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Tag: hot  

Bajo hosts Good game

By Marvaud in Marvaud's Diary
Sat Mar 14, 2009 at 04:40:13 AM EST
Tags: mouth, hot, hands, fingers (all tags)

  I have to get this guys attention somehow.....

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Naga Jolokia, you are bad ass

By circletimessquare in circletimessquare's Diary
Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 12:52:25 PM EST
Tags: hot (all tags)

It is called Naga Morris in Bangladesh, Nai Miris in Sri Lanka (Nai = 'Cobra', Miris = 'Chili'; in Sinhalese) and Bih Jolokia in the Indian state of Assam (Bih = 'poison', Jolokia = 'chili pepper'; in Assamese). Other names are Bhut Jolokia (Bhut = 'ghost', probably due to its ghostly bite or introduction by the Bhutias from Bhutan poison chili), Oo-Morok in Manipur (Oo = 'Tree', 'Oo' pronounced as in Book, Morok = 'Chilli'), Borbih Jolokia, Nagahari, Nagajolokia, Naga Moresh and Raja Mirchi ('King of Chillies'). Regardless of the nomenclature, they all refer to the same plant. The word Naga, meaning "cobra snake" in Sanskrit, stems from Nagaland and the Naga Community.

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Descent from oblivion

By Marvaud in Marvaud's Diary
Sat Aug 09, 2008 at 10:02:42 PM EST
Tags: cold, winter, soggy, damp, hot, sweater, snails, water (all tags)

I was supposed to hold on to a sense of decorum and not plunge myself into

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tit flaps - hot or not?

By mumble in mumble's Diary
Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 10:32:29 PM EST
Tags: tit, flaps, hot, not (all tags)

I read a diary here a while ago asking about "tit flaps".

I just came across a great example: http://www.bodyinmind.com/samples300904/Peta_Wall/Peta_Todd0071_large.html (nsfw).

My question is: hot or not?

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My foot is totally hot

By MrHanky in MrHanky's Diary
Thu Dec 27, 2007 at 07:46:34 PM EST
Tags: hot, warm, burning (all tags)

In fact, it feels like it's burning.

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Good Morning, Its a Bright New Day!

By MichaelCrawford in MichaelCrawford's Diary
Thu Oct 11, 2007 at 08:08:12 AM EST
Tags: Sleep, Wake, Hot, Cold (all tags)

Actually no, it's still dark out, being five in the morning as I write this.

It happens that because of my very irregular sleep schedule that I sometimes get up very early.

The other day the landlord (I presume) shut off the hot water. We had out hot water heater replaced about a month ago; I'm guessing that the new one is having trouble. In any case, there was no pressure on the hot water lines.

That's bad news for me, and anyone in close proximity to me, because I sweat a great deal walking to and from work.

A little while ago as I lay in bed appreciating my own ripeness, I decided to take a cold shower. YEOWWW!

In other news, I'm buying a car.

Full Story (14 comments, 274 words in story)

this diary is to profess my love for ghostoftiber

By lonelyhobo in lonelyhobo's Diary
Wed Sep 12, 2007 at 03:20:48 PM EST
Tags: what, a, hot, hunk, of, man, meat (all tags)

GoT I have read your blog and I think we have a lot in common and could possibly engage in a secret [super gay] tryst.

Full Story (18 comments, 111 words in story)

I'm living out every man's fantasy

By Booger in Booger's Diary
Tue Aug 21, 2007 at 07:49:43 PM EST
Tags: hot, lesbian, action (all tags)

Yo, check this out:  I'm macking with lesbians!  These hot, hot, hoes are doing me right, and they're even letting me take pictures of it!  Here , and especially, here.

It's a non-stop wet dream gettin' my stank on with these horny, hot, and oh-so-feminine lesbian bitches.

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hay bee guy (0x0000000c) the beeocaust has begun!

By Del Griffith in Del Griffith's Diary
Thu Jul 05, 2007 at 04:42:26 PM EST
Tags: no I didn't do it, rednecks, fire, bee's, 0x0000000c, rent, new york, bored, hot, humid (all tags)

Behold the bee holocaust.  Wow these guys are..... retarded.

Full Story (31 comments, 192 words in story)

Best of Allison Stokke

By mumble in mumble's Diary
Sun Jun 10, 2007 at 03:33:33 PM EST
Tags: Allison Stokke, hot, very hot, tabloidism (all tags)

For your gratification, of whatever form you partake: I give you Allison.

I only now came across her in a debate about whether the wikipedians should keep an article about her or not. They decided that she was not worthy enough so deleted the article.

Apparently she is now a minor celebrity with a few high profile articles. All because she is hot!

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o drugs instead of food 18%
o booze instead of food 20%
o I eat like a pig, then throw it up 5%
o I eat less 26%
o I got a ring put around my stomach 1%
o Liposuccion 1%
o Sauna 3%
o I catch any virus that comes, then burn it out 7%
o I skip one meal 14%
o I masturbate (each ejaculation burns 1 cubic inch of proteins) 26%
o Whatever I do, I do it the hardest way (feet, stairs, weighted pen) 22%
o Wii 5%
o I train to become a sumo, so I eat twice as much, fuck you! 11%
o WIPO 12%

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