Posts Tagged ‘Education’

George Soros and dumbed-down education

It’s getting easier and easier to get into college these days. Standards are dropping, and the quality of the average college education pales in comparison to what your great grandparents probably received just a few generations ago. Unfortunately, that’s probably not going to change anytime...
February 13th, 2009 | Education | Read More

So Much for Alma Mater

Did you know that your formal education was intended to transform you into a specific sort of person? That’s right. Most people think they attend school in order to learn a set of philosophically neutral facts that will help them succeed in life, get good jobs, etc. It’s a nice belief, but...
January 27th, 2009 | Domestic Policy, Education | Read More

Same-Sex Marriage and Education

In my post last week I made the point that one consequence of the state sanctioning same-sex marriage would be that the same-sex lobby would be able to use our schools to normalize homosexuality. “No on 8″ proponents counter my argument by assuring us that this is not the intention at all...
October 13th, 2008 | Education, Politics | Read More