 Number of Study Participants lost to follow up:  15 (62.5%)
 Number of Study Participants (known) to have stopped taking MMS during study:  5 (20.8%)
 Number of Study Participants (known) to have passed away while taking MMS:  2 (8.3%)
 Number of Study Participants (known) to have completed study with results:  2 (8.3%)
 Number of Study Participants reporting cancer improvement to date due to MMS:  3 (12.5%)
 Number of Study Participants followed up not providing any positive feedback on MMS:  21 (87.5%)


MMS Cancer Patient Study Results

5 of the 24 study participants (20.8%) or 5 out of the 9 reporting any feedback upon completion of the study (55.5%) discontinued MMS for the following reasons: 1. “It sounded quite complicated and I didn't use it at all”.  2. "I have only managed to start taking the MMS about 1.5 months ago and dosed up to 6 drops per drink, 2x/day. Then I got very busy with work and several moves and had temporarily stopped taking MMS. While taking it, I didn't notice any nausea or other symptoms. The only exception was a little nausea during the first time at 6 drops".  3.  “I stopped taking MMS due to aftertaste and effects of diarrhea.” 4.  Says, “Wants to stop due to nausea, but mainly aftertaste & poor feeling”.  Subject since passed away.  5. Says, "I just hesitate to take on another supplement that I have to remember to take as it is certainly daunting, plus the expense."

2 of the 24 study participants (8.3%) or 2 out of the 9 where feedback was reported upon completion of the study (22.2%), were reported by their family to have passed away after having taken MMS as part of their alternative cancer treatment plan.  1 of the 2 subjects who passed away indicated he wanted to stop taking MMS prior to his passing and may have done so.  The other subject was known to have been taking MMS up to the point of his passing, however the dosage was not known.


15 of the 24 study participants (62.5%) were lost to follow up.  A number of follow up emails were sent to all participants 5-6 months after their initial inclusion in the study, requesting submission of their results.  A special note was included – underscoring our interest to know of those who were unable to continue taking MMS and to include their reasons why – as this information would also be included as a valuable component of the study.  It is unlikely that someone taking MMS for 3 months – as a voluntary participant on the study – and obtaining perceived positive results using MMS would ignore our email requests for submission of their results.  The most likely reasons for study participants being lost to follow-up include: 1. Study participants chose not to undertake MMS study at all.  2.  Study participant decided to stop taking MMS during study due to after-effects, complexity of use or belief MMS provided no significant benefit.  3.  Study participant passed away during the study or during follow-up of study.  4.  Study participants moved or changed email address.

3 of the 24 study participants (12.5%) reported a positive result from using MMS, as outlined below:


I made contact with you earlier in the year when I heard through a Bill Henderson Newsletter that "Down Under" were conducting research on MMS.  At that time my sister Fiona was absolutely poorly, and we were all gutted that conventional medicine had virtually said: "That's your lot-no more options."  I got the book by Jim Humble, read it from cover to cover, ordered some MMS and then had to bide my time until I thought Fiona might be receptive to the idea.
As things turned out, she decided to come over and spend some time with me, and we talked about and we both started the protocol. (I had started earlier myself -got to 10 drops x2 and was nauseous at that stage, backed off ... and felt really good -but I have (touch wood) not had serious issues health wise.
Anyway to cut a long story short-she is doing really well...Is back in her own home, doing her own cooking, washing, definitely has that measure of independence that was so not there! and has hope... making plans to set her tomato seed ready to plant when the weather warms up and speaks of the future...and yesterday, she drove for the first time in about a year...rang to tell me about it and I could hear the lift in her voice.
She went through the big D [diarrhoea] and puking, a number of times over the time and had reached being on a maintenance dose of 6 drops daily.

Her husband had been doing the mixing and administering until just this past week when she took it on... and I think she made a mistake because the big D hit he is going to do the measuring etc again.  I know this information is not going to help your research but I wanted to let you know what it has done for Fiona.



