Gas-momentum-kinetic SZ cross-correlations


Bugs and Updates


We present a new method for detecting the missing baryons by generating a template for the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. The template is computed from the product of a reconstructed velocity field with a galaxy field. We provide maps of such templates constructed from SDSS Data Release 7 spectroscopic data (SDSS VAGC sample) along side with their expected two point correlation functions with CMB temperature anisotropies. Codes of generating such coefficients of the two point correlation function is also released to provide users of the gas-momentum map a way to change the parameters such as cosmological parameters, reionization history, ionization parameters, etc.


Please cite the following paper if you use these maps: SZ theory paper and NYC VAGC sample.

Input maps and their coefficients

The input maps (reconstructed gas-momentum and velocity maps) will be released on the same day as the paper is posted on arXiv (Tentative date: March 16 2009) .

Code Compilation

The code will be published on the same day as the paper is posted on arXiv (Tentative date: March 16 2009).

Please cite the following paper if you use these maps: SZ theory paper and NYC VAGC sample.

Please e-mail questions or details of any bugs to Shirley Ho.