
The 44th President

April 21, 2009, 6:42 pm

Presidents 42 and 43 Team Up for a Chat

A poster advertising a joint conversation by Presidents Clinton and Bush

Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are headed up north for a little friendly back-and-forth.

The two will appear at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on May 29, in their first public appearance together since Mr. Bush left office in January. A flier for the event says the two will “discuss the challenges facing the world in the 21st century.”

Rob Saliterman, Mr. Bush’s spokesman, said the two former presidents will be on stage for a 90-minute discussion moderated by Frank McKenna, former Canadian ambassador to the United States. Matthew McKenna, Mr. Clinton’s spokesman, added in an e-mail message that a question-and-answer session will also be included.

Neither Mr. Clinton nor Mr. Bush will deliver prepared remarks at the event, which will be closed to the news media. The event is planned by McCreath Communications and tinePublic Inc., who organized an event last month for Mr. Bush in Calgary, and have planned several appearances for Mr. Clinton.
Mr. Saliterman and Matthew McKenna declined to answer how much the two ex-presidents would be paid for the event, nor would Christian Darbyshire of tinePublic disclose any fees involved.

While the two former presidents have disagreed sharply on political fronts, they’ve been friendly in past joint public appearances, including when Mr. Bush attended the opening of the Clinton library and the unveiling of Mr. Clinton’s presidential portrait.

Mr. Clinton also has a longstanding relationship with Mr. Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush. (The two worked together to raise money to help survivors of Hurricane Katrina and also worked on relief for victims of the tsunami in Thailand.)

From 1 to 25 of 34 Comments

  1. 1. April 21, 2009 7:07 pm Link

    i don’t mean this in a snarky way, but canada seems like the perfect place for the two of them.

    — JP, milltown, nj
  2. 2. April 21, 2009 7:09 pm Link

    this event might revise the design of auditoriums to bring back the ancient roman vomitorium.
    that either of these money grubbers get $1 of government pension makes me physically ill.
    get a bucket.

    — kit ramsey
  3. 3. April 21, 2009 7:23 pm Link

    Politics makes for strange bedfellows.

    — Clifford Decker
  4. 4. April 21, 2009 7:39 pm Link

    Who would listen to either of them, eh?

    — Alan MacDonald
  5. 5. April 21, 2009 7:50 pm Link

    This ought to be interesting…maybe one of them will hit on some of the things America as a nation needs to start addressing, like the environment, and also begin to remember old promises we made long ago. For example, global poverty, which we pledged in 2000 to help eradicate by supporting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The Borgen Project (www.borgenproject.org) has some interesting insight into addressing the issues of global poverty, something we can remedy easily and sustainably.

    Some interesting figures to ponder:
    $30 billion USD: The annual shortfall to end global poverty.
    $550 billion USD: The annual US defense budget.

    — Jon Lilly
  6. 6. April 21, 2009 8:16 pm Link

    Cripes! Do American voters need to be reminded of how poorly we’ve chosen our leaders in the past.

    — Jack Cohen
  7. 7. April 21, 2009 8:27 pm Link

    Nothing wrong with these guys making money. Each has experiences worth selling. The last unpensioned president, Harry Truman, had to sell the family farm, and he accepted free hotel rooms. There’s no need for that.

    I wish this was televised. Bush, especially, needs to tell his story. There may be redemption in the future.

    — NC
  8. 8. April 21, 2009 8:59 pm Link

    I wish this was televised. Bush, especially, needs to tell his story. There may be redemption in the future.
    — NC

    Shrub is a war criminal. There can be no redemption.

    — paulie
  9. 9. April 21, 2009 9:37 pm Link

    Politicians are the last people from whom we need to hear. We need to hear from successful investors and wise economists who can help us to prepare for the economic difficulties of the next several years.

    — John Gleason
  10. 10. April 21, 2009 9:39 pm Link

    Hmmm, one lied about an affair. The other lied about WMD and torture, drove us until a useless war that killed thousands of Americans, and sent our economy down the drain. Which one do you think should’ve been impeached? That it was 42 and not 43 just goes to show that we need to work out our priorities.

    — Jane Black
  11. 11. April 21, 2009 9:50 pm Link

    jeez, the point is they are making money and not in need of the taxpayers’ hard earned cash.
    no pensions for political hacks!
    for pete’s sake, they got famous at our expense, let’s end handouts now.

