America, who are you going to vote for? Kang or Kodos?

Does everyone remember the ‘Citizen Kang’ segment from The Simpsons?

I sure hope everyone does, because the 2008 elections are not as much about the proliferation of war as they are about the enslavement of Americans within a fascist state.

As Karl Schwarz put it in a recent article, “McCain is Bush Lite; Obama is Bush Dark. The RNC is the War Party; the DNC is the War Party. The math is not hard.”

For those who have been following the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and Obama’s part in it, the above statement will not come as a surprise. Last I checked, immunity for telecoms and warrantless wiretapping were not part of the American Dream.

The Stimulator from has put together a nice short video remix comparing the two so-called choices for this years elections. As he states, “who you gonna vote for now America?”

My take on McCain is that he’s not even fit enough to run a dog let alone a country. As for Obama, I posted the following questions a few months ago and I anxiously await the answers, which will come in time.

  • What are all these changes that Obama so eloquently refers to? Everything that is happening right now, from multiple wars with Muslim countries to the imminent wars in South and Central America, have been planned for many years in advance and executed with the precision of a Military Industrial Complex (2:30). What changes is Obama going to initiate, and how is he going to do it? Is he going to simply pack up and leave the Middle East, eliminate the Federal Reserve, talk to Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Assad, Morales, etc.

So the question remains, will Obama become a dictator like his predecessor in the White House? Will he use the dictatorial powers obtained for the presidency by the Bush administration during the last few years to wage war, spy on Americans, “circumvent the courts and set up his own drumhead tribunals”?

Will he also call Congress irrelevant, or will he become a true leader, restoring the Constitution, ending American imperial agendas around the globe, while bringing freedom to his people?

We will have to wait and see, but from this perspective and recent revelations there are very few differences between Kang and Kodos.

Posted in | Submitted by chycho on Mon, 2008-09-01 02:49.
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