VSPS - Voyager Slash Perspectives

VSPS - Voyager Slash Perspectives

This is a discussion list for slash fans of the Voyager Universe. All same-sex pairings including C/P, P/K or J/7 and any other possible pairings are welcome to join. Please note, this *is* a Slash List therefore no P/T, J/C or other heterosexual relationshippers need apply. You *MUST* be over 18 to join this list.

Interested in joining? Here's how:


As of October 2001, VSPS has re-opened membership...however, please be aware that this status may change without notice.

VSPS is a restricted mailing list, meaning one of the ListManagers must add you to the list before you can start posting. So to join, there's a two step process:

Join the list by clicking on the link below:

Click to subscribe to vsps

There are now *TWO* ways to join in the fun. Either:

1) Edit your Yahoo! profile to show that you are over 18. To do this, from the main Yahoo!Groups page, click on the 'Account Info' link in the top right hand corner of the page. This takes you to a page where you can view and edit your Yahoo account information. On the right hand side of the page, there is a list of options under Public Information. Click on the 'Edit/Create Profiles' link then the 'Edit' link next to the Yahoo ID that you are trying to join the group with. Finally, click on the 'Edit Profile Information' link. Put your age in the box and click on the 'Save Changes' button.


2) If you don't want your age to be public information then you have to E-mail ListManagement at: Keikimo@hotmail.com

In this E-mail, please make sure you include an age statement, stating that you are over the age of 18 and that you understand that this list deals with adult and same-sex themes. If we do not receive an E-mail, or if you do not incude the age statement, you will not be added to the VSPS!

Okay...I've joined. Now what?

Have fun! You can check out other Official VSPS List Pages at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Portal/7376 for other rules, regs, guidelines, suggestions and other List Stuff.

You can also go to the ONEList home page at: http://www.onelist.com and do things like unsub, get the archives and search for other lists to join. Simply go to the ONEList main page, click on the User Center link in the frame and go crazy.

Finally...if you have any questions about the List, how to do anything, or even suggestions on how to make the List even better, please feel free to E-mail the ListManagement at: VSPS@hotmail.com or at our individual addresses below.

Hope to see you on VSPS soon!

ListMommy Keikimo
ListMommy Terabithia
(ListManagers, SlashSisters and ListBabies at heart)

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