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Pfizer Inc. will shut down its massive New London research and development headquarters and transfer most of the 1,400 people working there to Groton, the pharmaceutical giant said Monday.

The move comes in the wake of Pfizer's recent merger with Wyeth, and is part of a global consolidation of the two companies' research operations. Groton will be the biggest of the company's five major global research sites, the company said. The move from New London to Groton will take place over the next two years.

Pfizer is now deciding what to do with its giant New London offices, and will consider selling it, leasing it and other options, a company spokeswoman said.

The company has not said how many of its 5,000 Connecticut employees will lose their jobs, but the broader consolidation will "result in staff reductions" and cut the combined companies' research footprint by 35 percent.

Pfizer said if will have five main research sites worldwide, including Groton; Cambridge, Mass.; Pearl River, N.Y.; La Jolla, Calif.; and Sandwich, United Kingdom. It will shut several research operations outside of Connecticut.