Jesse Ventura on Global Warming: A Secret Plot to Take Over the World?

December 20, 2009

(ChattahBox)—Jesse ‘the Body” Ventura, ex-pro wrestler, former governor of Minnesota, and ex-marine and Navy Seal, is hosting a new show on TruTV called, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.” Who better to showcase a show about doomsday and apocalyptic New World Order conspiracy theories? The Independent Libertarian, Ron Paul supporter and author of the book, “Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me,” is tailor made for a TV show that unabashedly promotes crazy conspiracy theories. With its hokey production values, “a team of expert investigators” and Jesse’s frequent clandestine meetings with informants in a shadowy “warehouse district,” the show sure is entertaining.

Last week Jesse promoted 9/11 truthers and this past week, he decided that global warming is actually a hoax perpetrated by the UN, a powerful global cabal of industrialists and international Jewish bankers, to take over the world….cue scary doomsday music.

The hour-long show, included all of the top global warming deniers and paranoid conspiracy theorists: Alex Jones, talk show radio host and crazy conspiracy theorist, Noel Shepard of the right-wing site NewsBusters and rabid Al Gore hater, Lord Christopher Monckton, the bug-eyed British global warming denier, Richard Lindzen, an MIT scientist and global warming denier who shills his scientific background for hefty speaking fees, Martin Durkin, the producer of the goofy anti-Al Gore psuedo-science documentary, “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” and George Hunt a paranoid little man in need of medication, who is billed as a “UN whistleblower, and who was the conspiracy-theorist-in chief, Alex Jones’ undercover contact.

Lord Christopher Mockton has no background in science, but he is frequently called upon by Republicans, as a global warming “expert.” In 1987 he wrote an article for The American Spectator, calling for a lifetime quarantine of all carriers of AIDS. “There is only one way to stop AIDS. That is to screen the entire population regularly and to quarantine all carriers of the disease for life,” wrote Mockton.

Alex Jones, is billed as an “expert in conspiracy theories, and that’s the one claim made by Jesse that I can agree with. Jones recently said that the Obama administration’s science czar advocated “putting stuff in the water to sterilize” Americans. Jones also once claimed that Bill Clinton planned the Oklahoma City bombings and he believes that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by a cabal of American and Israeli government officials. Referring to health care reform, Jones recently said, “They’ve almost got eugenics control grid over us.” Jones is also a birther conspiracy theorist.

One of Jesse’s expert investigators met with a climate change denying scientist in hiding deep in “the wilderness” out of cell phone range, referred to as Dr. X, who said he received death threats for denying global warming. His explanation for the warming of the planet? The sun.

In between meeting contacts in the warehouse district alone, Jesse would meet with his investigators and then face the camera to say, “follow the money!” Apparently the concept of climate change was “invented” about 20-years ago, by international corporations to get rich off of the fear of the masses, by trading carbon credits and forcing us to buy energy efficient products against our will.

Once the cabal of new World Order plotters led by the UN controls our minds and car-buying habits, then the theory goes, they will next control the food we eat and how many children we can have. From there it’s all downhill according to Jesse and his guests.

Perhaps one of the funnier scenes in the show, was Jesse’s meeting in the warehouse with NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard. Shepard is on a mission to prove that Al Gore’s sole motivation is to make money off of a global warming hoax. The super-paranoid sounding Shepard with his diminutive stature, made for an entertaining couple of minutes. Shepard calls climate change a hoax that was created to force us to buy green products. It’s all a “Ponzi scheme,” said Shepard. He tells Jesse, while standing in the dark warehouse that the global warming scam is “the greatest control over mankind we have ever seen.”

Throughout the program Ventura attempts to smear Al Gore, claiming that he is getting rich on the climate change hoax. But in true circular Glenn Beck logic, he keeps saying, but it can’t be true because “I know the guy,” while he continues to show “evidence” that Gore has a “conflict of interest” as an investor in green firms.

But in the end, the real global warming bad guy is determined to be Maurice Strong, a billionaire, environmentalist and UN advisor who currently lives in the Communist country of China. Referred to as the wizard behind the curtain of the global warming hoax, Strong has all of the requisite qualities to become the subject of an evil New World Order conspiracy to control the world. Strong also has a controversial past. He was allegedly involved in the UN oil for food scandal. Blurry photos are shown of Strong wearing foreign looking hats and riding a bike. Yep, he’s the head of the cabal to take over the world.

