26 ℃
24 May, 2009
The State Within
Episode 07 7 May 2009 at 00:05a.m.
As the rhetoric speeds towards war, George's investigations take her to Charles Macintyre's office, where she finds the knife used to kill the hooker in Episode 4 and implicate James Sinclair. And from Tampa, Mark receives Jane's copy of Luke's DV and finally sees what happened to Saida.

All the evidence points to one thing. Seven years ago, when she was CEO of Armitage, Lynne Warner ordered a massacre designed to eliminate the democratic opposition in Tyrgyztan. This is big. This is the kind of thing that could bring down an administration or start a war. But something about it feels wrong to Mark. Warner is a straight-talking southern girl. This Machiavellian plot isn't her style...
Episode 06 30 Apr 2009 at 00:05a.m.
Mark understands what has been said to him and as soon as he can he contacts the one man he trusts in the US Administration, National Security Adviser Carl Garcia. He has a hypothesis: Defense Secretary Warner is behind Eshan's death, a necessary sacrifice to enable her to start a war. Carl doesn't deny that it's possible.

There aren't too many people for Mark to trust now. But he does trust Jane Lavery so when she invites him to join her in a Washington hotel he accepts. Mark begins to open up, telling Jane of his losses, not just James and Eshan, but Saida – the woman who ten years ago brought them all together. Immediately Jane shares what she knows and Mark realises they are both in danger...
Episode 05 23 Apr 2009 at 00:05a.m.
Defense Secretary Warner is well and truly on the warpath - on her way to the UN to make the case for regime change in Tyrgyztan. If they can get a resolution there will be US planes in Central Asia by nightfall.

Mark meanwhile is in a dark place. Eshan has been murdered. Downing Street are recalling him to London. Just as it seems that his career is over a lifeline is thrown from an unexpected place. Defense Secretary Warner calls to say that the White House would be unhappy to see Mark Brydon removed from office. Mark's deputy Phil Lonsdale is forced to stand by his boss...
Episode 04 16 Apr 2009 at 00:05a.m.
Returning to Washington after the death of Luke Gardner, Ambassador Mark Brydon embarks on a delicate diplomatic mission. He has invited Eshan Borisvitch (Paulino Nunes) to Washington in secrecy. Despite the diplomatic and personal risks this involves, Mark is pushing for the UK and US to work with Eshan in post-regime change Tyrgyztan. But in meeting Eshan, Mark is forced to confront the ghosts that haunt him from the past.

As Mark and Eshan have dinner in the Residence, Jane Lavery is on her own personal mission in Florida. She has received a letter from Luke Gardner directing her to an address in Tampa. There, she finds some politically explosive correspondence; material which could endanger her life.

Jane returns to Washington and, in a secure room at the Ambassador's Residence, she reveals all to Nicholas Brocklehurst, including evidence linking Secretary of Defense Lynne Warner to some murderous events. Nicholas threatens Jane – this information is dynamite and she must keep quiet. If this comes out, the credibility of the Western Government is at stake. So why is the Secretary of Defense now in talks with Eshan? Where will the conspiracy end? Who else will be sacrificed along the way?
Episode 03 9 Apr 2009 at 00:05a.m.
As day breaks, the Embassy is fire-fighting the latest conflagration to envelop Anglo-American relations, as the conspiracy thriller continues. A party of British mercenaries has been apprehended taking off from a private airfield in Virginia, apparently en route to deliver 10 cylinders of a component of nerve gas to Tyrgyztan in Central Asia. On the principle that attack is the best form of defence, British businessman Charles Macintyre is threatening to file an official complaint about the FBI's handling of his “entirely legitimate business operation”.

Brydon visits the airfield to see the impounded planes still on the tarmac, he spins a proposition to National Security Adviser Carl Garcia: support for the rogue regime in Tyrgyztan is becoming untenable and the UK/US should consider an approach to the democratic opposition.

Mark is in a position to make it happen because of his influence with Eshan Borisvitch, leader of the Tyrgyztan opposition, who is currently in hiding. James Sinclair, ex-British Ambassador to Tyrgyztan, agrees to broker Eshan's visit to Washington, but goes AWOL. Mark finds his old friend in a local bar but, as he manhandles him into the street, a camera flashes from the shadows…Losing patience, Mark walks away and James reels back into the bar to take comfort with a hooker.

The evening ends with sickening violence when someone steps out of a Washington alley with murder on their mind; and in Florida, as former British Paratrooper Luke Gardner waits on Death Row to hear his fate, the next piece of the deadly plan falls into place.
Episode 02 2 Apr 2009 at 00:05a.m.
Since the Governor of Virginia began apprehending British civilians, the Embassy has been besieged by British nationals seeking sanctuary. Brydon is happy to offer it but, as his level-headed deputy, Phil Lonsdale, keeps reminding him, gesture politics is easy; there's a bigger picture to keep hold of. Priority must be to get the policy reversed. But who could the Ambassador influence on the Security Committee?
Episode 01 26 Mar 2009 at 00:00a.m.
A BBC/BBC America co-production, this 7-episode mini-series is a high-octane, complex, action-packed conspiracy thrill about the privatization of military might and the limits of diplomacy in a world where government has abdicated responsibility for war. It starts with a flight explosion in mid air near Washington D.C. As the shocked capital struggles to come to terms with the disaster, a diplomatic catastrophe envelops the British Embassy. It was a terrorist explosion and the bomber was a British Muslim.

The British Ambassador to Washington, Sir Mark Brydon, soon finds himself in the centre of a terrifying conspiracy that could bring down Western Government. He has to bend, if not break, the rules as he attempts to navigate his way through the clouds of conspiracy. As Mark the ambassador fights to prevent a looming war, Mark the man is faced with a terrible dilemma. At what point do you sacrifice the truth for the sake of your nation? At what point do you sacrifice your nation for the truth?

A cat's cradle of tangled affinities told through interlinking stories unfolds as Mark slowly realizes that he is being played by an invisible puppeteer with great power and far-reaching consequences. In a world of high stakes, the question is – who can he trust?

這部屬BBC名牌出品的迷你電視劇,由《Dirty War》電視電影的編劇Lizzie Mickery及Daniel Percival攜手策劃,以政治外交陰謀為主題,劇情緊湊刺激、動作火爆之餘,某程度上亦影射了現今世界的政局情勢,充滿話題性。劇集播出以來口碑載道,更獲提名角逐金球獎最佳迷你電視劇獎,實力毋庸置疑。



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