This month


Routines make our day, and they come to define each of us. Often, we're well aware of our uniquely personal daily habits and customs. Other times, manners become so embedded in our beings that they're easily overlooked or forgotten. It takes a moment of disruption, if only in the form of a missing pen or a detour sign, to remind us that we indeed design our lives as a routine.

The following short essays explore how small shifts, certain views and postures can alter one's personal environment. A writer tells how she changed her life to keep to her coffee routine, while another explains his impressively rigorous approach to routine in the home. We hope these stories will inspire designers, architects, engineers, urban planners, and other visionaries to think innovatively about their routines. To ask ourselves, How can life's routine moments become the catalyst for brilliant experience design?

Product Purification
At Home | Munich
By Fabian Nehne, IDEO
Morning Coffee
Train Station | London
By Ingrid Baron, IDEO
Routine Commitment
Public Swimming Pools | Munich
By Vicky Arndt, IDEO
Next Month's Topic & Assignment:


Such far-reaching issues as obesity, sustainability, and consumption have us all thinking about where we are heading as a global community. We are at a critical point in time as we establish collective practices for our future. Believing that social change is the collective outcome of millions of individual behavior changes over time, we felt this was a good time to explore individual pattern making and pattern breaking. In this exploration, we hope to further understand how personally inspiring experiences alter our hard-wired behaviors.

This month we’ll look to the world for examples of experiences that provided the inspiration necessary to shift an individual's existing pattern structure. We're talking about things—people, experiences, environments, and services—that motivate us to change. Inspiration that has enough influence to not only affect behaviors today, but well into the future.

Bring anything to mind? We look forward to hearing from you!