Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November Love/Hate

Know what I love? The way when a lot of people donate a leeetle money to a good cause, it becomes a LOT of money for the cause.

Know what I hate? Adam Rex's moustache.

HERE, the fantabulous Bridget Zinn auction is going on. Bridget, you'll recall, got a book deal and a cancer diagnosis in the same month. She's doing ok, but her treatment is hellishly expensive. Happily, she has lots of fellow children's book people who don't know her and yet who care about her.

HERE, Adam Rex is raising money for schoolchildren. Last year he raised a bunch of funds for Philadelphia schools; this year it's Tucson schools. (And you have the option of donating to schools in YOUR immediate area.) Please, donate some money and help us make him shave.

(What I love most: that the community of children's book people is so generous. You, my readers and your friends and colleagues: you're awesome.)


April Henry said...

And Bridget just sold her book yesterday! What a year - an agent, a marriage, a diagnosis of colon cancer, and a sale - all in 2009.

She is the sweetest person - I'm donating a 20-page critique.

Phillip Hilliker said...

Best of luck to Ms. Zin. I can't even imagine the year of highs and lows that she must be experiencing.I wish her infinitely more highs, though.

As for the mustaches, December 1st can't get here fast enough. I'm looking forward to a good shave. This thing is driving me crazy.

My wife is the one going through the worst of it. She has to look at my ugly mug and awkward mustache every day.

The kids better be worth it! (Of course, they are.)