    — peter griffin
  12. 12. April 21, 2009 10:04 pm Link

    Good that Obama isn’t part of the team, otherwise he would have to lie about his NAFTA promise again.

    — Jane Smith
  13. 13. April 21, 2009 10:58 pm Link

    I’d like to see more online conversations begin in a deliberately non-snarky way!

    I don’t necessarily think the event needs to be televised, wouldn’t that make the event more partisan, more quippy, more stupid? However, I do look forward to reading about it after it happens.

    (liberal bias!! : I do NOT look forward to HEARING about it a la talk radio)

    — Ryan
  14. 14. April 21, 2009 11:31 pm Link

    Once again Bill Clinton fails to evaluate his casual relationships with an eye to common sense and with a basic understanding of appearances.

    Once again George Bush fails to understand that he will certainly look the fool he still doesn’t realize he is when he puts himself on the same stage with an articulate, superior speaker.

    I do wish they would both just ride off into some sunset somewhere. They have both been too long at the Fair. Just retire gracefully, boys. Give us a well-deserved rest.

    — MNW
  15. 15. April 21, 2009 11:47 pm Link

    There may be redemption in W’s future alright, NC. That’s why he’s practicing the phrase ‘The Cheney made me do it.’

    That beats ‘we don’t torture’ on the truth-o-meter.

    — KPazz
  16. 16. April 22, 2009 4:48 am Link

    I think the two will surprise us all. President Bush has always been most comfortable when speaking from un-prepared situations, and President Clinton ? When has he ever been uncomfortable speaking.
    Redemption ?
    More like Vindication.
    That , in my opinion has already happened in regards to the War.
    Mabey President Clinton can shed some light on the history of economics of the last 30 years in this country.
    He did have a hand in it too.

    — mark Wilkes Barre PA
  17. 17. April 22, 2009 6:36 am Link

    They’re both products of the same interlocked directorship farm system.

    — Steve Bolger
  18. 18. April 22, 2009 6:58 am Link

    Harsh interrogation (Also known as US military SERE Training) saved lives.
    “President Obama’s national intelligence director told colleagues in a private memo last week that the harsh interrogation techniques banned by the White House did produce significant information that helped the nation in its struggle with terrorists.”

    — NC
  19. 19. April 22, 2009 8:15 am Link

    Interrogation & U.S. Interests
    How does the releasing of secret governmental documents or discussion documents on US interrogation procedures or processes serve Americas interests during a time of war.
    Obama was not in power at the time and does not necessarily understand the situation, as well as the wealth or lack of info available, at the time these decisions were made. Hindsight is wonderful and he can commit publicly policy against harsh interrogation to the soldiers of nations subject to the Geneva Convention as well as to terrorists who serve no nation and are not subject to that convention since they never signed it. However, to open up the documents merely serves to smear the names of officials in the prior administration (I thought Obama won and the campaign was over) despite handing our enemies a nice unearned propaganda victory.
    I can see how it serves the interest of Obama’s self esteem and fits within his Blame Others agenda but how does it serve my interests or the U.S. interests. I suppose it may even get Obama a Nobel Prize nod from the U.S. hating nations out there but is that really what he is in office for? He needs to do a reality check and remember he is the Commander In Chief, has US troops in combat situations and that he serves our interests first and not his own or the worlds.

    — Smokedsalmoned
  20. 20. April 22, 2009 9:02 am Link

    Well, at least the two former Presidents seem to be able to act in a civil manner, which is more than I can say for so many people who post on these blogs.

    — jacques
  21. 21. April 22, 2009 9:05 am Link

    Well this should be an interesting conversation.

    — Robert Bliss, MI
  22. 22. April 22, 2009 9:17 am Link

    OMG, two liberals on the stage together. What a brain trust there.

    — James (San Diego)
  23. 23. April 22, 2009 9:43 am Link

    Clinton was such a disappointment with his personal conduct, and Bush was such a dismal failure as president, I really am not very interested in anything these two guys have to say.

    — Russ
  24. 24. April 22, 2009 11:00 am Link

    Canadians probably wonder why all US presidents, even Mr. Obama, have to affect a southern accent when the bulk of America’s population lives on the east and west coasts, but they don’t have an Electoral College in Canada to explain to them why that is.

    — Steve Bolger
  25. 25. April 22, 2009 11:13 am Link

    JP, milltown, nj
    They can take BHO with them !

    — lvh

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