Health by Jon Meacham regarding seizures is an excellent article. It as given to me by a friend who like me also has seizures. I'm a bit luckier than he is as my medication has now left me seizure free for 4 months and I am praying 2 more months for a total of 6 so I can get my drivers license back. A license that should of been taken away and a report to the DMV two (2) years ago!

The article said that not enough research is being done into a cure. Well, not enough regulations are being enforced with our medical staff to: 1. Report any seizure or suspect seizure to the states DMV as well as the local law enforcement. I had no idea what was happening to me, as no one told me until a horrific accident costing some $12,000 in repairs to my van and landing me in the hospital for 4 days. Thank God I did not kill anyone. I also remember NOTHING from the accident. Not going across 3 lanes of my own traffic, jumping a center flower bed, and crossing 3 lanes of oncoming traffic with the left wheel now under the transmission, and into a wire fence. I did not wake up till 2 hours later. I had had a grand mall seizure.

It was not until I had another seizure after driving my repaired van down an interstate at 70mph, parking it, and then entering a big expo, then hitting the concrete floor, and having a doctor at that hospital TELL ME. "Mr. Gebbie you should not drive for a minimum of 6 months, I am reporting your accident to the DMV, and you MUST see a neurologist as soon as possible, as you re in grave danger of killing yourself. Do you know how I felt knowing that 10 minutes before that seizure I had been at 70 MPH. I was very scared.

Today, I am relieved to be on a medication that is working so far. My doctor is so confident he has allowed me to use my bicycle and in 4 months I have traveled some 800 miles, with not one incident.

I appreciate my friend giving me a copy of your article more than you know. Why has this not been talked about on the program the Doctors, or on the news. Shocking as well is the number of people that are still driving "AND THEY KNOW" they have seizures! But, they also still have their drivers licenses!

Again thank you for this article. I ask only that if you write anything about this message that you not enter my name. Thank you.