Details: Female, aged 65.  Stage 4 cancer [breast lung par cardia carcinoma] metastasised to bones.  Diagnosed 1996.  Oncology life expectancy anywhere from December 2008 – 2009.  Study participant has been on a mainstream course of Fulvadex and hormone treatment once a month. 


Study Participant Comments:  I started MMS in January, but I could only get to 15 drops once at night, been taking that until now.    


Patient or Doctor observations of Cancer during the first 6 weeks of ingesting MMS (If any):


Doctor Observations: Still said I am going to die, but I’ve got news for him.

Patient Observations:  Had cat-scan on 25th of September, Impression:

1. Changing pattern of disease, although overall there has been mild improvement.

2.Multiple small and enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes with the largest measuring 3cm in size in the right paratracheal space. This largest one has increased in size since the previous exam, though numerous others have decreased in size.

3. Tiny nodular near the cardiac apex have also improved.

4. No new lung abnormalities are detected. A left pleural effusion seen previously has resolved.

5. Multiple mixed sclerotic and lytic lesions involving numerous bones appear unchanged.


Stage and Progression of Cancer (After completion of final 6 weeks of ingesting MMS):


Stage of Cancer (1, 2, 3, 4): Still stage 4

Progression of Cancer: No progression

Prognosis (Life expectancy) if indicated by doctor:  Won’t say now




Details: Male, aged 55.  Date Diagnosed: March 2008.  Stage 4 cancer.  Primary Cancer: 154.1 Rectal Neoplasm (Rectal Cancer) 154.1 IDC code, Rectal Carcinoma.  Secondary Cancer (Metastases): Original signs Liver, Lungs, narrative of radiologist attached to CT Scan. 


Study Participant Comments:  I took MMS at the direction of two trusted physicians at Reno Integrative Medicine in Reno, Nevada. This is the clinic that was founded by Dr Brodie, author of "The Cancer Personality" which you have posted on your website. I expected the treatment regimen to drive this cancer from by body, and MMS was a part of that process and protocol, not the entire protocol by any means.  However, because the MMS was added later to the regimen, there were some changes that occurred at the time MMS was added. One was a dramatic drop in what I consider to have been tumor or polyp load from my colon when I increased MMS dosage beyond 10 drops for the first time. That could have "knocked off" what was already dying, but it was an immediate ( within two hours of ingestion) cause-and-effect.   I also "felt" the purging quality of MMS course through my gastrointestinal tract. There was no doubt about that.   The other noticed change was in my chronic joint pain. It has subsided to almost nothing.


Stage and Progression of Cancer (Before ingesting MMS):


Stage of Cancer (1, 2, 3, 4): Original suspected to be Stage 4

Progression of Cancer: Reversed!

Prognosis (Life expectancy) if indicated by doctor: Original, 4 months. Now, it’s indefinite, disappointed oncologist (we quit chemo after one round) says it may now be 7 years.. he doesn’t know..


Recent and current Patient Cancer Treatments (Orthodox and Alternative):

Recent or current Orthodox Treatments: Chemo (Xeloda) with simultaneous daily radiation for 6 weeks.  Recommended surgery was a colostomy (at least) and probably an ileostomy. At this point, we shut down the whole show and sought a better way.


Recent or current Alternative Treatments:  In the care of Reno Integrative in Reno Nevada, three weeks of incorporation of GNM, MMS, IPT and hitting head on those aspects that contribute (Dr Brodie, author of “the Cancer Personality,” founded the Reno Clinic.


Patient or Doctor observations of Cancer during the first 6 weeks of ingesting MMS (If any):

Doctor Observations:  MMS used in conjunction with other things after a three-week intensive treatment at the Reno clinic.


Patient Observations: MMS used at home, started 4 weeks ago.  Found an immediate impact on residual tumor load (passed within two hours of first “heavy” dose of MMS).  At occasional 10-15 drops, usual dose at 7 drops twice daily , polyps and necrotic cellular structure passed from the bowel. The MMS was the only thing added to the regimen at this point, the only thing “new” to the mix.


