Today's Highlights
These people thought so too, but there are options.
Is one better than the other? Yes, and here are the top five.
Even if you've read these novels, you might not remember the first lines. Take the quiz and see how much you recall.
Quiz of the Day
On This Day
Nuclear Explosion (© Archive Films)On this day in 1967, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States ratified a treaty banning nuclear weapons in space.
What else happened?
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Recharge your brain with a heady brew of Encarta's best...
Mystery Picture
Guess the mystery imageWhat is this?
Find out.
Did You Know?
Coffee Beans (© Dorling Kindersley)A coffee tree produces its first full crop of beans when it is about 5 years old, and it will continue to produce beans for the next 15 to 20 years.
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