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Ferrari crashes in Times Square

A FERRARI involved in a high speed car chase as part of a Nicolas Cage movie shoot has crashed in Time Square, New York, injuring two people.

hugh jackman wolverine

Wolverine's box office roar

AUSSIE hunk Hugh Jackman has torn up the American box office with Wolverine but looks likely to be torn up by the release of Star Trek later this week. Video report

Scarlett cut from film

Scarlett gets dumped

YOU might be used to Scarlett Johansson in sizzling performances in front of the camera, but film-goers won't even see the star's first effort behind the camera.

Coleman (file)

Midgets v Mascots worst film?

MINI-actor Gary Coleman is among the stars of a new Borat-style shockumentary called Midgets v Mascots - and it's proving alarmingly popular with beer drinkers.

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Des Partridge



Last updated: May 05, 2009 05:22pm