[Reconstructing the Starmap]   [Map1]    [Map 2]    [A brief guide to the Constellations A-O]   
[A brief guide to the Constellations P-Z]     
Mul-Apin is a composite text that can be thought of as a general compendium dealing with many diverse aspects of celestial divination.The first sections of tablet 1 list all the mainstream Babylonian constellations along with the deities associated with them. Various other sections give the rising dates for the stars and provide further useful information that helps to locate the constellations in relation to each other and as such it is the single most important resource for reconstructing the overall plan of the Babylonian starmap.
Even though the earliest copy so far discovered was only written shortly after 700 BCE, the text was probably composed sometime between 1200 and 1000 BCE.
The following lists are derived from 'Mul.Apin, An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform' by Hermann Hunger and David Pingree, 1989. The locations of the Babylonian stars in terms of the Greek stars are my own attributions.

Mul-Apin divides the stars into northern, equatorial and southern paths:

33 Northern stars on the path of Enlil
The Plough, Enlil, the lead star of the stars of Enlil  (Most of Draco)
Wolf at the seed funnel of the Plough  (Head & middle of Draco)
Old Man, Enmesharra  (Perseus)
Crook, the Crouching god  (Auriga)
Great Twins, Lugalirra and Meslamtaea  (Gemini)
Little Twins, Alammush and Ninezengud  (Canis Minor)
Crab, the seat of Anu  (Cancer)
Lion, Latarak  (Leo)
The stars that stands in the breast of the Lion, the
King Star (The star Regulus in Leo)
The dusky stars that stand in the tail of the Lion, the
Frond of Erua, Zarpanitu  (Coma Berenices & the western part of Virgo)
Shupa, Enlil, who decrees the fate of the land  (Bootes)
The star before him, the
Star of Abundance, the messenger of Ninlil  (A star in the western part part of Bootes)
The star behind him, the
Star of Dignity, the messenger of Tishpak (A star in the eastern part of Bootes)
Wagon, Ninlil  (The 7 principle stars of Ursa Major)
The star at the shaft of the Wagon, the
Fox, Erra, the strong one among the gods  (The star Zeta in Ursa Major)
The star at the front of the Wagon, the
Ewe, Aya  (Probably the star Epsilon in Ursa Major)
The H
itched Yoke, Anu, the great one of the heavens  (the star Eta in Ursa Major)
Wagon of Heaven, Damkianna  (Ursa Minor)
The star on its rope, the
Heir of the Sublime Temple, the first ranking son of Anu  (The star Polaris in Ursa Minor)
Standing Gods of the E-kur, the Sitting Gods of the E-kur  (The western part of Ophiuchus; Corona Borealis)
She-Goat, Gula  (Lyra)
The star before the She-Goat, the
Sitting Dog (Most of Hercules)
The bright star of the She-Goat,
Lamma, the messenger of Baba  (The star Vega in Lyra)
Two stars behind her,
Ninsar and Erragal (The stars Beta & Gamma in Lyra)
Panther, Nergal  (Most of Cygnus & probably part of Cepheus)
The star to his right, the
Swine, Damu  (Probably Delphinus)
The star to his left, the
Horse (front legs of Pegasus & Lacerta)
The star behind him, the
Stag, messenger of the Star Cluster  (Cassiopeia & part of Andromeda)
The dusky stars at the breast of the Stag, Harriru, god of the
Rainbow (The spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda)
The bright red star at the kidney of the Stag, the
Destroyer (The star Gamma in Cassiopeia)

23 Equatorial stars on the Path of Anu
The Field, the seat of Ea, which leads the stars of Anu  (The 4 stars of the Square of Pegasus)
The star at the Field, the
Swallow (The head & neck of Pegasus, & the western fish of Pisces)
The star behind the Field,
Anunitum (The northern fish of Pisces)
The star behind it, the
Hired Man, Dumuzi  (Aries)
Star Cluster, the Seven Gods, the great gods  (The Pleiades)
Bull of Heaven, the Bull's Jaw, the Crown of Anu  (Taurus, or at least its head)
True Shepherd of Anu, Papsukal, the messenger of Anu and Ishtar  (Orion)
The Twins who are opposite the True Shepherd of Anu,
Lulal and Latarak (Cetus & part of Eridanus)
The star behind him, the
Rooster (Lepus)
Arrow, the arrow of the great god Ninurta  (The star Sirius & probably other stars in Canis Major)
Bow, the Elamite Ishtar, the daughter of Anu  (Puppis)
Serpent, Ningishzida, lord of the Underworld  (Hydra)
Raven, the star of Adad  (Corvus)
Furrow, Shala with her ear of barley  (The eastern part of Virgo)
Scales, the Horn of the Scorpion  (Libra)
Zababa, the Eagle and the Dead Man (The eastern part of Ophiuchus; Aquilla; Sagitta)

15 Southern stars on the Path of Ea
The Fish, Ea, the lead star of the stars of Ea  (Pisces Austrinus)
Great One, Ea. The Star of Eridu, Ea  (Aquarius; Vela)
The star to his right,
Ninmah (Vela)
Wild Boar, Ningirsu  (Most of Centaurus)
The star to its side, the
Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti, within which one sees the Abyss  (The western part of Centaurus)
The two stars that are behind him,
Shullat and Hanish, Shamas and Adad  (Two stars in Centaurus)
The star behind them, rises like Ea and sets like Ea,
Numushda, Adad  (Unknown, possibly part of the Milky Way)
The star to the left of the Scorpion, the
Mad Dog, Kusu  (Lupus)
Scorpion, Ishhara, the governess of the lands  (Scorpio)
The Breast of the Scorpion,
Lisi and Nabu (The star Antares in Scorpio)
The two stars on the Stinger of the Scorpion,
Sharur and Shargaz (The stars Lambda and Nu in Scorpio)
The star behind them,
Pabilsag (Sagittarius)
Cargo-Boat and the Goatfish (Corona Australis; Capricorn)