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Sindya Bhanoo

Gaza demonstrations turn virtual, as protestors converge on SL Israel

Sindya Bhanoo01.07.2009
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Protesters have taken to the streets all over the world to protest Israel's attacks on Gaza.

New World Notes reports that some protesters have even staged demonstrations in Second Life.

SL Israel includes virtual versions of landmarks such as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and tourist sites in Tel Aviv, as well as a beach and outdoor cafes.

When Israel began launching missiles into Gaza, a small group of Second Life residents teleported into SL Israel to protest.

"Lots of people yelling," Beth Odets, one of the creators of SL Israel told New World Notes. "They were going on and on with slurring obscenities about murderous Israeli forces."

Eventually, Odets had to close off the borders of SL Israel due to an overflow of protesters.

"Later came people who were wanting to really talk," Odets said in the interview.

On Tuesday, New World Notes found avatars of a pro-Palestinian Muslim in a kaffiyeh, an IDF soldier and three Jewish women engaged in a lively discussion about Gaza.

When The Industry Standard visited Second Life Wednesday morning, SL Israel's borders had been reopened. The scene was peaceful -- there were no demonstrators in sight, and one virtual sunbather even was relaxing on the virtual beach next to Tel Aviv (see screenshot below). However, later in the day, protestors returned -- although many of them were supporting Israel. In addition to waving Israeli flags, one avatar carried a banner condemning "Arab terror." Mixed in were avatars who carried photographs of civilian Palestinians and one person who carried a giant Turkish flag (see screenshot below).

(Additional reporting by Ian Lamont) 


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