End Human Trafficking

101 Things to Be for Halloween Other Than a Pimp

Published October 27, 2009 @ 01:00PM PT

Here's how my Halloween usually goes: go out with friends, run into a guy dressed as a pimp, proceed to corner the pimp and explain why his costume is inappropriate and offensive. Yep -- I'm pretty much a buzz-kill. I would love to have a conflict-free Halloween this year (and one where my friends don't ditch me), but that's only going to happen if no one dresses up in costumes that glamorize pimping. Pimps are people who exploit women. Period. Yet Halloween glamorizes pimps like no other holiday. Maybe it's because their stereotypical attire makes an outlandish costume. Maybe it's because they are an easily recognizable part of American culture. There have been pimp costumes available on the Internet for a long time, but now even your dog can be a pimp. And as Kat over at Polaris Project points out, so can your pumpkin.

I know coming up with a Halloween costume is hard, so to help you out, I've provided 101 ideas for cosutmes that don't glorify criminals who rape women and sell them like objects. If you're thinking of dressing like a pimp, pick one of these instead, especially if you live in the DC area. Because you don't want to meet me and my feminist literature in a dark alley on Halloween night.

101 Things to Be for Halloween that Aren't a Pimp

  1. NASCAR driver
  2. Wizard with a pegleg
  3. Amelia Earheart
  4. Dinosaur
  5. Cat in a litterbox
  6. Zombie lumberjack
  7. Your mom
  8. Flapper
  9. Harlem Globetrotter
  10. Wall-E
  11. Chuck Norris
  12. Drunk robot
  13. Pancake
  14. Simpson's character
  15. Golfer
  16. Sarah Palin
  17. King of Spades
  18. Slutty panda
  19. Keg of beer
  20. Wind up penguin toy
  21. Hipster
  22. Michael Jackson
  23. Bunch of grapes
  24. Wizard with an expensive prosthetic leg
  25. Party animal
  26. George W. Bush
  27. Ghost eating a muffin
  28. Little Orphan Annie
  29. Sexy or not-so-sexy librarian
  30. Voltran
  31. Waldo
  32. Peanut M&Ms
  33. Mummy
  34. Tooth fairy
  35. Cop with a mohawk
  36. Ultimate frisbee player
  37. Bernie Madoff
  38. Harry Potter
  39. An underpaid babysitter
  40. Sexy Abraham Lincoln
  41. Starfish
  42. Grasshopper with anxiety disorder
  43. Someone else's mom
  44. Peter Pan
  45. Bee keeper
  46. Cookie Monster
  47. Drunk jerk at the bar
  48. Marathon runner
  49. Naked skydiver
  50. Feminist Rapunzel who made him take the stairs
  51. iPod commercial
  52. The bartender's mom
  53. A vampire from Twilight or True Blood
  54. A stick
  55. Santa Claus
  56. Frodo Baggins
  57. Dishwasher
  58. Shifty-eyed chipmunk
  59. Scarlet fever
  60. Marie Antoinette
  61. Rabbit
  62. Bag of jelly beans
  63. Nina, Pinta, and/or Santa Maria
  64. The Big Bad Wolf in grandma's mu-mu
  65. Detective
  66. Break dancer
  67. Uncertain pie
  68. A maid of any nationality other than French
  69. The guy from "The Wrestler"
  70. A Trans-Am
  71. Pony
  72. Sack of bricks
  73. The cute kid from Where the Wild Things Are
  74. Christian Amanpour
  75. Ants at a picnic
  76. Michael Moore
  77. Charles in Charge
  78. Hobo who reads Chaucer
  79. Carnie (Wilson or the profession)
  80. Magic bean
  81. Cheerleader
  82. Elvis
  83. Robot Chicken
  84. Abominable Snowman
  85. Half angel, half devil
  86. Dreidel
  87. Batman
  88. A rouge fisherman with poor night vision
  89. Pedicurist
  90. Banana
  91. Vietnam protester
  92. Shooting star
  93. Man on horseback
  94. Spock
  95. Don and Betty Draper
  96. Walnut grove
  97. Adam Lambert
  98. Unicorn on steroids
  99. 3 dollar bill
  100. Witch with buckteeth
  101. The Gosselin Family

Now, you have no excuse to be a pimp this Halloween. So have fun this weekend, be safe, and if you see someone dressed as a pimp, tell him to read this blog next year.

Photo credit: bovinemagnet

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Comments (7)

  1. Anemone Cerridwen

    A friend of a friend dressed up years ago as a pimp. His grandmother sewed him a ridiculous oversized coat made out of fluffly white fake fur. The coat itself was a lot of fun. It's too bad it said "pimp". Perhaps some stylists out there could provide alternative uses for such outrageous garments. Cossack on drugs?

    Posted by Anemone Cerridwen on 10/27/2009 @ 03:33PM PT

  2. Thomas McHugh

    Intresting and humorous list although Im somewhat offended with the suggestion of "Witch with buckteeth"...

    Anyways it sounds like youd be fun to hang with on halloween and I would question whether or not your friends are really your friends if they would ditch you so readily...

    Blessed sah-wen miss kloer.

    Posted by Thomas McHugh on 10/27/2009 @ 05:17PM PT

  3. Graham Smith

    Yeah, pimps are bad but c'mon...  It's Halloween for crying out loud.  Most things you dress as are totally inappropriate for the every day world.  LOL  I mean  jeeeez.  What else is there to say.

    Posted by Graham Smith on 10/27/2009 @ 06:44PM PT

  4. Rev Bookburn

    George W. Bush and Chuck Norris are better than pimps?

    Posted by Rev Bookburn on 10/27/2009 @ 07:52PM PT

  5. Alex Montagna

    I have no problem with pimp costumes... Human trafficking and woman/men being forced to have sex beyond their control is terrible.. but it's a costume.. honestly it doesn't and never will bother me.. Are all pimps holding people against their will?

    Posted by Alex Montagna on 10/28/2009 @ 08:03AM PT

  6. Kristin Brown

    Great article. I especially liked the suggested costumes. I'm not sure how one would pull off a rouge fisherman with poor night vision however.

    Posted by Kristin Brown on 10/28/2009 @ 11:42AM PT

  7. Natalie Rose Apar

    How do you make a "sexy Abraham Lincoln" costume? O_o You know what, on second thought, I don't want to know. 

    Posted by Natalie Rose Apar on 10/29/2009 @ 08:39AM PT

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Amanda Kloer

Amanda has been a full-time abolitionist for six years. During that time, she has created reports, documentaries and training materials on human trafficking in the United States and around the world.


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