
Records on President Lech Walesa's life and his public activity

Lech Lech Walesa, the leader of "Solidarity", a strategist and a politician, a union activist and a statesman - he is the man whose life and achievements illustrate the aspiration of millions of Poles to gain freedom and the peaceful way to overturn one of the most violent and bloody regimes. Our goal is to record it, analyze and remember it.

"Poland in the world" Program

We hope to contribute in promoting and popularizing a positive image of Poland and Poles abroad by organizing and coordinating the foreign trips of Lech Walesa.

Social Program for Sustained Development Activation and Education of Young People

The multidimensional project that aims at promoting positive role models and universal values among young people, at activating those who are willing to undertake activity for their own sake and the sake of their community. Additionally, we are dedicated to supporting decentralization processes and development of self-governments in Poland.

Current Projects:

Promotion of cognizant membership of Poland in the European Union

We are living in the period of globalization and internationalization. Poland has belonged to the family of European nations. Our country has become the part of the European Union. We continue the discussion regarding our membership in the institutions of the unifying Europe.