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Nathan Fillion talks about Halo 3: ODST's Sgt. Buck

Nathan Fillion, the second voice actor revealed for Bungie's Halo 3: ODST, recently spoke about his role in the game to MSNBC. Fillion needs no introduction and has many fans the world over (we loved Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place, too!), so it's great to see him involved with the game.

Fillion will be taking up the role of Sgt. Buck, a man he describes as "a bit hardened" and "a bit cranky." While Fillion's comments pertaining to his own personal interest in the franchise are nice to hear, the best parts of the interview are the sections where Fillion talks about the game's plot. We now know that his character will have a love interest, one that has come back into his life during the game's mission. Oh, and the gameplay footage is kind of nice, too.

We just hope he gets to say his famous phrase in the game: "I seek to behave according to societal standards." That's the line from that Ladybug show, right guys?

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Tags: bungie, fps, halo-3, halo-3-odst, nathan-fillion

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