
Rick Trembles' Motion Picture Purgatory

Motion Picture Purgatory: Inferno of Torture

This week Trembles again takes us back in time ... to 1969 and Tesuo Ishii's Inferno of Torture.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Zombieland

After a couple of weeks of some less than mainstream Motion Picture Purgatory installments, Trembles returns to the present day with his spin on Ruben Fleischer's Zombieland.

Motion Picture Purgatory: A Forked World

Now here's a film I bet few of you have seen: A Forked World. Once again, leave it to Trembles to expose us to something new and different!

Motion Picture Purgatory: The H-Man

One thing I love about being the designated DC staffer to put up Trembles' review each week is that we just never know what the hell he's going to come up with next! Case in point: 1958's Bijo to Ekitainingen aka The H-Man.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Sorority Row

Oh, Sorority Row, how you let us down. Most of us went in hoping/expecting it would live up to its R rating with boobs, blood, and a big finale. Instead, we got (as Nomad wrote in his Sorority Row review) "a butt-numbing experience, watching the ladies be picked off in the lamest ways possible (save one shining moment that is too little, too late)." Now it's Trembles' turn to weigh in.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Gamer

It seems that Trembles decided to do what a substantial number of other horror fans did (judging by box office receipts): basically ignore Rob Zombie's Halloween II and just move on. And so, instead of piling more venom on H2, this week's Motion Picture Purgatory tackles the testosterone-fueled Gamer.

Motion Picture Purgatory: The Final Destination

The fans have spoken, and The Final Destination won its opening weekend box office battle with Halloween II. But the real test of its mettle is how Trembles sees it, so of course it's the topic of this week's Motion Picture Purgatory.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Antichrist

When he sent over his take on Graphic Sexual Horror a few weeks ago, we thought Trembles had gone just about as NSFW as he could, but this week's take on Antichrist puts that effort to shame! Proceed at your own risk, and don't blame us if you feel a twinge or two down in your nether regions.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Knowing

Knowing is one of those films that just keeps sticking around. It could have been something special, but instead it gave us some spectacular imagery and one of the hokiest endings in cinematic history. So of course Trembles has to have the last word on it!

Motion Picture Purgatory: District 9

District 9 is sitting pretty at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes right now, which of course means that Rick Trembles has to chime in with his $.02 on the film. After you've seen what Trembles came up with, read Nomad's review also.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Graphic Sexual Horror

Where Rick Trembles' Motion Picture Purgatory is concerned, there are times when it is best just to let his drawings speak for themselves. This week's installment, Graphic Sexual Horror, is one such instance.

Motion Picture Purgatory: The Children

Is it just me, or has there been a big resurgence in evil kid flicks lately? For my money, one of the best of the bunch is definitely Tom Shankland's The Children (read Andrew's extremely positive review here) although McCannibal had a different opinion following the film's screening at this year's Fantasia (read his review here). Of course that means Trembles has to add his $.02 into the mix!

Motion Picture Purgatory: Embodiment of Evil

Is there any doubt what huge José Mojica Marins fans we are here at Dread Central? The man is, quite simply, a badass! And it seems Trembles agrees with us; dig on his Embodiment of Evil review to see just how far out this latest installment in the Coffin Joe saga takes us.

Motion Picture Purgatory Volume 2: Preview

If you’ve been reading Dread Central for any amount of time now, you’re no doubt familiar with our weekly Motion Picture Purgatory strip, furnished to us by Montreal’s Rick Trembles.

Motion Picture Purgatory: Combat Shock

On July 19th attendees of this year's Fantasia Film Fest have a chance to view the director’s cut of the 1986 film Combat Shock. This rare screening of the original 16mm answer print will be hosted by writer/director Buddy Giovinazzo. What better way to prepare than by checking out Trembles' take on the film?