Watch a clip:

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20 Responses to “Jesse Ventura on Global Warming: A Secret Plot to Take Over the World?”

  1. Shane on December 20th, 2009 9:05 am

    I totally disagree with the author of this article. I dont believe the BS that the general media and government feed us. I am shocked that conspiracy theory even made the air. Wont be long before the powers that be get it canned.

  2. FTM on December 20th, 2009 10:05 am

    I see a lot of left/right bickering in regards to this issue. Consider the following:

    In the words of Ronald Regan, “Government is not the answer, government is the problem.” I think that Regan was almost right. I think that the problem is politics. Politics is not the answer, politics is the problem.

    People on both sides of the political spectrum have decided that they have some “right” to determine the lifestyles of the people living on the other end of the spectrum.

    I didn’t vote for obama and I didn’t vote for bush. The last guy I voted for was Perot. Perot was the last guy I heard speaking in terms of truisms. Consider this…

    I’m not a republican or a democrat or an independent. I don’t care who you marry. I don’t care if you marry, what you marry or how many you marry. I don’t care if you go to church or where you go to church. I don’t care who you vote for or if you vote. I don’t care if or what you smoke, snort, inject or ingest. What you do in the privacy and comfort of your own home with or without another consenting, mature adult is your problem. Please have the common decency to leave me out of your activities, thank you.

    For the people on the right, think about this: let the boys that want to marry boys marry boys. Let the girls that want to marry girls marry girls. Let the women that want to kill their unborn babies kill their unborn babies. Before long there won’t be any democrats. Now really, how hard can this be?

    Now consider the question of Anthropogenic Global Warming. Is there a problem or not? The only way that we’re going to know, one way or the other is to sit down and look at the data. Now, we live in the information age, we have the internet. How hard can it be to publish a website that allows read only access to a database containing the raw data? Other scientific disciplines do exactly that, publishing raw data on the internet for one and all to see. By law, information collected for scientific research financed by public funding must be made available to the public upon request. By law; that is the law.

    Now, the actual condition that we encounter when attempting to review the base (raw) data in regards to the AGW question that is in the custody of NASA, NOAA and the CRU is secrecy and stonewalling. There are FOIA requests that legitimate researchers have filed that have been stonewalled for years. The law says thirty days. This is a clear violation of the law and a clear violation of the scientific method.

    Remember when you were a child and you were told the story of “Chicken Little?” Remember how Chicken Little got all the barnyard animals in an uproar over his claim that the sky was falling and that they had to go tell the king at once? Remember that? Remember what the king said when one of the barnyard animals told him that the sky was falling? “Who told you that the sky is falling? Show me a piece of this sky?” Remember that? The horse said that the cow said that the goat said that the goose said… that Chicken Little said that the sky is falling.

    Show me a piece of this sky.

  3. Eric Dondero on December 20th, 2009 11:29 am

    It’s terribly ironic that 9/11 Truthers shut up any time you mention the Oklahoma City Bombing. Try telling a Truther about fmr. CBS TV News reporter in OKC Jayna Davis and her investigative work on the bombing. Davis tracked down the identity of John Doe II and even traced Terry Nichols activities in the southern Phillipines to Islamic extremists. There’s even evidence of funding and other backing by Saddam Hussein and Iraqi Intelligence behind Nichols and McVeigh.

    But Lefties, and Ron Paulist Isolationists turn a blind eye to Islamic involvement in the OKC bombing. It doesn’t fit their template: US bad, Islamic Radicals who hate the US good.

    Somehow, I don’t expect Ventura will be talking at all about Jayna Davis and OKC.

  4. Jet Jungle on December 20th, 2009 12:45 pm

    Sue, who paid you to write this? The tone of your article clearly shows that you have a desperate agenda to discredit the people you are writing about at all cost. Calling someone rabid, without any medical proof should hopefully land you in real hot water.

    Fortunately for all of us, a clever person posted over 1000 emails of these crooked global warming scientists on the web so we can all see their fraud. And then the Russians (yes, those dangerous people is Asia :-] ) accused the same emailers mentioned above of cherry picking their weather data, ignoring the bulk of the huge amount of data generated by this huge landmass being close to 40% of the world’s land. You can lie only so long before you are exposed. And when this huge lie has been fully exposed, you will say: “I was misled too!” You poor sheep! Wake up and smell the froses….

