Weekly Series
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Thought Leaders
Global Perspectives
International Insight
Mind and Matter
Weekly Series Thought Leaders Global Perspectives International Insight Mind and Matter
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Ball Project Syndicate weekly and monthly commentaries are intended to foster public debate and deliver a diversity of viewpoints to newspapers around the globe. Written by distinguished commentators across the entire democratic political spectrum and from countries around the world, Project Syndicate commentaries present to general readers the most influential contemporary ideas in politics, economics, science, medicine, culture, and diplomacy.

Health and Medicine

Do medical advances, like stem cell research, promise eternal youth or an ethical quagmire? With skyrocketing medical costs and aging populations, will even rich societies be unable to assure decent medical care for all? Are millions needlessly dying in poor countries because they suffer from diseases that do not affect the rich? What will be the payoff of the mapping of the human genome?

Science and Society

Will cloning produce armies of Einsteins or reduce mankind to Aldous Huxley’s proletarian slaves? Are genetically modified seeds and animals a source of future plenty, or Frankenstein foods poised to haunt us? Will technology and the Internet make totalitarianism a fading memory or provide future tyrants with the means to end our privacy? Does science promise more equality or will it widen the gap between the world’s haves and have-nots? Where, indeed, is today’s scientific revolution heading?