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Newsweek's sexism and Sarah Palin

November 17, 2009 |  3:53 pm


The frat boys at Newsweek were probably chugging some brewskies when they came up with the idea for this cover. How pathetic. I don't care whether this is done to a woman who is conservative or moderate or liberal. A Democrat, a Republican, a Green Party member or a Libertarian. It's sexist as hell. "The problem," with Sarah Palin, is what? That she's fit and attractive? Are they kidding?

There are legitimate reasons to disagree with her politics and her positions on issues. But this is not the way. (On the other hand, if it turns out that she's actually wearing pantyhose with her running shoes in this photo, consider this defense null and void.)

Anyway, I may be underestimating Newsweek's cynicism in using a photo the ex-governor of Alaska posed for when she was featured in Runners' World.  Pictures of pretty women sell magazines, so maybe that's all it really cares about.

Here's Editor Jon Meacham's defense of the photo:

We chose the most interesting image available to us to illustrate the theme of the cover, which is what we always try to do,” Meacham said. "We apply the same test to photographs of any public figure, male or female: does the image convey what we are saying? That is a gender-neutral standard."

Right. I'm not a regular reader of Newsweek so maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe Newsweek really has run lots of out-of-context covers trivializing male political figures because of their looks.

-- Lisa Richardson

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I love all the idiots on here who are criticizing Palin about her lack of experience and how it's garnering all this attention. These same geniuses are also complaining about her greed in wanting to make money or the critiques about how she doesn't fully understand her party's position.

You do realize these are the exact same credentials this country based its vote on when we ushered in Obama. A guy who accomplished absolutely nothing as a state and US senator, who made millions from writing books about himself, and a guy who constantly flubs his speeches and seems completely incapable of talking without a few hundred "um's" and "er's" while he attempts to explain his bipolar postions.

You folks are hilarious, please keep it up . . . don't stop. Your entertaining hypocritical bent on the world is better than TV. Maybe if the LA Times would just print your idiotic points of view, the paper's circulation wouldn't keep crashing every year.



Let's see if I have this right; a politician involved at the national level has a photo taken with her express permission. She then objects when said photo, which is in the public domain, is used on the cover of a major publication because it makes her look "too attractive".

I'm sure she's just heart-broken over the publicity and the opportunity to yet again play the victim. Any more crocodile tears and she'll have to file for an exotic animal permit.


The picture is not good, legs look stumpy due to a short lens and camera angle, easily fixed in Photoshop. Also, the bit of window on the upper right is distracting, and she should have been a little more to the right for a better composition. Sloppy work, Newsweek.

Check URL for a vast improvement (but still too far to the left).

Now, if it could be this easy to fix her mind...


She's bad news for the GOP and everyone else? Rush Limpbrow and his dittoheads think (believe, actually. They don't think) that she'd make a fine president.

A Newsweek cover spotlighting her mind would have been blank.
Newsweek was kind enough to display her best attribute: her looks.
That's all she's really got going for her.

Imagine if she looked like Madeleine Albright (who happens to be a brilliant woman).


carlsbadcrawler , I remember Mitt Romney and Dan Quayle being attacked for their looks.


No, the problem isn't that she's fit and attractive, the problem is she's an idiot! I hope the GOP runs her for president in 2012, 2016, 2020, forever actually. Republicans are even dumber than I had originally thought. God bless 'em!


It is not possible to trivialize male political figures because of their looks.


Where is NOW or any of the other lame spokespersons for the equality of Women, I guess they're only interested when it fits their agenda ala Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, oh well what's credibility got to do with it. Anyway, for those that continue to dismiss Ms. Palin, you might want to lose the rose-colored glasses and pay attention to the groundswell of support she is receiving, from those that are through supporting the majority of Pols who do little more than pay lip service to we the people. Sarah has class, charisma, common sense and true executive experience unlike the charlatan currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania ave.


How trivial when the nation confronts real issues and one of the leading news magazines headlines this uninformed person.


Sarah Palin is the "American Dream" gal!!! I would be her intern anyday..... Smart, Sexy, sassy.. Alot of jealaousy out there. I would be her man secretary ( ;. bring her starbucks and then some..


Dear Sir/Madame,
My mission is to work as hard as I possibly can to get as many people as possible to cancel subscriptions to your "news" magazine. I say "news" lightly, because the mission of Newsweek is not to report the news, but to slant the news for your own personal agenda. Your decision to put Sarah Palin on the cover is disgusting, and only shows your insecurity. Boo!

Colin Tjalma


For those of you who live in liberal la-la land, your current socialist president who continues his attempt at bankrupting America, had better pay attention to Ms Palin and the silent majority. There will be many liberal incumbents looking for jobs in 2010.


I like the cover -- headline, photo, subtext(s). That people are not getting the Sound of Music reference and the RUNNING context -- running for office -- well, I feel bad for intellectual acuity in the US. Moreover, it's just a FUNNY PICTURE. The editors are giving her a hard time! Hasn't anyone noticed that Newsweek has gotten a lot more AGGRESSIVE and SNARKY (hate that word but it applies) since the magazine's make-over earlier this year? Well, THEY HAVE, I subscribe. This cover didn't take me five seconds to figure out. And I'm not that smart!!


She's not hot. She's a bit of a butter face. Nice body, though.

I don't see the big deal about this photo.


