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Tag: cooking  

Grad Student Cuisine Part I: The Pressure Cooker

By JackStraw in Culture
Mon Apr 13, 2009 at 09:21:07 AM EST
Tags: pressure cooker, food, cuisine, cooking (all tags)

This post is about pressure-cooking, how to do it, and what it's done for me. But first, some background:

Like most on this site, I graduated college with a taste of triumph, ecstatic to start my new life. I would follow my dreams, live on my own. I'd be out of the dorms, making my own choices, shaping my new life. And, even though I was going to graduate school, I'd finally have my own kitchen. No more dining hall food for me.

Yep, that dream lasted until about a week into graduate school. Where did it end? It starts with doing the dishes... goddamn, cooking a three-course meal makes a lot of dishes. And, it takes a lot of time. Then, there's the money: fresh vegetables get expensive, quickly. With my lifestyle, conventional cooking was unsustainable. I took the obvious approach: go old school.

Part I of that adventure is chronicled here: the pressure cooker (an old-school tool that cooks food very quickly at high pressures). It's cheap, it's fast, it's healthy, and it's delicious. I'll explain what it is, why it's great, and how to use it. I'll give some fast, cheap, and fantastic recipes for Bean Soup and Cajun Red Beans with Rice. And, I'll make sure you have the resources you need to adapt your own recipes to this underappreciated but fantastic tool.

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Fun in London pt3

By Del Griffith in Del Griffith's Diary
Sun Feb 22, 2009 at 07:53:11 AM EST
Tags: pancakes, cooking, cheese, wtf, wine (all tags)

Well today I had pancakes for breakfast.  Oh sure what is interesting about pancakes?

Well for starters, they don't have any.

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Post Deer Season Wrapup and One Year Homebrew

By GhostOfTiber in GhostOfTiber's Diary
Mon Jan 12, 2009 at 12:27:40 PM EST
Tags: Deer, Homebrew, Hunting, Cooking (all tags)

The last day of flintlock hunting and I'm empty handed. Not from lack of effort, mind you, but more from the weather. There's a reason they didn't fight battles in the civil war when it was the middle of a snowstorm.

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Pressure Cooker and Christmas Cards

By GhostOfTiber in GhostOfTiber's Diary
Mon Dec 29, 2008 at 08:26:58 AM EST
Tags: Pressure Cooker, Christmas Cards, Cooking, Food (all tags)

I got a Cooks Pressure Cooker for Christmas. I'm not entire sure it works properly. Pressure cookers are supposed to have steam escape, but this one boasts that it senses pressure and heat and "automatically starts the countdown". Having had an Indian roommate in college, I'm familiar with the operation of one, and I'm disappointed in this one. It builds pressure, and the valve screams like a banshee (it's loud as fuck) but the timer never activates. I had a london broil to show this off to my wife.

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Microwaves and Cancer (and etc.)

By Stick Apart in Stick Apart's Diary
Mon Nov 17, 2008 at 10:50:01 PM EST
Tags: microwaves, ads, active denial system, cancer, medicine, health, kooks, cooking, food, defense (all tags)

So I've been thinking about one of my favorite cooking appliances, the Microwave.

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Ask K5 Brewers

By GhostOfTiber in GhostOfTiber's Diary
Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 08:08:35 AM EST
Tags: Pot, Brewing, Beer, Cooking, Ask K5 (all tags)

Ask K5: If you brew beer, what size and type of pot do you use?

I'm thinking about going to home depot and buying a steel plate ($2) and using a giant aluminum pot on top of that. The plate should take up the heat and distribute it evenly.

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lol @ the "struggle with drugs" diary

By donnalee in donnalee's Diary
Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 03:15:53 PM EST
Tags: reefer man, cab calloway, up tempo, cooking, dancing, hair, slightly lightly and politely (all tags)

Marijuana was legal in the US when this was made:


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Cooking Home Fries

By AlwaysAnonyminated in AlwaysAnonyminated's Diary
Sun Dec 23, 2007 at 12:43:34 PM EST
Tags: drugs, cooking (all tags)

Ok, I make very respectable home fries. Granted, they aren't the best fucking things in the world, but most people seem to enjoy them. That, and they are the only thing I actually know how to cook. The problem is with the seasoning. I don't really know which ones are going to taste the best with friend type potatoes.

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Some damned fine salmon.

By fluxrad in fluxrad's Diary
Sun Oct 07, 2007 at 10:36:40 PM EST
Tags: cooking (all tags)

We were out of pineapple today, which was a good thing in retrospect. Usually we I just set the oven to 425, throw some rasberry chipotle sauce and pineapple on a nice 1lb. fillet, bake for 20 minutes, and call it done.

Unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing in the pantry. I might have gone for salmon in red wine, but I've still got these goddamn crutches on and I'm not about to hobble all over the kitchen for an hour to pan braise a salmon fillet. So tonight it was a recipe stolen from Mark Bittman's How to Cool Everything: Baked salmon w/ sweet red peppers and herbs:

1lb. salmon fillet.
2tbsp olive oil.
1 or 2 cups sweet peppers (red or yellow) diced.
Herbs to taste (I used about 1tsp parsley, 1tsp basil - if it were fresh, you could use more).

1. Preaheat the oven and a baking pan with the oil to 425F.
2. Add the salmon skin side down, the peppers, and seasoning. Bake for 6 or 7 minutes.
3. Flip the salmon so it's skin-side up and bake for another 4 or 5 minutes. Here in CO it took about another 8 mins.
4. Remove and serve immediately. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Full Story (9 comments, 314 words in story)

The next killer ap.

By sudogeek in sudogeek's Diary
Thu Oct 04, 2007 at 08:09:44 PM EST
Tags: cooking (all tags)

So, I'm standing here in front of the pantry looking at the cans. I just scanned the content of the 'fridge.

Now, if I could enter the list of ingredients into a program and it would then spit out the possible dishes I could make with them, maybe sorted by time of preparation, that would be awesome.

There are quite a number of programs with recipes, like "Mangia" and others, but they don't have a reverse search and tend to use a proprietary record format. If one of these which used MySQL or something familiar, you could construct some queries easily enough, but no.


I guess it's bean and cheese tacos again.

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