Stage and Progression of Cancer (After completion of final 6 weeks of ingesting MMS):


Stage of Cancer (1, 2, 3, 4): Unverified by PET scan (coming) but I believe it’s over.. it’s gone


Progression of Cancer:  The original surgeon thought this was a 10-12 year tumor growth before diagnosis. It’s gone now.

Prognosis (Life expectancy) if indicated by doctor: “88 and Standing” was a dream message that came in response to my question about this during meditation. The oncologists, of course, are dismayed. The docs in Reno are in agreement with me.

What Did We Learn from this MMS Cancer Patient Study?

The effects of nausea were experienced by at least 3 out of the 9 study participants providing feedback (33.3%), with one of these participants citing this as a profound enough reason to stop ingesting MMS.

One of the biggest downsides to cancer – apart from the prospect of death – is coping with the side-effect of nausea to treatments such as chemotherapy.  For many with cancer, the effects of nausea on the physical body, the appetite and on the spirit of the individual to want to go on living, is often far worse than the cancer itself.  For this reason, MMS may not be suitable for many with cancer – especially if they are already dealing with the effects of nausea.  Even if the nausea is manageable during a course of MMS, with the availability of so many other alternative cancer treatments, many may choose not to undertake or continue with an alternative cancer treatment where nausea is a factor.


The aftertaste of MMS posed a significant problem for 2 out of the 9 study participants providing feedback (22.2%) who cited this as a profound enough reason to stop ingesting MMS.


The effects of diarrhea – as a result of taking MMS – were also experienced by at least 2 out of the 9 study participants (22.2%), with 1 out of the 9 (11.1%) citing a poor feeling.


The complexity of MMS as an alternative cancer treatment was also cited by at least 3 out of the 9 study participants providing feedback (33.3%), who felt it was not “user friendly”.   This may be in part due to our study requiring participants to ingest up to 7 drops of MMS 6 times per day on an hourly basis (a total of 42 drops).  Most study participants providing positive results, seemed to ignore the requirement to take MMS on an hourly basis, and instinctively chose to ingest MMS once or twice per day.  It seems evident now – to increase compliance and ease of use – that any future proposed treatment course of MMS should be set at one or two doses per day.


Compliance to any alternative cancer treatment is difficult for many cancer patients, who often bounce from one treatment to another, in search of the next miracle treatment.  The above symptoms of MMS, that include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a poor feeling and the complexity of use issues, have been raised by a significant percentage of study participants on this study – that have contributed to lack of compliance to the MMS protocol.  This may be relevant information for some considering undertaking a course of MMS who may be looking for an alternative cancer treatment that is easy and uncomplicated and does not in any way diminish quality of life. 

On the plus side, MMS was cited by at least 2 out of the 9 study participants (22.2%), to either significantly improve energy levels and / or eliminate pain.  Although some cancer patients may not be able to ingest MMS for a long-term period due to some of the compliance issues raised, MMS did provide positive results for at least 3 out of 9 participants reporting feedback (33.3%) who were committed to the protocol and endured its effects.

MMS Cancer Patient Study - In Summary

MMS appears to offer to some – increased energy levels and reduced pain.   MMS may slow the progression of cancer, however this has not been established on this study.  MMS does present with a number of effects of use – including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, a poor feeling, and significantly a poor aftertaste – that may hinder compliance and the ability to sustain a long-term treatment of MMS.  MMS is perceived as a complicated treatment for many – and hourly doses of MMS may add to this complexity-of-use issue.  For greater compliance, MMS should be ingested once or twice daily.  Those ingesting MMS seem to find between 6-15 drops to be the maximum tolerable single dosage.

Additional MMS Cancer Patient Experiences

Below are listed additional comments from cancer patients who have been using MMS to treat their cancer - including case studies from MMS's creator Jim Humble.

