University of Guelph tag line (JPG – 6kb)
Library identifier and link to its home page (JPG – 20kb)
Lucy Maud Montgomery posed in front of a curtain (GIF – 61kb)

The L.M. Montgomery Research Centre Web site is a scholarly resource designed to highlight the L.M. Montgomery Collection of the University of Guelph Library, making it visible and easily accessible to scholars and readers of Lucy Maud Montgomery.

. . . more in About the Web site

LMM Digital Archive Search

LMM Digital Archive Search (JPG – 20kb)

The University of Guelph is digitizing its extensive collection of Montgomery memorabilia — including her private journals, scrapbooks, handiwork, photographs, and other records. Some of the collection is now searchable through the LMM Digital Archive Search.

Thanks to our Sponsors

The LMM Research Centre would like to thank the following sponsors who have provided support for preservation, research and promotion of the LMM collections:

New & Noteworthy

Anne in Space

Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk brings copy of Anne of Green Gables on six month mission . . . more on Thirsk.

Walking Tour

Take advantage of a beautiful winter's day in Guelph by going on a self-guided walking tour of LMM locations in Guelph.

Conference Proceedings

All video proceedings from the recent LMM conference are now available.