  5. Rick (Chicken Little) on December 20th, 2009 1:04 pm

    Piece of the sky? Pieces of the sky? The whole damn sky!
    Piece # 1: Arctic summer sea ice soon to be a thing of the past.
    Piece # 2: The last bit of snow on Mt. Kilamanjaro gone within ten years.
    Piece # 3: A chunk of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antartica the size of Rhode Island now floating out to sea.
    Piece # 4: 90 % of all glaciers in the world disappearing at an ever increasing rate.
    Piece # 5: Pre-industrial concentrations of co2 in the atmosphere were around 280ppm (less than 200 yrs. ago) - now @ 387ppm and growing at an ever increasing rate.
    Piece # 6: Sea level rise at an unprecedented rate.
    Piece # 7: Floods, droughts, blizzards, hurricanes, tornados, sand storms, fires - all in numbers never experienced in recorded history.
    Piece # 8: Migration of spieces northward at a never before seen rate.
    Piece # 9: Disease and pest infestations increases due to no long hard freezes in northern climes.
    Piece # 10: Alaskan and nothern Canadian communities, houses, roads and infrastructure sinking into thawed perma-frost.
    Piece # 11: Right wing Republicans and corporate benefactors doing everything in their power to protect their interests in the extremely short time they will be able to enjoy them.
    Oh, I could go on forever, but the SKY just has too many fallen pieces for me to list as I have to go out and shovel the 16″ of new snow we just got here in Garrett County Maryland.
    Chicken Little

  6. Journal: ClimateGate 20 December 2009 Afternoon « Public Intelligence Blog on December 20th, 2009 1:47 pm

    [...] Jesse Ventura on Global Warming: A Secret Plot to Take Over the World? [...]

  7. John Herron on December 20th, 2009 3:42 pm

    Though I believe Jesse’s show is very poorly done that does not mean its totally inaccurate. It is true that Global Warming is all about money and power, as most scams have been throughout the ages. But its not a giant conspiracy, perhaps hundreds of little one’s, or perhaps just a bunch of greedy people working individually. Al Gore is certainly getting rich off this scam, now it turns out that Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s IPCC is also getting rich from it (both are heavily invested in carbon credit companies and companies making profits from lowered carbon emissions that they support). Companies such as Goldman Sachs which hope to make Billions off this scam are lobbying heavily for a U.N. enforced Carbon trading system. It was just reported today that top police officers in Europe say that “carbon-trading is an organized crime scheme that has robbed the continent of $7.4 billion”.

    Besides the carbon credit scheme there are thousands of scientists that are “skeptical” about anthropogenic global warming and hundreds of peer reviewed studies that cast doubt on AGW. Yet the MSM never brings this up.

    If you would like more details about the Global Warming Hoax and the Carbon Credit scam see our website at

  8. Jesse "The Investigator" Ventura 2012 on December 20th, 2009 6:30 pm

    didn’t read the article after recognizing it was nothing but a piece of smear, don’t have time for any of that garbage

    but that ventura special exposing the global warming fraud was top notch. keep up the good work jesse

    “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”

    – H.L. Mencken

  9. CO2-Global-Warming Theory/Lie on December 20th, 2009 6:42 pm

    You have to wonder why so many people are pretending that the earth is still warming. I mean why are so many trying to keep the CO2-global-warming theory alive when it clearly is dead?

  10. h shuler on December 20th, 2009 8:22 pm

    I’m not a scientist , but if co2 is the problem, then maybe we need to get rid of
    half of the population of the world. people breathe out co2, plants take it in, as
    best i can remember. problem is more people, less plants. the theory is a hozx

  11. David Scott on December 20th, 2009 11:03 pm

    I could be paddling a rowboat down Market Street in San Francisco after the poles have melted, and there will still be conservative fanatics who deny that humans are responsible for Global Warming or that it is even real. I invite you to my web-pages devoted to raising awareness on this urgent issue:

  12. James on December 20th, 2009 11:17 pm

    Tell me, Why didn’t this article mention the CEO of The corporation that Al Gore is deeply invested in? This article mentions every other interviewee but this one…..

    This is an Obvious weighted article.