If you have been ingesting MMS for 3 months or longer - and would like to include your comments surrounding your experience of using MMS to treat cancer on this webpage - please email these to Glen Russell at

MMS Shrinks Primary Cancer Breast Lesion by 90% and Erradicates Subcutaneous Tumors to Skull:

Hi Glen. I was disappointed with the results of your study, as I'm sure you were. My wife's story is a success story. I know she is not part of the study, but I'd bel glad to put together a Word Doc for your records. Synapsis:

30 year old Female with Breast Cancer metastatic to bones, liver, and malignant pleural effusion. Started MMS in May, battled many of the same side effects. However, she "toughed it out" and got to 12 drops x 3 times per day. In May, she was barely ambulatory.


Today, her lymph nodes are not palpable, her primary breast lesion has shrunk 90 percent, and she is without pain (except for soreness caused by a partially collapsed vertebrae from spinal metastasis.) We have not had any major scans, except an X-Ray that showed her pleural effusion reduced from 60 percent to less than 10. She also had subcutaneous tumors on her skull, which have completely disappeared. We don't need tests to tell us the cancer is receding, however, we may get a PET Scan in January so we can document our story.


She has never had chemo - she did have 15 rounds of radiation to her hip to alleviate pain in January, 5 months before MMS.


MMS has given her life back!!


Having briefly read the study, I have to agree that compliance is difficult. However, when the heart and the mind really believe something is working, it can be done!

Please let me know if you want me to put her history in a document for you.  Thanks for your efforts.  Brian Maggiacomo

Jim Humble Provides MMS Cancer Case Studies:

Glen.  I appreciate your efforts tremendously.  Great work.  So let me update you a little bit.  I may not have stressed some points in my book that should have been stressed more. 

So point number one is that all cancer patients must totally understand in the initial instructions is that they must not make themselves nauseous with the MMS and they must not allow diarrhoea to continue.  One must always back off on the number of drops, but do not stop.  If nausea occurs be sure to reduce the drops so that nausea does not occur. 

The after taste can be overcome with various things, a very strong peppermint works for most people.  Suck on a peppermint candy until no after taste is gone and then save the candy in a glass for the next dose. 

Sorry to make the regimen tougher, but we have gotten tremendous results from the skin dose using DMSO.  A person really needs help from a friend.  The protocol is on my web site but it consists of using 10 drops of MMS activated with 50 drops lemon or cirtic acid 10% solution, the 3 minute wait, and then add one teaspoon of DMSO.  Stir it in and immediately spread on one arm or leg.  The intensity is do this once every hour after the first day [for up to 12 hours per day], but only 3 days a week.

It all depends upon how bad a person wants to live.  A man here in Mexico came to see us here at the house.  His relatives brought him as he couldn't get out of bed himself.  He had a tumor on his neck the size of an orange.  He was totally depressed.  They had given him a tracheotomy.  He started the regimen and in three days he quit taking his pain pills.  I had him spray the tumor with MMS in addition.  The tumor started coming apart and chunks began to fall off.  In two weeks it was down to the size of 1/2 lemon.  At the end of three weeks, he was getting out of bed and walking here, about 2 miles.   

Now the next step.  Hypochlorous acid is the acid that the human immune system uses to kill most of the things that it needs to kill.  So swimming pool chlorine turns into, guess what, hypochlorous acid, when the chlorine powder is dropped into the water.  Don't you think that the immune system could use some help in a body that is being killed?  Well it can.  I have been taking the swimming pool chlorine off and on for several years.  I put it in a capsule.  I have had many people take them during that time.

An uncle of a friend here in Mexico was dying of cancer.  The family said he would never get out of the bed again.  So we started him on the regimen.  That’s MMS 5 times a day, skin doses of 10 drops on various different parts of the body every hour, and the hypochlorous tablets, 6 a day.  In one day he was out of bed, in three days he quit taking his pain tablets, and in 3 weeks he is back to work.

Those are only two cases.  I have had several more over the phone and quite a few by email.  It seems to me at this point it all depends upon how bad the people want to live.  Killing the cancer depends on making the body environment just totally opposed to cancer.  And doing it without nausea, or diarrhoea.  I used size zero capsules, up to 6 a day scattered across the day, but with two glasses of water each time, and two capsules at a time after they get used to them.  The first time or two the capsules may cause heart burn, but usually the body seems to adjust to them.

