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Tag: karma  

Beyond resurrection

By donnalee in donnalee's Diary
Mon Apr 13, 2009 at 04:10:17 AM EST
Tags: karma, jainism, quantum physics, freedom from death (all tags)


The wave function that describes a quantum mechanical system contains all the information that can be known about that system. The wave function itself is not observable. In fact, it can be complex-valued. However, the absolute square of the wave function is observable. The absolute square of the wave function is a probability density.

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Karma, reincarnation, and enlightenment under modal realism

By Pentashagon in Pentashagon's Diary
Fri Mar 20, 2009 at 03:20:02 AM EST
Tags: karma, reincarnation, enlightenment, modal realism, philosophy (all tags)

Any theory that predicts an infinitude of real futures, such as the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics or modal realism, implies the effective immortality of every individual in the universe.  The basic argument is that death only occurs in some, but not all, possible futures, and by an analogy to the anthropic principle all individuals will experience immortality in those (few) universes where they never die.  To the long lived individuals who experience apparent immortality, the quality of life in their universes will probably be their primary concern.  I hope to show that the concepts of karma and reincarnation may prove useful in describing the effects of current actions on the future of an individual.

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Sharon Stone reads my k5 diary

By circletimessquare in circletimessquare's Diary
Thu May 29, 2008 at 08:54:48 AM EST
Tags: karma, earthquake, basic instinct (all tags)

so awhile back i suggested the earthquake in china was due to karma over tibet

sharon stone said the same thing two weeks later at cannes, so she obviously reads my diary

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The Whores Hanging Around the Plaza: Death for fun and profit

By mybostinks in mybostinks' Diary
Fri Mar 14, 2008 at 01:26:40 AM EST
Tags: k5, karma, kuro5hin, Mexico, illegal everything, sometimes a great notion, death, graves, cadaver dogs (all tags)

People are not kidding about Mexican border towns and cities. There is a major war going on. U.S. politics aside it is not worth going to a border-town anymore for a donkey show. There is too much gangland violence that is out of control. In some ways, it is as bad if not worse than gangland Chicago of the 30s.

Problem is, Mexico doesn't want anyone to know about it; and neither do U.S. politicians. They would rather focus on hard working illegal aliens than the violence spilling over the border and creeping inward on U.S. soil.

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Screwed on Ebay

By IncubatedVitamin in IncubatedVitamin's Diary
Wed Mar 12, 2008 at 10:57:19 AM EST
Tags: RED RING OF DEATH, karma (all tags)

So in my never ending hunt for bargains, I decided to buy an xbox 360 off of ebay. Now, I'm well aware of the inherent manufacturing problems so I was careful in my search. Imagine my luck when I found a cheap xbox which promised to be in working order and even included $100 worth of insurance.

I win the auction, I send payment, I receive the 360. I plug it in, I power it on, I get a flashing red ring of light. Mother fucker.

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Must Be The Season of the Witch: the Eritrean

By mybostinks in mybostinks' Diary
Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 10:33:07 PM EST
Tags: karma, Koptics, K5 is dying, Kuro5hin, Coptics, Ethiopia, Eritrea (all tags)

When I look over my shoulder,
What do you think I see?
Some other cat looking over
His shoulder at me
And he's strange, sure he's strange.
You've got to pick up every stitch,
Beatniks are out to make it rich,
Oh no, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch.
Donovan - Season of the Witch

As these things go, RAM was banging the hell out of my girlfriend, although I didn't know it at the time. If he knew I was writing this right now we'd both be drunk and laughing our asses off about it. That's just how it was with me and him. Sure I should have been supremely pissed off about it but...well...you know, a good friend is forever and a piece of ass is only as good as the last time you got laid. Regardless, I was one beautiful loser.

Full Story (18 comments, 1370 words in story)

Elaine's Ecstasy In the Back of the Van

By mybostinks in mybostinks' Diary
Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 01:16:01 AM EST
Tags: karma, k5, kuro5hin, k5 is dying (all tags)

I stared out the tiny basement window on the downslope of Pike Street on Capitol Hill. The street itself was always hell-bent on its way to the Public Market. It couldn't be stopped; it was a freight train. Each dreary day always looked like the next day and the day after that. The news and weather had it easy forecasting weather in the Pacific Northwest. Bozo the Clown or Richard Nixon could do it.

"Quit bein' like a stupid puppy lookin' out the fuckin' window." he said. Then he slapped the back of my head.

"She won't be here 'til this evening." he said, "and if you keep acting so fuckin' stupid, I'll call her up and tell her to cancel the whole damn thing."

I quickly shut up.

Full Story (21 comments, 1177 words in story)


By postDigital in postDigital's Diary
Sat Jul 07, 2007 at 06:17:11 AM EST
Tags: anger, animals, assholes, fucked, karma (all tags)

<p?I just returned from sad and distasteful adventure. I got a call late last night from someone who used to be a neighbor lady, when I was a kid. She has two daughters, one who I dated in HS and is one of my longest friends, who now teaches at a University in Switzerland, and the other who lives out in the east. Her little dog had run out through the garage door, which had not completely shut, and was immediately run over by a vehicle, which did not stop.</p>

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Geek Karma

By GhostOfTiber in GhostOfTiber's Diary
Mon Jun 18, 2007 at 03:20:36 PM EST
Tags: Karma, Sun, Solaris, hardware (all tags)

Oh the irony.  Sun hardware and software is supposed to be so much more reliable than open source, right?

A day after I get my sun box setup all nice and happy and hosting domains and doing perl and php and mysql...

The processor blows.  Out of all the spare sun parts I have laying around, the processor is the one item I don't have a spare of.

poll inside.

Full Story (14 comments, 133 words in story)


By Zombie Gautama Buddha in Zombie Gautama Buddha's Diary
Tue Nov 28, 2006 at 10:56:46 AM EST
Tags: enlightement, 4 truths, 8-fold path, karma, nirvana, 3 jewels, 5 precepts, Theory of Everything (all tags)

Bless you all. I hope to enlighten you as I see much suffering here, especially in some very misguided individuals, such as thurler, kitten, MotorMachineMercenary, et al. Why all the hate and refuge in false ways such as ego-love?

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