  13. TNSONOFLIBERTY on December 20th, 2009 11:40 pm

    Sue is OBVIOUSLY biased and a liberal sheep. A few :
    1) “…unabashedly promotes crazy conspiracy theories.” -crazy? really?
    2)”…he decided that global warming is actually a hoax ….cue scary doomsday.” What she states is dismissive and sarcastic.
    3) “…and crazy conspiracy theorist…” Now she’s a psycho-analyst.
    4) “…rabid Al Gore hater,…” Now she’s a medical physician, besides who really likes Al Gore anyway? He’s stiff, dim-witted and talks like he’s on quaaludes. And the list goes on…too many really to waste my time listing.
    This biased, idiotic, liberal piece of human defecation obviously suffers from delusions of self importance. We can only hope she and more of her type take the N1H1 flu vaccine, get the RFID chip, and are the first wave to be herded into the FEMA camps…meanwhile we’ll partner with Ventura, Jones, Paul, and other patriots to defend the US against enemies both without and WITHIN…

  14. Crown on December 21st, 2009 3:09 am

    I really feel sorry for all you lost souls out there who aren’t in conformity with the truth and especially for the demoralized fool that wrote this post. Yes, it’s all fact what we are all experiencing in this evil dysfunctional world. The international money powers are very close at hand to fulfilling their world order, and will do so as swiftly as slitting a lamb’s throat. Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones certainly do not posses the whole truth; they are blind and only see a small part of the truth, they don’t have the whole piece of the puzzle. Alex can keep blowing the trumpet till the cows come home and it’s not going to change the fulfillment of events that will eventually consume the average man woman and child. Don’t feel angry and certainly don’t let your ego falsely lead you astray, for if you do you will be consumed into the flames. There is only one way out of this, and if everyone joined together in tandem and applied it, it would crush their evil heads in a New York minute…

  15. akston on December 21st, 2009 3:22 am

    Nice attempt to smear anyone involved with the show as anti-semitic. As you can see by the comments here, no one is buying your BS. You lose.

  16. DUH'HUH on December 21st, 2009 12:58 pm

    Listen up.

    The Earth has been freezing and warming over, and over, and over, for MILLIONS of years.

    The Earth is at the end of an ice age. <– This means the ice melts… HELLO!

    Were you not paying attention in Earth science?

    Try and stop nature, see how far ya get.

  17. Fred on December 21st, 2009 5:24 pm

    The money has already been made, now to get rid of the useless eaters that are ruining their planet

  18. Midwest on December 21st, 2009 6:58 pm

    If you figure out how and why the US allowed the crumble of its financing system, then you will learn the truth of other matters. Lets just say that not all Navy Seals are on the up and up for their country. History proves time and time again that the midwest is the banking forecasters and pivot point to the US, now who is backing the banks in Europe and if the truth be known in the US. McMafia? In Europe only? So who is the evil Kabal that decides who lives, who dies, and who gets elected? Hawaii? Who was in the Islands in January prior to launching the “I don’t have to prove my birth certificate” but I will reveal the secrets of the white house documents and the previous wars. Why did Obama visit St. Louis so much? Why did he decide on putting the Kabal with him in the white house to work side by side with him? The greatest mafia of all is the one you can not see……………………….. “McMafia” only in Europe? Check out the US and write a story.

  19. Midwest on December 21st, 2009 7:03 pm

    Climate change? Then why build more? Why more casinos that use a ton of power to keep the machine chimming and the lights flashing? If it is all about power then why approve more building? It is a joke, like having confidence your present governing system is a joke. Now you as citizens have to pay more for your electric bill because of the global warming, but a new casino is going in down the street. Make sense yet?

  20. Midwest on December 21st, 2009 7:10 pm

    Maybe a midwest Navy Seal with a daughter who worked in the banks getting all kinds of perks along the way and job security along with bonuses and seen in Hawaii to help launch the “Obama” election will give you some insight. Lets just say that her Mexican connection worked well for her and her bankers but to all good things must come an end and so the government waged a “war on drugs” to cover their tracks and make the “bad guys” the Mexicans not the bankers doing business with them. Besides Miss all powerful Rhonda made enough of her corrupt money that she was ready to retire after 20 years of service in helping create “the empire” of which she believes she should be queen, that is why she sports the Trinidad diamond.

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