There are problems.  Some people have delicate skin and need aloe vera and or olive oil afterwards.  Some need to dilute the DMSO 50% (one teaspoon of water).  We only suggest it 3 days a week as the skin needs to recover.

This is not in the book or even on my web site yet, but in my opinion I now have enough data to suggest it to be used.  There has never been any side effects that I could see.  Jim Humble











Alternative Cancer Treatments: 
Survival Statistics Comparison

Intravenous Vitamin C IV Therapy

Terminal patients - whose survival time was between 25-90 days in the control groups - survived on average 3.35 times longer when taking High dose Vitamin C Therapy. (Based on 4 studies)  A single study conducted by Dr Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, treated 101 terminally ill cancer patients with mega (oral) doses of Vitamin C plus 1500mg Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and found these patients survived on average 100 months - compared to only 5.6 months for the 33 control patients (not taking Vitamin C plus Vitamin B3.

Hyperthermia Treatment

Advanced Cancer - Hyperthermia combined with radiation has been demonstrated in multiple studies to double 3, 5, and 12 year survival rates compared to those treated with radiation alone.  Hyperthermia combined with radiation achieves on average a 68% complete remission compared to 43% with radiation alone.  (Based on 7 studies).

Liquid Cesium Chloride - DMSO

There are no studies we are aware of (and we have looked thoroughly) where Cesium Chloride has been used alone or with DMSO in any human study or trial, controlled or uncontrolled.  Cesium Chloride typically has been used with other proven anti-cancer agents such as High Dose Vitamin C, meaning it is impossible to determine what effect the Cesium Chloride has in extending cancer survival.

Overnight Cure for Cancer

Due to this being a new treatment, there are no studies that exist indicating whether the Overnight Cure for Cancer (OCC) as a combined therapy is capable of extending cancer survival.

Ozone Cancer Oxygen Therapy

Although this therapy has been used to treat cancer patients in Europe and Germany for nearly 30 years, there exists no thorough clinical patient trials, nor any study (worldwide) that documents incrreased survival times.

MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)

This a new cancer treatment designed to kill the pathogen (parasite, virus, microbe) that causes cancer.  Multiple studies have demonstrated MMS's ability to effect a near 100% cure rate of more than 75,000 cases of untreatable Malaria and HIV/Aids in Africa.  The principle of its cure is the same for cancer, and early testimonials of cancer patients using MMS reveals a remarkable ability to send into remission late stage metastasised cancer.  *** For this reason Puna Wai Ora has chosen to trial MMS and is now inviting the general public to trial MMS for 3 months to help us document its effectiveness so that others with cancer may benefit. ***

Gerson Therapy - Diet

There are two clinial patient studies that exist for the Gerson Therapy, indicating enhanced survival.  5 year survival rates for stage 3 and 4 Melanoma cancer patients were nearly double.  A separate German study of 36 patients with metastasised colon cancer in the liver, achieved a mean average survival of 28.6 months, compared to 16.2 months for patients not on the Gerson Therapy.  There are also more than 50 testimonials of patients having survived cancer using the Gerson Cancer Therapy / Diet.

Johanna Budwig Diet

Although there are many clinical studies demonstrating the anti-cancer effects of the two main components of the Budwig Cancer Diet - flaxseed oil and the whey of cottage cheese - there exists no long-term dedicated study on the survival rates of cancer patients on this diet.  There are, however, hundreds of long-term cancer survival testimonials of those using the Budwig Diet as their main protocol, and thousands more undocumented.  The Budwig Diet is considered by many as the best anti-cancer diet in the world.  The National Cancer Institute are currently conducting clinical trials on its main component – flaxseed oil – on women with breast cancer.

Index - The Most Important Pages
to Read on this Website:

Causes of Cancer
Lowering Cancer Stress
11 Step Cancer Survivor Program
Cancer Counseling - Mind Body Healing
Beating Cancer With Nutrition
Love and Light From Spirit

Alternative Cancer Treatment Homepage



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