Overexposed on the book trail. Palin fatigue has already set in. By 2012, everyone on the planet will barf when they hear "Palin this" or "Palin that". Truly the Paris Hilton of politics.


Hey Steve guess what? YOUR WRONG! It's been reported that the photo was sold to Newsweek by the photographer which was in violation of a contract with Runner's World. Nice try though....


A photograph is not sexist just because a knee-jerk (read "brain-not-involved) right-winger, or you, or anyone else says it is.

To me the meaning of the photo is obvious. Sarah Palin is "running" -- for office, duh!

Reading the Runners World slideshow and interview, for which Ms. Palin may or may not have been paid (an interesting question by itself; one would hope so), it's clear that this photo, with Ms. Palin leaning her elbow onto an American flag (in case you didn't notice) and sporting two invented-in-Canada RIM BlackBerry smartphones (two more than most people can afford or need), is the most interesting of the seven Runners World photos.

Turn the cover page, and get the Newsweek second-cover, of Ms. Palin's non-son-in-law Levi looking smug and scrappy.

I'm glad to be a Newsweek subscriber.


She is pretty hot. Her husband's a lucky man.


well, didn't she POSE for the picture or otherwise submit the pic for newsweek? i doubt they just locate whatever and publish it. she or an aid likely submitted the pic to them for their use!



Politics is no different than the WWF. This cover of Newsweek is further proof that the dumbing down of America has gone from the National Enquirer to the once proud news magazines.

I think Sara Palin is not terribly bright, but then I think the same of Barak Obama. He's just a much better speaker. He is the male, democrat version of Sara Palin.


Didn't Palin pose for that photo? And doesn't a posed photo make it fair game for the media to publish it any way they see fit?

The FACT that Republicans refuse to admit is that Palin was picked as McCain's running mate because she is good looking, NOT because of her experience(nil),her political philosophy(?), or her business acumen(?).

Palin LIED about not supporting the bridge to nowhere,lied about her daughters voting on her running for VEEP, and has pretty much distorted every issue she comments on.

So, I would say Palin in shorts reflects her abilities.


To Caroline:
Sarah has "done nothing but winkin' and grinnin' her sexiest best"??

When? The first couple of weeks after her VP announcement, yes, she did do some winking that wasn't received well. Not since then. And she's done a whole heck of a lot more for our troops in the past few months than any Democrat in Congress has done in years. She's doing a lot for charities across the nation. She's actively scrutinizing the ObamaCare socialized, government-run health care fiasco and exposing hidden elements. So, you're lazy and/or lying about her not doing anything beyond being "sexy."

Why the criticism for her smiling? Yeah, I always think someone who is smiling is "playing a game." Kinda like that smile Obama flashes when he's nervous and off his teleprompter. If you're going to attack Palin for "making money," Caroline, please tell us all where Obama's money for his TWO non-scrutinized, non-vetted biographies went... cough, cough. Answer is: His bank account. As it should be, since this is AMERICA with free market principles and not a "spread the wealth" socialist banana republic. You make earning money sound like a BAD thing, which it isn't, Caroline. Just ask Cuba.

Your hypocritical, nasty "maybe she should only come out at night" comment is just like an ignorant leftist. You know NOTHING about her her stances or policies, so you try to trash and dismiss her and by alluding her being a "lady of the night", which is your way of saying you think she's a whore, with no shred of evidence whatsover. Either call a woman a slut or call a conservative a racist when you're losing... all overdone by the statists. Women who do this should be doubly ashamed of themselves. Calling another woman a whore (or suggesting it loud and clear, like you did) attacks all women, giving society permission to objective us or demean our character based on groundless witch hunt accusations.

Run, little leftist troll, run... Palin's popularity is exploding and Obama's approval with American voters is in the dumper, down to negative 14 today on Rasmussen.


Wait a second? It is sexist to show a picture of a woman in running shorts? Maybe you would prefer a Burka? Sarah Palin is an athletic, energetic woman. Everyone knows her background and her image, which to some is this over-eager, cheerleader-esque, über-patriot. I think the only reason anyone could possibly find this photo offensive (it's not "sexy") is that Palin looks like a parody of that image. You want "demeaning" photos of male politicians? Look at John Edwards on the cover of Newsweek, "The Sleeper," adjusting his loose tie, looking very GQ. or Newsweek with the ultra-preppie George Bush's out golfing, complete with 43 and 41 on their golf caps, looking frivolous and rich. Women and men sometimes wear shorts. Showing a picture of them in those shorts is not sexist (of course many of the comments calling Palin "a hag" and commenting on her thighs here are very sexist).


Sarah's driving the left crazy and stealing all the thunder of the media while they all fight over her without paying a dime for it...what a performance.and it'll be tough to grapple with for leftists elites and limo liberals...but she's a real solid woman...who can governor our largest state, run for VP, and be the envy of all other political women and feminists who have to act like a man to claim they are a feminist. Love her and hope she keeps rockin' and rollin' and driving the East Coast types crazy!


I'm not a regular reader of Newsweek so maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe Newsweek really has run lots of out-of-context covers trivializing male political figures because of their looks.

In other words: you don't know what you're talking about, didn't do any research, and are simply filling the empty air with your empty-headed, ignorant, ill-informed, unfounded, and unmerited opinion. It's a wonder to me, with so much in common, you are not Sarah Palin's biggest fan.



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