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City Hopes To Build Madison Nature Center

Department Applies For $100,000 Grant

POSTED: 5:54 pm CDT June 2, 2009
UPDATED: 7:02 pm CDT June 2, 2009

The Metro Parks department hopes to build a new nature center in Madison, one of the few areas of Nashville that doesn't already have a center.

The Metro Parks and Recreation Board voted Tuesday to apply for a $100,000 grant from the Maddox Foundation.

The grant money would be used to expand Peeler Park on Neely's Bend Road.

"Peeler Park is really a greenway park. It has a greenway trail along the river. In the process of expanding that, we're hoping to have more equestrian trails and mountain bike trails," said Shane Denison of Metro Greenways.

Portions Of Movie To Be Shot At Parthenon

Also on Tuesday, the park board gave permission for a Canadian company to use the Parthenon as a location for the filming of a movie in late July.

The film is titled "Percy Jackson" and will be directed by the same man who directed the first two Harry Potter movies.

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