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Find the perfect gift

Find the perfect gift

Check out the Holiday Gift Guide to find the latest and greatest gifts for everyone on your list.

Phone for the holidays

Phone for the holidays

A wide variety of new Windows phones are available now, just in time for the holidays!

Is your PC ready?

Is your PC ready?

You may be able to run Windows 7 on your current PC. Download the free Upgrade Advisor to find out.

New security updates

New security updates

December security updates are now available. Update today to help protect your computer.


Download Internet Explorer 8
Experience faster, easier, and safer browsing.

Make your own music
Find out how to write, record, and edit music on your PC.

Check for flu symptoms
Take the flu self-assessment and learn what to do next.

Keep it hush-hush
Learn how IE8 can help you keep your holiday shopping a secret.

8 tips for holiday photos
Turn routine holiday photos into something special.

Holiday clip art—free!
Find festive Office Online images.

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